Nightly Roundup #1139
by Calpain
How about some Luna for this Nightly Roundup? Got to say, the Arabian look works really well for her!
News time, get it all after the break guys!
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Nightly Discussion #255
by Calpain
Not sure how realistic it would be for Chrysalis to attack the Crystal Empire. Seems like charging in at the two ponies that defeated her would be a suicide attempt.
Evening guys! Sorry for this being at 7pm last night, I derped. Have one at the proper time!
Twitter: Calpain -
More Random Knockoff Plushie Ponies Appear - Cheese Sandwich, Lunar Guard, Apple Brown, and Fleur
by Sethisto
Seems the 12 INCHES lineup is starting to break off into the mega-fringe. These four have been spotted over on eBay in various locations, as is the norm for the knockoffs. Here's me wondering how they aren't getting the axe considering how fast Youtube takedowns seem to happen.
As always, be wary of purchasing random knockoffs on eBay.
Thanks to LadyLace, Lucy, and Bob for the heads up!
Twilight, you should really ask permission before touching things that don't belong to you. You're just going to... never mind probably too late for that.
Comics! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
In a silent visual medium like comics, there are few things that can affect the mood of the scene than color. After all, the pastel colored equines of the main series are always cheerful, bright and colorful. The villains of the show, not quite as much, and theses guys are the one's starring in Fiendship is Magic.
Heather Breckel was kind enough to spend a few moments of her time to sit down with EQD and talk about her involvement in the series.
You can find the interview below the break as always!
Twilight Sparkle pulls this off so well. Why can't I have another side adventure series for pony already Hasbro?! Where is my extra pony to survive these long pony hiatus with awesome pony armor and robes?!
An outrage I say!
Today we had way too many potential header images, so I tossed them into a random number generator. Lots of great stuff today. NOW GO!
[1] Source
Fate: Twilight Caster
As much fun as it is going to the various line cons throughout the world to meet your favorite comic book creators, voice actors, omnipotent demigods, etc, it can be a pain in the neck keeping track of who's going to be at each convention.
Simply because of the sheer number of conventions out there, and the sheer number of various personalities that need to be kept track of.
There are a few big expensive conventions out there—San Diego Comic Con will probably have everyone, but it also sells out a year in advance—however sometimes there are smaller shows where you might have a better chance of spending a little bit more time with the person looking to meet.
Well, here at Equestria Daily we've compiled a list of all known convention appearances—comic and otherwise—of the active IDW MLP Comic Staff. It's organized alphabetically by last name—to make it semi-easy to find the person you're looking for.
However, the list is also incomplete. For many conventions, it's still too early for them to be making announcements. Fortunately, this post is going to be updated & maintained throughout the year as more appearances are announced.
If you happen to come across an announcement for anyone on the MLP Comic staff, be sure to submit it to us. We'll take care to add it to the list—and make an announcement post—as soon as possible.
You can find the full list of scheduled appearances below the break!
LOVEBUTT ARRIVES. Her big holiday is just a week away, and the pony fandom just happens to love worshipping her every hoofstep with boatloads of glorious pony love. And so begins the February Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest Fanfic Event, or SHH&HLFE for short. Yes it's complicated, but love is complicated, so deal with it.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to write whatever damn pony pairing you please. It can be some oldschool mane 6 shipping, all 6 at once, background pony x background pony, Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink, or whatever else you feel like pulling off for maximum love filled impact.
No explicit clop!
For the sake of not angering the overlords of the EQD complaint box, full on explicit clop won't be accepted. Feel free to explore deeply without crossing that explicit boundary though. If you saw it on cable or at the movies, and it wasn't on HBO at 3am or NC-17, it's probably fine.
Other rules:
- Word count must hit 1000 minimum
- No gore. Bring the LOVE! Dark is fine though.
- Love points for including donuts in some way
- Love points can be redeemed for internet points, which are completely useless.
- Shinytwi/twishiny/twinyarmor/shininglight is creepy but we aren't banning it due to popular demand and because Friendship is Witchcraft proves they aren't related.
- Update: Only new fics! Please don't send old ones.
Submit your fanfic over here! Entries close on Valentines Day (February 14th) at 3:00 AM Pacific Time. We may take late entries for a few hours afterward, but don't aim for that!
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Heya everyone! Apologies in advance but there will not be any streams next weekend due to me being at PonyCon! Until then how about we enjoy who we have for today? Get them all after the break!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
Ready for the ultimate challenge? Do you crave DA MUSICS?! Someone going by the name of Mars Orbit has compiled up all the music we have spotlit over the years, over 1100 songs in total. Can you handle all that music? Is it even possible to listen to that much music without losing your mind?
Now go! Check it all out over here. Consider it a good way to catch up for all you people new to the pony music scene that only check out Archie and Tombstone music posts we toss up these days!
I know how many of you love the electronic stuff, so lets get two of those out today! ScratchAttack brings the first one, with more Spectra in the second slot. Get both below!
1.) Gash3d - Falling [StrachAttack Remix] (Instrumental - Electronic)
2.) Spectra - Unity (Equestrian Politics track #04) (Instrumental - Trance)
Fausticorn makes a very supportive teacher! No wonder the sisters are so good at what they do.
Comics everyone! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Have we seen a brushable Roseluck in any of the toylines before? I can't seem to remember one. Regardless, Taobao once again has a leak joining the other flowery ponies from earlier. Similiar to those, the set is still a mystery. Here's to hoping we get some information on these things soon!
Thanks to Rexa for the heads up. -
The opportunities for show staff to make it to Asian conventions is a bit lower than those in the US and Canada, but thanks to the magic of the internet that doesn't mean they can't say hello to fans all around the world! As such The Friendship Express is beginning crowdfunding to get a Skype call with Vincent Tong, the voice of Flash Sentry and more.
Check on after the break to learn how you can donate today!
Early Morning Discussion #112
by Calpain
While we always see the royal guard I wonder how big Equestria's standing army is or if it even has a standing army? I know they have the Wonderbolts, but what else?
Morning everyone, ready to chat on this wonderful weekend?
Twitter: Calpain
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