Super Speedy Cider Con happens on Octrober 16th, and they have one final update for those interested in attending. Head down below for it!
Super Speedy Cider Con Thanks YOU!
Thanks to everypony's support and wonderful push as we draw closer and closer to the convention- we wish to thank every single brony for following us, and being here for us whether from the beginning or just recently! As a first year convention, we've accomplished a lot in this year of growth. On Twitter we gained 530 followers, and 360 Likes on Facebook! All of you are completely organic, and just support us so so much- and we are so so so thankful!
This next weekend Oct 16th-18th 2015, we'll soon open the lines for registration. Our hotel block has long gone sold out, but we invite everypony to grab a hotel room nearby and please join us as we enter our first year. It's going to be a blast, and we'll ensure to LIVESTREAM THE ENTIRE EVENT! That's right, for those of you at home~ You'll be able kick back, watch the stream, then go to immediately check if you can make it to the convention before it's too late! ;3
Special Guest & Their Panels
Brony Chef
With his skills as a professional chef, he brings My Little Pony and Delicious Dishes into the sweetest combination. Learn how to be inspired for you own Mlp Recipe!
Brass Knuckles
With her mighty iron will, she turns doormats into dynamos! Attend her assertiveness seminar, and learn more about public speaking as well!
Dr. Edwards
With his research skills from the Brony Study, this amazing researcher shows "What Your Favorite Pony Says About You." Watch the psychology from behind liking "Fluttershy" or "Pinkie Pie" is unlocked.
Joey Oropesa
With his panel, he shows you more about the youtube series "Pony Meets World" and see how they create each episode. Special QnA' Session at the end!
C. Allan Gann
A late edition to the list, C. Allan Gann comes to represent his fan animation "Midnight Mares". Join in to watch the teaser, and learn more about it!
~~There are more guest, but we'd prefer not to flood this announcement with each one. Please visit the site for details.
Super Speedy Cider Con Main Events
Charity Auction! ~ We've gathered many mlp items for our auction, including this amazing sculpture from Spike Firemane! Please join us as we support The Michael Morones Foundation which provides children support, and necessary skills to enjoy life to the fullest.
Whose Cider is it Anyways? ~ A Special Improv Panel with a few of our Special Guest preforming classic improv skits and games. A few require audience participation, will you join us on stage? Or write us a hilarious line?
Techno Canter, and Techno Trot~ The first one is a special rave for Friday night, and Techno Trot on Saturday night combines classical music with techno! An epic combination. We hope to livestream this the best we can~
~~There are more panels and main events for everypony to attend. Please visit the site for details.
Thank you once again everypony for your support, we'll seeya this weekend! Please join us in Closing Ceremonies as we announce all our big plans for next year! With over 200 attendees already confirmed, we can't wait to see the numbers from this convention. Have an excellent week!