Nightly Roundup #1130
by Calpain
How could you Rarity?! Forcing AJ to pretty up against her will? How dastardly!
Another Nightly Roundup is at hand! Get all the news after the break.
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Along with announcing the matching promo cards above and confirming Continental Championships this summer, it was announced today that there are now two formats for My Little Pony CCG play: "Harmony" and "Chaos is Magic," which share a ban list.
Harmony is for normal structured competitive play and is just like you've played before, and Chaos is Magic adds fun new rules to the game that totally change up deckbuilding. February's Chaos Rule is that you start the game with TWO Mane Character cards in play!
The ban list is four cards: Fluttershy, Guidance Counselor from Premiere, Rainbowshine, Cloud Wrangler from Premiere, Globe Trotter, Sight Seer from Canterlot Nights, and Magical Mailbox from The Crystal Games.
Sometimes cards are introduced into games that work outside of the norm their developers want to stick to, and in this case "Fluttergui" caused negative play experiences and messed with game flow, Globe Trotter and Magical Mailbox were parts of one-turn-win combo decks that messed up the normally interactive nature of the game, and the existence of Rainbowshine is a roadblock for development because we have to prevent the creation of new combo decks.
Check out the full news release below or on Facebook, which also has details about a Tweet chat to Q&A with the dev team about the news!
Almost two years ago, the brony fandom descended upon a fundraiser for the Sylmar, CA-based Wildlife Learning Center promoted by none other than Lauren Faust herself. You know, the creator of Friendship is Magic and number one reason we're here today? You can see the results of that fundraiser above: we raised enough money to name that bunny Angel, and that Sulcatta tortoise Tank.
The WLC is at it again, this time to raise funds for an onsite veterinary suite to better treat the animals it cares for. Every dollar sent their way helps, and once again, Lauren's ponied up a plethora of donation incentives just for us.
- Signed prints and Funko figures
- One-of-a-kind Fluttershy sketches by Lauren
- A raffle for Lauren to sketch your OC
Heck, you could even have Tara Strong or John de Lancie record a voicemail message just for you.
Or, you could chill in LA for a day with Lauren, Cindy Morrow, Amy Keating Rogers, M.A. Larson, and Meghan McCarthy, with more Friendship is Magic writers possibly joining as time goes on. MLP WRITERS PARTY. There's an Instagram or two there, I'm sure.
Help some sick animals, get sick perks. Hit the break for a short message from Lauren, then click the header image or head on over here and make Mama (Faust) proud!
Nightly Discussion #239
by Calpain
Science ponies represent! Wonder what sort of project they are all working on?
Heya guys, hope you are finding your Thursday well!
Twitter: Calpain -
SFM: Spike Rig Promo
by Calpain
Ponies in SFM videos are quite common and they have just been getting better and better as time has gone on. Unfortunately I haven't seen much of Spike in these vids, but now it looks like that might just be about to change!
Herostrain who made the Luna SFM we saw yesterday has released this little demonstration of a new IK Rig for Spike that will make animating him in videos a lot easier than using just bone animation. Check on after the break for the video!
What do you think of ponies standing on two legs? Does it look weird to you? Or cute?
Get some art below while you ponder it!
[1] Source
Party Pone
And the Fiendship is Magic news just keeps on coming.
Tony has tossed up an SPOC Peek on his instagram account for Tirek's solo issue.
What does it contain? Perhaps protagonist of the tail? Or maybe something we've seen before but from a different angle?
As usual, if you want to be spoiled, you can find it after the break!
Here comes convention season! Expect a boatload of news to come flooding in soon. For now, have some headlines for today:
Midwest BronyFest Art Contest
The Friendship Express - Website Now Ready
ThaiPonyCon 2015 General Update
Brony Fair Startnext
BronyCAN 2015 Date and Location Announced, Pre-registration Opens
Great British Brony Convention Announces New Guests, Early Bird Tickets, and Opening of Applications
And get the full releases below the break!
When pony first started up way back in 2010, many regarded Equestria as a sort of Utopia. Sure we had some 1000 year old nightmare horse causing trouble, and a major catastrophe or two, but overall, life seemed pretty carefree for the ponies of Ponyville.
Following it's introduction, a swarm of "Human in Equestria" and "Transform into a pony and go to Equestria" fanworks started to appear. We ran polls and discussions on the topic, with many leaning toward dropping everything and just leaving Earth for good. Four seasons later, the world has largely been revealed to us. Pony life isn't quite as carefree as we were originally lead to believe.
So, how well does Equestria compare to Earth? Would dropping everything, gaining hooves, and teleporting to ponyland be the key to a new and much more entertaining life?
Go hit up some EQD editorialness below!
SFM: Family Reunion - The Walking Fluttershy
by Calpain
For those of you who are familiar with The Walking Dead games you'll certainly recognize this scene! Can't wait till we have a season 3.
Get the small clip after the break!
[Adventure][Dark][Slice of Life]
Author: Vdrake77
Description: Not all changelings are fit for life in a hive. But that doesn't mean they're capable of life outside it, either. Join one such changeling as he tries to find his place in Equestria, and what the difference is between survival and living.
The Changeling Of The Guard (New Part 34!)
Additional Tags: Changeling seeks to join guardop 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Vdrake77, Celestia, Chrysalis, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, OC Ponies, Shining Armor, Story -
Dash might have been a bit mean with her motivational speech, but I think Pinkie's approach isn't much better, heh.
Comics! Click for full!
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Twitter: Calpain -
It's not often we see a Photo Finish... anything. Season one ponies tend to die out over time. She really did always have an awesome model for a Twilight Sparkle recolor.
Now go get some Cosplay stuff below the break!
[1] Source
Photo Finish 4
Early Morning Discussion #98
by Calpain
Pinkie knows what's up! Time to get down and rock out... though it might be too early for most of us, huh?
Morning guys, hope you slept well! Chat time!
Twitter: Calpain
We don't have a whole lot to post tonight, so lets celebrate how ridiculously cute this Flutterbat is. Just look at that determined apple eating look on her face. And those ears... the best ears.
We need to just clone all the plushie artists out there so we can get stuff like this for your average joe!
Found over on ButtercupBaby Deviant Art.
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