FIENDship Magic #5 - Queen Chrysalis Revealed! - Release Date, Synopsis, Writers, Artists
by Sethisto
Chrysalis was arguably the most popular villain of the last few years. With ridiculous amounts of fan art, an awesome character model, and an entire race backing her that has an almost unlimited amount of possibilities, that isn't too surprising.
She will be the last in the series of five comics making up the Fiendship is Magic series.
Get the added infos below the break, along with synopsis! And get the full Fiendship is Magic series over here.
teisipäev, 20. jaanuar 2015 op 23:21
Sildid: Comic, Fiendship is Magic, Not-Fanfiction, Official ComicShare This!103 Comments
FIENDship Magic #4 - Nightmare Moon Revealed! - Release Date, Synopsis, Writers, Artists
by Sethisto
Moonbutt sat her butt on the moon for 1000 YEARS. Time to explore THAT. What do you even do for that long? What could you possibly keep yourself occupied with?
Get the synopsis below the break, along with the other infos. And get the full Fiendship is Magic series over here.
Outside of their exploits in Equestria Girls, we didn't get a whole lot of information on the sirens from the Equestrian perspective. Here's to hoping Sonata Dusk stays cute. Best seapony thing.
Sirens will arrive 3rd once April's FIEND series begins. Get the synopsis and stuff the break! And get the full Fiendship is Magic series over here.
Tirek actually has a bit of history from the first generation of ponies, but as most things are completely different in our Equestria, chances are it's going to follow the same rule.
Head on down below the break for the writers, synopsis, and release date! And get the full Fiendship is Magic series over here.
We saw teasers all day for Fiendship is Magic, and now finally have something official to go on for the full release of the Fiendship is Magic series! I'll be splitting these into parts so you can all discuss whatever you wish over night with each. April is going to be crazy!
Comic #1 is dedicated to Sombra. We are getting a full history lesson out of it from the synopsis, though it doesn't go much further than that.
Get the details below the break! And get the full Fiendship is Magic series over here!
Early Morning Discussion #97
by Calpain
Ever hear a scary story that kept you from sleep? I used to remember reading the internet late at night back in early high school and scaring the crap out of myself with all sorts of creepy stories.
Hope you guys got some nice sleep! Ready for some chatting?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Roundup #1129
by Calpain
If Dinky were to have a pet do you think she'd have a little kitty? Well, whatever she were to end up with I bet it would be adorable no matter what.
News time guys! Check it all after the break.
A second card in the new MLP Autograph Card series from Enterplay has been released thanks to an instagram from Peter New. This time around it's Big Mac, to go along with Maud Pie!
More details to come on how to get yourself copies of these, but it's pretty likely that the upcoming MLP Series 3 Trading Cards prerelease at Ponycon 2015 has something to do with it... -
Yes I know this font is very small, but that angry pony is very big and likely to smash me should I get her attention.
I think that was the Hoofer Building… Anyways Hot Topic has listed their exclusive cover for MLP: FiM #27 on their website. And in a Hot Topic first, this one actually has the Hot Topic logo on the cover!
And that was the Equestrian Royal Guard! You can find Flutterhulk's cover on Hot Topic's website here!
Now, please excuse me while I run for my life! -
Nightly Discussion #237
by Calpain
Oh man that takes me back! I have not seen The Mask in YEARS! I should really remedy that sometime soon.
Heya everyone! Ready for some chatting?
Twitter: Calpain -
Sunset SHAMWOW. That's what pops up in my head sometimes when I talk about her. I don't know why. Maybe it's because Shamwow would make things so sparkly, and she makes me feel sparkly
Was that corny?
Less corny. Art below.
[0] Source
At the London Toy Fair 2015, attendees were treated to a sneak peek at a lot of new Hasbro toys that are potentially down the line. One such set dealt with new Equestria Girls products for the supposed next movie which is to be called Friendship Games.
According to an attendee to the fair who posted information on the UK of Equestria page the movie is likely to be coming out this August and a potential synopsis for the new movie was included in the guide handed out to those who went.
