I'm officially claiming Golden Gates as the cutest convention mascot. Just look at that pony. Shes beyond adorable.
BABSCon has something in the works for Hearts and Hooves day tomorrow with two three day passes available for the winners of it! Head on down below the break for the details.
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Nightly Discussion #261
by Calpain
If anyone can pull off a truly royal look it's Rarity. Sorry Twilight, you just don't have the style of everyone's favorite white unicorn.
Evening everyone! Ready for the weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
IDW has released a press release detailing the unfortunate circumstances that has unfortunately led to all IDW Comics releasing next Wednesday to be delayed.
This is a problem that is going to be ongoing for duration of the labor disputes currently plaguing all US West Coast seaports.
When will MLP:FiM #28, MLP:FF #14, and MLP: Adventures in Friendship #2 actually hit comic shops? Your guess is as good as mine.
Full press release below the break.
Spread friendship across EQUESTRIA! Hasbro Studios has uploaded yet another trailer for the new season, complete with more of that new character that we saw in the last one. Are you excited? Cause I'm excited.
Now go check it out below!
Thanks to Caleb, Sidral, Nyx, and everyone else for sending it!
Prove me wrong commenters. Can you even come close to how cute Little Pip is sometimes? That boring color scheme is part of her charm.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Toaster repair pony
Hot Topic has two new listings for the keychains above. If Funko's current selection of molded figures and GLORIOUS princesses wasn't enough, we now have yet another thing for you all to collect from the Pop! lineup.
Have some links:
Funko Rainbow Dash
Funko Discord
What is it about Fridays that make them a busy news day?
Anyways, Big Wow Comicfest is a comic convention taking place on April 18th–19th in the sunny—and hopefully warm—city of San Jose, California!
For those of you who live in the area, consider checking out the show.
There's always fun to be had a comic con!
Special thanks to Foal Papers—one of the guys who developed the Pony Cons App—for the heads up! -
PINKIE PIE! You are now cake! Not to be confused with that Poppin Pinkie Pie from the Playskool lineup, this one is actually a full on game. The amazon description does a good job of explaining it:
- Poppin' Pinkie Pie game is cake-decorating fun
- Balloons make the cake prettier with every turn
- Pinkie Pie figure pops out of the cake
- If she does it on your turn you win
- Unlock the character in the My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app (device not included)
So ponies popping out of cake finally came full circle. I still remember that fateful day three and a half years ago when Madmax first introduced the concept:Good times. Confusing times all around, but good times.
Get Pinkie's Poppin' Game over here! Or at least when it's actually available.
Thanks to Zimail for the heads up!
I hope everyone in Kansas City, Missouri, didn't think that you were going to be left high and dry when it comes to IDW MLP Comics this year. For that's not the case at all.
Planet Comicon will have Katie Cook, Tony Fleecs, and Andy Price in attendance as part of their show guests on March 13th–15th!
I swear, it's getting to the point that these three are the most well traveled convention trio on the whole IDW MLP Comic Staff.
Don't forget to checkout the IDW Staff Convention Circuit 2015 Mega Post to keep up to date with all the appearances of the IDW MLP Comic Staff! You never know who's going to show up local! -
A new type of meetup group is looking to try something interesting. With conventions being as big as they are, why not shift one over to a cruise ship and get some travel going instead? Seabronies hopes to start up meetup groups that actually do some traveling! If you are anything like me, you are probably beyond sick of convention centers.
Right now, things are only in the planning stages, but some big names are on board with it including the original creator of BronyCon, as well as the leader of Bronies-NYC and the artistic lead for BABSCon.
Anyway, head on down below the break for the specifics!
DasDeer starts us off with some fast paced instrumentaly goodness, followed by a Russian acoustic version of Open Your Eyes. Get both of them below!
1.) DasDeer - Market Mayhem (Instrumental - Fantasy Metal)
2.) [1k Sub. Special] Aviators - Open Your Eyes (Cover by EnergyBrony) [RUS] (Vocal - Acoustic Russian)
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Russian -
I like to think that when the two sisters are alone and don't have to put on any airs that they are just silly siblings. Here's hoping we get a Celestia and Luna episode this season!
Comics again my friends! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Looks like Bronycon is mixing up their comic staff guests this year! I hope you're all ready to meet the writer of the Nightmare Rarity Arc, cause Bronycon's got Heather Nuhfer!
Be sure to check out the IDW Staff Convention Circuit 2015 Mega Post to see what other conventions Agnes and the rest of the IDW Staff will be attending!
Get the full press release below the break!
Animation: Valentine's Day
by Calpain
A short and simple Valentine's Day animation. Spread the love everyone!
Check it out after the break!
Dating or being married to a princess can be very stressful business! At least Shining is giving Flash some advice now.
More comics! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Piles of Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Dolls Appear - Midnight Twilight Sparkle, Photo Finish, and more!
by Sethisto
With Equestria Girls: Friendship Games now completely confirmed for fall of this year, the inevitable flood of merchandise has begun. The image above is actually the most interesting here. Twilight Sparkle looks to be hitting yet another evolutionary princess form for the movie. I'm sure more information on that will appear later on though.
Head on down below the break for loads of EG Dolls and playsets.
The investor conference is still going on and we've got another little encouraging tidbit from the presentation regarding FiM! According to the presentation, Hasbro is looking to invest more cash into MLP:FiM The Movie starting this year and ramping up again in 2016. They mention that it's still a modest budget, but more money is better than less!
I guess the extra revenue Hasbro is making from pony is making its way back to the show in some way thankfully! Let's hope this helps make the movie as awesome as possible!
Update: And based on the chart, "2017 and beyond" is checked for MLP films. Expect more after EG3 and possibly more pony after the 2017 movie. They ramp up investment in the first movie in 2016, so the following year may be another one entirely.
Twitter: Calpain -
Hasbro's Investor slideshow is currently underway for Toy Fair 2015, and we now officially have a topic for season 5! Cutie Mark Magic has been hinted at quite a bit in the merchandise for the past few weeks, and this is the result of that apparently.
Expect more as Toy Fair continues! Follow our Toy Fair tag to check it all out.
(Update: This slide may have been both Cutie Mark Magic as well as a celebration at the 100th episode airing soon, so bg ponies might be back to confirmed).
Today is the day of the New York Toy Fair. While we are still waiting for Season 5, people who are interested in the adventures of the HuMane 6 have something to look forward to later this year.
During Hasbro's investor presentation, they officially announced the title and approximate release for the third Equestria Girls movie. Equestria Girls: Friendship Games will release in Fall 2015.
Twitter: Gameleon -
For those of you who live in—or are planning to visit—the Washington DC area, MLP Artist Agnes Garbowska will be a special guest at Awesome Con during the May 29th–31st weekend!
She'll be joining fellow MLP Comic Staff Members Tony Fleecs, and Jeremy Whitley!
It looks like the show is starting to get a decent number of MLP Comic staff there. I wonder if they'll have a panel.
Anyways, be sure to check out the IDW Staff Convention Circuit 2015 Mega Post to see what other conventions Agnes and the rest of the IDW Staff will be attending! -
Early Morning Discussion #118
by Calpain
We got this really cool banner in the mail a few days ago and while it doesn't have the proper dimensions we thought it would work well for a discussion! Pointy ponies are just so cute~
Morning everyone! Ready to chat? Banner thanks to foxxy00candy!
Twitter: Calpain
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