Now that is a really lovely EqG drawing of Sunset Shimmer! I really hope she gets to come back to Equestria at least for an episode. It'd be funny to see her get used to being a pony again.
News time my friends, get it after the break! Big thanks to Seth for covering last night while I watched Edge of Tomorrow and Summer Wars.
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Interesting Series Of Joke Replies About Season 5 from Jayson Thiessen, Followed by WHAT?
by Sethisto
Someone over on Twitter going by the name of Platypusbrony asked Jayson Thiessen for a season 5 teaser, and Jayson delivered! Unfortunately all of it was common knowledge... until his final tweet. Yeah, that's a doozy.
More below the break for them spoilers!
Update: Jayson has clarified some tweets here.
Amazing 3D HorseGame Finally Getting a Demo!
by Calpain
It's been awhile since our last update about the in development 3D pony extravaganza known simply as HorseGame! But wait no longer as Equidev has released an amazing little trailer that shows off the new demo they will be releasing super soon!
Combining elements from classic games like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter and more this game is sure to please! Check on after the break for the full video (in glorious 60FPS if you are capable) and for the full press release that contains information on their new website as well!
Nightly Discussion #235
by Calpain
While we see the CMC in really cute pictures quite often it isn't as often when we see them look badass and cool! Funny how the bow doesn't seem to detract from the rest of the headpiece but instead just seems to become a natural part of it.
Evening everyone! Another weekend in the dust. Ready to talk about it?
Twitter: Calpain -
UNLEASH THE MOON. Over the years, Luna here has been a big piece of the fandom puzzle. Even with a tiny amount of show time compared to everyone else, she still managed to produce just as much stuff as most of the mane 6 ponies. How is it possible? What madness does Luna conjure to make you all love her so much?
We have art and you need it. Head on down below to bask in glorious drawn ponies.
[1] Source
We have a song from that Academy of Power project froma while back, dedicated to Twilight Sparkle's determination to ceack Pinkie in "Feeling Pinkie Keen", followed by a bit of rap in the second slot! Get both below!
1.) Plum Creek Rhythm Section - "A Light, an Answer" [Official Lyric Video] (Vocal -Rock)
2.) Equestrian Threat - Hurricane (Vocal - Rap)
Wow, I was not expecting that to win at all. You people sure are faithful. I'd probably fall into that second one. Trixie's my OG MEGA MARE but I stray to others every once in a while.
We need polls! So go suggest some in the comments!
Until then, have some moon:
You are offered 13 Luna Episodes (in season 5), but never another Luna episode in future seasons. Would you take it?
And get the results of this one below the break!
The Free to Play MMORPG Firefall has a bit of pony love in the form of the three Cutie Mark Crusaders selling various weapons and gear. While not directly naming them after the ponies for obvious reasons, those surnames and armor colors are pretty obvious.
Thanks to Jack for the heads up!
Author: Hoopy McGee
Description: Twilight's got a pretty good life going in Ponyville. Her days are full of friendship, studying, and the studying of friendship. On top of that, she's a princess in a fancy crystal castle in Ponyville. Her life is as close to perfect as she can imagine it...
Except for that weird noise that has suddenly started keeping her up at night.
Toot your own horn
Additional Tags: Twilight's horn makes weird noisesop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Hoopy McGee, Celestia, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Random, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle, Zecora -
Well this comic took a turn for the unexpected! I really do appreciate the comics that don't give away what's going to happen in the first panel... well unless they are a one panel comic; they get a pass.
Comics my friends! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain
My Little Chubbies Closes Its Doors
by Calpain
While today marks the fourth anniversary of our own site we must sadly mark the end of another part of pony culture today. Three years ago an artist named Rai created an adorable art piece with tons of the ponies as chubby little blobs and thus chubbies were born! The idea became so popular that Rai soon made more pony chubbies and eventually developed those into a tumblr that also grew to be immensely popular.
For me the chubbies have been a memorable part of the fandom since my early days and to see them closing up shop makes me realize that all good things unfortunately come to an end. So what does this mean for Rai? She plans on turning the tumblr into a personal/art tumblr while archiving the My Little Chubbies posts to their own tumblr for future pony fans to see.
Good luck to you, Rai, and thank you for three years of adorable chubbies! We look forward to what you have planned in the future.
My Little Chubbies Final Update
My Little Chubbies Archive
Twitter: Calpain -
Ponies shippin Fedex style. Or UPS style. I honestly have no idea how much better one is than the other.
And get some progressive house to follow it! Both below!
1.) Maressey - The Mare With the Thorn in Her Side (Vocal - RARIJACK Parody)
2.) EnsionD - She'll be there (ft. Vaceslav) (Instrumental - Progressive House)
I have wonderful news for you all today. I have just recieved word that the introduction to Friendship is Magic in season 6 has been completely redone with an addition many of us have been begging for over the past few years. Are you ready to be amazed? Are you ready for socks?
Get it down below. Bask in it's glory.
Equestria Daily Hits 4 Years! Have a Celebration Post! - DANCE PARTY BELOW THE BREAK (With music!)!
by Sethisto
Four season of Equestria Daily? Does that mean we unlock... RAINBOW POWER?! What newfound trouble will we get ourselves into with that? Can our unofficial-yet-kind-of-used-a-lot-mascot even control her unparalleled ambition in this state? Or are we going to have to have Twilight Sparkle rescue ponyville from her Great and Powerful clutches once again?
Anyway, it has been another year! Equestria Daily officially hits four years old today. From a tiny little blog based on the old 4chan Comics and Cartoons board to spotlighting one of the biggest fandoms of the last few decades, things have been absolute chaos!
We may be in the longest and most painful hiatus of in the history of Friendship is Magic, but that doesn't mean the creativity ever died for the brony fandom. You have all made keeping a website that hasn't had an actual cartoon running in almost a year much less difficult with your excitement for the pony. We wouldn't be here without all of you helping make a fandom spotlight and news blog actually work!
With just a few months away from Season 5's air date, here's to hoping 2015 is just as crazy.
As for EQD oriented stuff, expect a few things in the coming months:
- Another Friend Off for the artists and writers out there!
- Ponies Around the World! I'd start bringing pony figurines and a camera to wherever you find yourself traveling to prep for it. The cooler the landmarks, the better.
- Pony looove event in February. Ship them cartoon equines!
- Artist Training Ground Part 2 in the summer. We cut it in half for December to do two a year instead!
- The snowpony event currently collecting entries will probably be extended, to let more people in on it due to snow not showing up in specific places.
- More editorials! We need them!
- Mascot contest.
WeI love Trixie, but we need a normal mascot! - GLORIOUS SEASON 5
Anyway, enough talking! Enough typing! It's dance time! Get DANCE WITH MUSIC BELOW!
(Warning: Dance not recommended if your computer has heart issues. Have one dance instead!)
by Calpain -
This came in a bit ago, but we didn't want to bury it in the usual Nightly Discussion and Roundup stuff. The top 25 pony songs of 2014 have been voted on and completed by all you music fans out there. Since votes were a bit lower due to the whole ponies in hiatus thing, expect some very interesting things to sneak into this one.
Head on down below the break to check it out!
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