We don't have a picture of the guide so it's just a rumor so far, but we do have concept art of the potential new logo for the next movie as well as possible toys that you can see above which are located here.
Check on after the break for what the attendee saw in their guide in case you want to avoid any potential spoilers. Also available after the break are a number of toy concepts found on the Canal Toys website.
Thanks to Ayu for sending it in!
I'm really impressed with how far CouchCrusader has come with his artwork! It really shows with some dedication and practice you can become a great artist.
Comic updates people! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Heya everyone! Going to be trying some new things with the Artist Spotlight in the coming weeks so please bear with us as we experiment with things. Don't worry, you'll still get a nice selection of awesome artists to watch!
We've got a nice selection right after the break! If you're looking for submission information we're going to be closing that for a little while as we get caught up. Now, onto the artists!
Sometimes you just need to pop some Pinkie Pie. Luckily Hasbro has the answer to that age old human requirement coming soon via a new listing over on Amazon. Expect the following activities to be included in this one:
Nothing gets Pinkie Pie more excited than a surprise party! In the Poppin' Pinkie Pie game, you can help her decorate by taking turns placing balloons on the cake she just baked. The more you decorate, the more excited she gets - and if she pops out of the cake on your turn, you WIN! It's super easy to start another game, and when you're done you can store the balloons under the cake. It's one surprise after another with the Poppin' Pinkie Pie game! My Little Pony and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
- Poppin' Pinkie Pie game is cake-decorating fun
- Balloons make the cake prettier with every turn
- Pinkie Pie figure pops out of the cake
- If she does it on your turn you win
- Unlock the character in the My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app (device not included)
We will toss an image of it up when it appears. Currently they don't even have pre-orders available for it though.Now we just need a Lyra version to go with my favorite early fandom image of her. Look how Cute Lyra is. She doesn't even have cake on her fur. -
I for one am still completely stumped at how these site do this whole temporary sale thing, but we might as well keep following them. More 14 dollar shirts have arrived. If any of the designs are something you want, have some links:
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Ponies
Sketchy Rainbow Dash
Pony Party
DBZ Twilight Sparkle
Thanks to Niki for sending them!
MLP Gameloft Game Experiencing Reset Issues!
by Calpain
For fans of the MLP Gameloft game it looks like there have been a number of progress rollbacks and resets hitting some players. Gameloft is working hard to fix the issue, but it's been slow so far. As they mention, please contact their customer support in case you get hit by this problem!
Hope this clears up soon. Thanks for the heads up Dmitriy!
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Discussion: If You Had to Choose One Mane 6, Princess, or Major Side Pony To Never See Again, Who Would it Be?
by Sethisto
After that thing Season 5 Tweet from the other day that was later clarified, I think it's a good time to bring up the ultimate question! Lets go bring in that old hypothetical Hasbro executive who has been plucking around the EQD kitchen stealing our pizza rolls for the last few months for another one of those super serious show changing things that they are asking the loyal fans to tackle for them:
Due to an issue with merchandising, and a need to cut a few budgets, one of the characters we've come to know and love is being removed from the show permanently. It can be any of the mane 6, the princesses, or a side pony that pops up every once in a while with lines (Braeburn, Photo Finish, Coco Pommel, etc).
So good fandom advocate, who's getting the axe? Which pony would you be alright with never seeing again?
Hit those comments up!
I've been listening to that first song since it finished review earlier. It's just so... fun? Relaxing? Cozy? Soda? I don't even know. Ponies apparently drink soda though, so there is that.
And in slot number two, we get some
1.) Igna - Soda (Instrumental - Future Bass)
2.) Silver Note - Chasing Marks (SquareHead Remix) (Remix - Dubstep)
op 11:00
Sildid: Complextro, Dubstep, Electronic, Future Bass, Media, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-Fanfiction -
The Life and Times of Twilight Sparkle
by Calpain -
Early Morning Discussion #96
by Calpain
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