Nightly Discussion #233
by Calpain
Been awhile since we've had a SophieCabra image as a header. I just love her traditional work, it's just so bright and fun.
Anyway, ready for the weekend guys? Get to chatting!
Twitter: Calpain -
Amazon has tossed up a couple of upcoming trade paperbacks from IDW on their website before they are officially announced in their respective month's solicitation.
While the first is a continuation of the comic photonovels adaptations of the television episodes (you can find that one here) the second one is a huge reveal. Of course it's 5 days before it's officially announced with April's Solicitations, oh well.
This little trade paperback listingreveals that the upcoming test for a 3rd MLP Comic Series, is a New Microseries, this time focusing on everyone's favorite villains!
Friendship is Magic explores the secret origins of Equestria's greatest villains: Sombra, Tirek, Sirens, Nightmare Moon, and Queen Chrysalis!
For the eagle-eyed observer, you can rest assured that you're eyes are not deceiving you.
Princess Luna is getting a second Microseries comic.
Oh and the series will apparently be 5 issues, giving the spotlight to each one of the villains listed above in turn.
Special thanks to Brony250 for the heads up! -
The next installment of Brony Music has arrived with something very interesting! As many of you probably know at this point, one of the more well known board artists from Friendship is Magic hooked up with MandoPony a while back, and now she is apparently doing art for his songs! Love rocks doesn't it?
Get that in the first slot with Emily Jones providing the secondary vocals, and an Aviators track from a few days ago in the second!
Enough of that anime stuff. While I'll be posting over there occasionally, pony is still my home!
I'm a huge Luna fanboy, but every once in a while Celestia just... clicks. I don't know what it is. I'm not even a huge fan of her swanlike show model.
Anyway, enough Celestia. Get the art below!
[1] Source
As most of you have probably picked up over the years with all of our anime references and love for JAPAN TIME, we have a soft spot here for anime. It's something most of us and our immediate pony circles are involved in while waiting between seasons for more cartoon horses.
We have always considered adding another side blog to go along with Equestria Daily, but couldn't quite decide on a specific topic. There have been Gravity Falls ideas, MOBA themed sites, and a plethora of others thrown around, but never anything we could really fully grasp. At the end of the day, it was either going to be gaming or anime focused, and since gaming websites are a nightmare, anime wins!
Like EQD, Desu Daily will be focused on bringing in the anime and manga news, fan art, silly Youtube videos, music remixes, and other things you've come to expect here in ponyland. Obviously one show Vs. the entire world of anime is going to be a bit different, so we have some growing pains to get through, but for now it should be a lot of fun!
Expect writer recruitment, and expect us to lose our minds figuring out exactly how to keep it from turning into a flood, and expect the usual nonsense you've come to know here on EQD. Check out Desudaily over here!
(And be sure to hit that submit section to send in your interesting anime finds!)
Update: Since some are worried, followup message reassuring you all that this will not effect EQD in any way on a day to day basis!
Good evening everyone! Hope you are finding the start of your weekend well. To get it kicked off why not enjoy some artists you might not have heard of. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
As usual, these posts are in similar style to the Tumblr Spotlights, a group of 3-5 artists will be spotlit each entry along with a small short description along with a small selection of their artwork! In order to make this feature work though we need people to suggest artists to us so make sure to send artists you think need some exposure to calpain@equestriadaily.com. Please also include a short biography I can work with as well as what medium you work in most.
What sort of artists count? Suggestions should follow these criteria:
- No clop or extensive gore galleries as those typically violate our content guidelines. If the artist has a safe for work gallery separate from their not safe for work stuff they or their fans can submit the safe for work gallery. If there is a mix of SFW/NSFW on a gallery the decision whether or not to include them will be judged on a gallery to gallery basis.
- Don't be afraid to spotlight yourself as well as others!
- Artists of all types accepted -vector, OC, traditional, digital. As long as it is pony and of quality it has a chance of being spotlit.
Now on to the artists!
