Following up on our report earlier about Friendship is Magic dropping off of Netflix on the 2nd of February, A second Customer Service representative has pointed out that these licenses expire and renew all the time, and there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
Similar to the last one, the CSR will be forwarding over the "please keep pony!" response. I wouldn't recommend spamming their poor overworked chat people, but this has apparently made them aware at least.
Chances are we will see it renew. If it doesn't, we can complain afterward right?
Thanks to Colin for the image.
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Nightly Roundup #1120
by Calpain
Ah ha! So that is how you catch Luna! Fantastic job, Derpy!
Evening everyone, ready for a little bit of news?
Nightly Discussion #220
by Calpain
I don't think I've used a Fluttershy header in awhile! How about some love tonight for our favorite yellow horse?
Evening guys! Hope you've all had a good Saturday. Ready to talk about it?
Twitter: Calpain -
While January 1st didn't mark the end of Friendship is Magic on Netflix, it appears that February 2nd may be the date when it officially does leave the streaming service. The image above lists the "availability" date, and multiple calls and chats to Netflix has confirmed that it is legit.
There may be a way to save it though. A few moments ago I spoke to one of their representatives on the live chat service to double confirm. They basically confirmed it, but also noted that my account would be marked letting the higher ups know that there is demand for it to remain. Here's to hoping we can get a renegotiation going on the contract with Hasbro
You can find the full transcript below the break!
(Thanks to Derpkit and Evan for sending it)
(NOTE: Update over here)
Story: Eternity
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: RainbowBob
Description: Sometimes growing up means more than just time passing. For some, it means letting go of what they hold dear and moving onto greener pastures. And for others, it means becoming what they never wanted to be in the first place.
Additional Tags: Growing up blows... up planets. -
Well, that was a fun trip visiting the grand-folks this past week. Cal, much thanks for taking over the SPOC Sneak Peeks while I was gone.Anyways, Brenda's thrown up another panel. Only this time she was being sneaky and posted it on her facebook fan page instead of her twitter account.For those of you who want to be spoiled, you can find the context for the commentary from Brenda below.
Good news for all of you looking to create the frankenstien offspring of your favorite ships via swappable manes and tails! We have more POP figures on the way from a new unreleased lineup. As with the others, they appear to once again have a swarm of cutie marks and symbols, joining the seemingly major focus of 2015. Did the Doctor ever wear multiple ties? Cause this one does.
Expect them some time this year as always. Packaging images below the break.
Now we just need a Funko Sunset Shimmer!
Thanks to Lyrahooves and Ah Smaug for the heads up!
She was a skater mare
She said see ya later mare
Why would that get stuck in my head.
Anyway, get some art below.
[1] Source
Commission 18 : Ice skate
Edit: Stories can be submitted from websites other than fimfic.
Hey, guys! Equestria Daily's running a writing contest again.
To celebrate the advent of Season 5 come spring, we're bringing you a blast from the past with the More Most Dangerous Game! Check down below the break to see what this entails.
Discussion: What Character Evolution Do You Want to See Your Favorite Pony Go Through in Season 5?
by Sethisto
Every season, it seems like Twilight Sparkle here goes through some humongous change that SHAKES THE FOUNDATION OF EQUESTRIA. The rest of the mane 6? Not so much. Their changes tend to be incidental to their specific episodes, though we do get some continuity (Rainbow Dash and reading for example).
Good Citizens of Equestria Daily, you once again have one of those hypothetical blank checks to evolve any character you wish from the show with your very own episode. It can be a tiny emotional change that improves Rainbow Dashes ability to not come off as a douchebag, or as major as turning Fluttershy into a dragon, the choice is entirely yours!
Who gets the evolution treatment? Which pony is season 5 going to revolve around? Get it done in the comments below! And no need to limit yourself to the Mane 6. Luna can totally take Trixie on as an apprentice if you want... (please)
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Say hello to the first Livestream Saturday of the new year! Ready to get pony kick started for the new year? Well, watch some of our talented artists at work.
Also, I'm still looking for a new header for this feature. Calpony is getting a cramp from holding that pose each week. If you draw and would like to help, send in your header to calpain@equestriadaily.com
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
(It's hard to even get a clean screenshot with all these SHIPPING PMV EFFECTS)(Rarijack is best Applejack ship)
These shipping PMV things fall into their own categories I think. The amount of effects they usually have borderlines on obnoxious, and nopony is safe from the shipping tornado.
Head on down below the break for Applejack hooking up with ALL the cartoon mane 6 elemental harmonizing horses.
Story: You Cannot Give Up Again
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Selbi
Description: About to let go of all her dreams of the future, Octavia is salvaged by a memory and the only pony who could save her.
You Cannot Give Up Again
Additional Tags: A Memory For The Future -
While they seem to be using the usual pony vectors, this is the first time we've seen metal plated poster things in pony form. Hobby Lobby has each of these for 18 bucks a pop, in their own display case at that. Heres to hoping we get some original art up in here! They did it for the poster book's internal stuff after all.
Thanks to Steven for the heads up!
I guess Equestria needs to work out some rules on no fly zones if this sort of thing keeps happening. I'd expect there to a permanent one over Sugar Cube Corner as long as Pinkie is in residence.
Comics! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
EQD needs a mascot. Every time we post these other groups with their games and websites I get jealous.
Anyway, Legends of Equestria is running another Open Server test on the 24th-26th of this month! Early downloads happen over here on the 22nd. The goal here is to try out their new, more secure server system, so hopefully things turn out well for the swarms of us that are going to hit it!
The full description can be found over here, or below the break.
Many thanks to Tyler and Max for sending it!
Poor Twilight Sparkle =[. Sitting on the shelf over at a Walmart for years. She tried to pull off a scrunchie face after hearing how much we love ponies with scrunchie faces, but it didn't quite work out.
Maybe next time Twilight...
Thanks to Chelsea for the heads up!
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