Nightly Roundup #1131
by Calpain
How about some moon butt for the Roundup tonight? Seems appropriate!
Heya guys! Finally got enough for a big Roundup tonight, get it all after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #242
by Calpain
Rarity sure can pull off the regal look! Doesn't she just look fabulous?
Heya guys! Another weekend over. Ready for Monday?
Twitter: Calpain -
Berry Punch looks looks ridiculously happy. I wonder how alcoholism works in ponyland? Or maybe that's not even an alcoholic drink? Maybe Berry Punch is just drinking... berry punch? What if our entire idea of Berry has been wrong all along?!
Everything I've ever known is a lie.
It's art time! Head on down below the break for all of it as always.
[1] Source
Punched berry.
Sometimes it's the most normal ones that turn out to be the weirdest inside, Luna, don't forget that!Comics! Click for full!
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In the land of knockoffs, few things are sacted. Several of you out there have shown dislike for the Equestria Girls merchandise lines in the past, but I present to you something legitimately horrifying. Imagine if you will, the dolls up above being our official lineup of EG dolls. Could you handle it? What if you ran into one of these in your hallway in the middle of the night? Doomed.
Thanks to Ryan for sending it!
We haven't had a wallpaper post in a while, or a Twilight Sparkle diagram at that. Truly a wondrous pony, isn't she?
Get the usual stuff below!
And as always, hit the sources up for the full sizes.
[1] Source
Twilight Sparkle: Blueprints
If you are one of those collectors out there, or people that wait until the volume editions of the MLP comics release, we have the 6th now available for purchase over on Amazon. This one includes the following:
The Trixie Manehattan arc
The Pets Issue
The Discord, Fluttershy, and Cutie Mark Crusaders Comic
Check it out over hereif you want it!
Thanks to Robert for sending it!
The collectors out there appear to have a boatload of stuff to buy this year! Amazon has tossed up a pile of listings, covering all sorts of ponies from the Apple Family. Characters as vague as Apple Strudel join some of the more well known ones, including Flam from Flim and Flam.
Head on down below the break for the full listing, with potential image matches for each of the ponies. Unfortunately we don't have the actual toy images yet.
Thanks to Micheal for the links!
Comic: Marble Pegasi / Handwriting / Muffin / Better Late... / Adapting to... P5 / Equestria Stories P091
by Sethisto
Slendermane meets: The Mane 6. This is actually multiple parts, so be sure to check the description for the PILES OF AWESOMENESS. It doesn't end at Fluttershy
And after that, have some one shots:
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We Do What We Must Because We Can...
by Calpain -
Early Morning Discussion #101
by Calpain
AJ may buck the apples, but someone has to lug around the finished cider. You rock, Big Mac!
Morning guys! Ready for chat?
Twitter: Calpain
It is now 12:00 am MST on January 25 2015 and Submissions to the Equestria Daily More Most Dangerous Game Competition are now CLOSED.Thanks to everyone who entered! The judges are eager to start their work and see what amazing stories you've all created. We'll keep you posted on how things are going. for now however, I need sleep.
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