Twitter: Calpain -
After a crushing defeat by Twilight and her friends, Adagio decides to take things into her own hands and get some revenge! Check the description in this three parter to see the whole thing.
Comics again, click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
While Japan may be slowing down the pony madness if their online shop is any indication, China looks to be ramping it up. A bus traveling around Hong Kong is all decked out in ponyness, with the mane 6 joining Luna on full display.
Now we just need a fleet of these to travel the various convention running conventions to pick people up. Would you pony party bus fandom?
Get more GLORIOUS MOON below the break with a side shot.
New Rainbow Dash Tin Houses Marshmallows! Are Squishy Marshmallow Hooves Finally an Official Thing?
by Sethisto
Ahh marshmallow hooves. Rarity really did start something magical the moment she decided to show off the physical properties of a cartoon ponies clippity-cloppers. Ponies can't possibly have hard hooves all the time.
Get more images below!
We Love Fine Facebook Notes that 200 Discord and Fluttershy Figures are Left With No Second Edition or Variants
by Sethisto
For the collectors out there that still want one of these Discord and Fluttershy resin figurines, We Love Fine apparently has a stock of 200 remaining according to their Facebook page, and they have no plans to expand it with another run or any of the usual chrome/fuzzy variants they usually release.
If you want one, hit up their site over here.
[Comedy] [Adventure]
Author: shortskirtsandexplosions
Description: While Ditzy Doo and her sister Daring Do go on an epic quest and Rainbow Dash struggles to keep them both from killing one another, Ditzy's very own daughter Dinky embarks on a secret adventure of her own. Inducted as an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Dinky Doo finds herself tagging along with Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo as the four fillies set out to take back Mr. and Mrs. Cake's foalnapped twins. Their journey carries them across land, sea, and even parts unknown as they seek out their hidden talents in this precocious act of heroism. Not long into the quest, however, Dinky learns that doing the "honorary" thing means more than the title itself, and what started as a daring Crusade swiftly turns into a voyage of self-discovery that she had never asked for. -A Side Story dreamed up by Ponky to complement his fic, The Sisters Doo, including elements from his other side story, Through the Looking-glass and What Pinkie Found There -Special Thanks to Pilate and Props for editing and Aosion for the cover art (Links below the break).
The Daughter Doo: Honorary Cutie Mark Crusader (New Part 4-5!)
Additional Tags: foalish adventure story, self-discovery, honor and destiny]
It seems the concept of four horses of the apocalypse is a popular one over in the figurine community, with yet another version of it appearing over on Kickstarter right now. The four ponies above representing War, Famine, Death, and Pestilence have all been sclupted up, albiet with slightly different models than our usual cartoon horses.
Head on down below the break for all the extra images on each! Or head on over to the Kickstarter page to hop in on it.
Some minor merchy updates for all of you collectors out there. Amazon has a listing of the Cadance above for sale and in stock right now. This one includes the three pairs of wings (also swappable on other POP ponies) along with the usual Cadance model with hair and tail. If that sounds like something you'd like to grab, get it over here
Thanks to Jskr for the heads up.
Or vines? Or is that considered a tentacle when it comes to life anyway? I've seen some research into the subject but I can't remember...
We have another cover and preview for the 27th installment of the My Little Pony comic. Head on down below the break for the large size images, along with a synopsis!
Lets try something new here that we haven't done in a while. I know a bunch of you are going to freak at this new Archie track here, so lets combine it with another one that kinda slipped under the radar! Get your Main Street from Archie first, and Party Poopers from Mysterious Brony second. Celebrate DA MUSICS.
1.) Archie - Main Street (Vocal - Electro)
2.) Party Poopers (Vocal - Funky Rock)
Early Morning Discussion #93
by Calpain
Ever get so caught up in work that you forget to do other important things? Just remember it's ok to step back from it all for a moment and just take a breather. Your friends and family will no doubt appreciate it!
Morning everyone, happy Friday! Hope you all are ready for the weekend like I am.
Twitter: Calpain
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