Nightly Roundup #1132
by Calpain
If Sweetie Belle's cuteness could be weaponized I don't think humanity would stand much of a chance. She's just too cute~
Evening everyone, shorter Roundup tonight, but that just means you can digest it quicker! Get it all after the break.
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If you are one of those people collecting ALL the pony covers, or just want something different, the 28th installment of the series now has this as it's Retail Incentive version drawn by Mary Bellamy. Expect CAKE, along with some Derpy and ridiculously happy Pinkie Pie.
Thanks to Stefano for sending it! -
Pretty amazing what can be done with little pony emoticons from dA! If you're creative enough you can do just about anything.
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Nightly Discussion #244
by Calpain
Hello again everyone! After updating my router everything seems to be back to normal. A huge thanks to CouchCrusader for stepping in last night. He's a lifesaver!
Now my friends, ready for a chat?
Twitter: Calpain
Equestria Daily Interview Series: Interview with IDW Editor Bobby Curnow Part 2 of 5
by The Illustrious Q
Welcome to part of Equestria Daily's Interview with Bobby Curnow! In this installment we'll delve into some of Bobby's current non-MLP comic editing duties.
Instead of equine or human, surprisingly, those duties are very… reptilian.
You'll be able to find out all about those, as well as Bobby's time writing for IDW after the break!
I think I have a thing for Donut pony. This is a marvelous idea. I need one.
Get some art below while I go buy some donuts.
[1] Source
Donut pony (Patreon reward)
Story: The Last Trumpet's Call
by Calpain
Author: Cold in Gardez
The Long Patrol is an extension of the crown. It brings the rule of law and the princess's banner to the far reaches of the kingdom, the places where harmony fades and the wild chaos of nature still reigns.
In times past, all the tribes took part in the patrol. Today, it is mostly pegasi and a few gryphons. The distances they travel are simply too vast for anyone without wings.
Like most gryphons who join, I wanted to get away from my kind. I dreamed of the adventures I would have and the friends I would make. I certainly got those.
I just wish the price weren't so high.
The Last Trumpet's Call
Additional Tags: A gryphon and his friend
Top Video running Jhaller is running an event today leading up to 25 greatest videos of 2014! The festivites start at 7:00 PM EST/4PM PST (So a bit after this post goes up). Head on down below for the intro video, or over here to prep for the event!
Over on the Playstation Network store a bunch of pony avatars have been added for purchase! Want to represent your favorite pony or dragon and make people rage at losing to a person with a pony avatar? Well, PSN has got your back!
Thanks to BurningKikoKen for sending it in.
PSN Store Page
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I've been seeing a lot of Sunset Shimmer rockin' weaponry or high tech gadgets lately. I am very much alright with this.
We haven't had a 3D art post in a while, mainly because no one submits it. You should do that. Send us 3D art.
And get this 3D art below!
[1] Source
[SFM] Don't Get Too Close
It seems like forever since we last posted an update on this one. Adventure of the Lunarbolts has been in development for quite a while now. If you haven't been following it over the years, It's pretty much your oldschool style top down turn based RPG, complete with it's own pony models. Head on down below the break for a whopping 30 minute video update to get us all up to speed on it's progress!
So much major game news lately! With Legends of Equestria and Horse Game rockin it last weekend, it's time to move on to some Fallout Equestria from Overmare Studios.
Similar to the actual Fallout games, ability boosting narcotics will be available to devour for your travels throughout the wasteland. Assuming you aren't lazy like me and never use consumables. Too much work!
Anyway, go check it out over here. -
I am seriously going to have to ask Agnes the next time I see her if she's memorized the Rainbow Rocks soundtrack yet.
Or perhaps it's the whole movie?
Anyways, Agnes has once again tossed up another SPOC Sneak Peek up on her instagram account!
For those of you who want to be spoiled—you know who you are—you can find it after the break!
I'm really impressed with the style Timey Wimey uses. Such crazy detail and dedication to telling a story. Hope it continues for quite some time!
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Daring Do Goes Electronic! Check out "Dive" from Giggly Maria and &I - (Because I Said So)
by Sethisto
It's pretty early here, and I'm doing my usual morning EQD duties. During this time, I'm usually starting to nod off while desperately attempting to finish everything.
Fortunately for people like me, music tends to bring ENERGY, and upbeat stuff like this is the perfect way to do it!
Head on down below for some glorious electronic style DARING DO!
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