It's that time of the week once again! A new episode appears tomorrow, and already its looking like one of the most ridiculous ones yet (spoiler).
Head on down below the break for your stream events today!
New Pony Episode:
This Saturday we will be showing the newest episode of season 5 as always. Ready to supply ponies, ponies and ponies. There might also be some chat to follow so you can talk about ponies with everyone else as well. So come along and join us for this weeks episode, Brotherhooves Social, right here at Bronystate, serving the community since 2011.
Brony Movie Night:
So after all the excitement with last week's pony overloaded weekend, we are now ready to return to our standard schedule of movies, these are therefore the winners from two weeks back. Now since that is so long ago let us refresh what we will be showing this Brony Movie Night. We will be passing a trip to the famous Sherwood Forest, in the Disney version of Robin Hood, where animals seem to have taken over human society. To continue with the animated theme, we will be showing the Ghibli film, The Cat Returns.
While the new episodes are still rolling and doing good we also sometimes want to take a look back at the old, and this time we will find ourselves going on an adventure to find Rainbow Dash’s hero in Daring Don’t and see whether Luna can speak a bit softer (the jury is still out on whether she needs a big stick).
As always, the time will be 7:00 PM EDT on Friday the 2nd and the Euro reprise at 2:00 PM EDT on Saturday the 3rd.
It's the month of October and BN is ready to battle gouls and goblins with a boomstick and chew bubble gum, check out every week for horror movies and specials...
Also We're having a Giveaway for a 3 Day Badge at Nightmare Nights coming October 23rd-25th in Addison Tx; all you have to do is participate during the new mlp episode stream and after the replay we'll be starting the giveaway, rules and more in will announced on stream before and after the new episode. note that you must also verified you'll be attending or plans going to the con, if you need a room i do have a spare bed as i have reserved a 2 bedroom at the con {message me}. Follow us on Twitter for More Updates @Thebronynetwork
Friday {10/2/15} [BN Lounge 4]
- John Carpenter: They Live [R]
9pm CT / 10pm ET / 7pm ET
Saturday {10/3/15} [BN7 / BN Ustream]
-Pokemon X/Y {New}
7am CT / 8am ET / 5am PT
-Brony Network's Brony Theater: Coraline {PG}
8:20am CT / 9:20am ET / 6:20am PT
--MLP Season 5 RECAP {Last Weeks Episode}: Made in Manehattan
10am CT / 11am ET / 8am PT
-MLP Season 5 Ep.17: Brotherhooves Social {BN7 & BN Ustream}
10:30am CT / 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT
-MLP Season 5 Episode REWIND {New Episode Replay}
11:15am CT / 12:15am ET / 9:15am PT
-Giveaway {Nightmare Nights 3 Day Badge}
12pm CT / 1pm ET / 10am ET
-Live From MSG {WWE Bronies Special} [BN Lounge 9]
7pm CT / 8pm ET / 5pm PT
Toonami Pre-Show: [King's Lounge 2]
-Doctor Who {S9 Ep.3} {New}
9pm CT / 10pm ET / 7pm PT
-R.L. Stines The Haunting Hour {Really You} [Parts 1 & 2]
9:50pm CT / 10:50pm ET / 7:50pm PT
-Death Battle: Guts Vs. Nightmare
10:40pm CT / 11:40pm ET / 8:40pm PT
-Toonami [King's Lounge 2]
11pm CT / 12 {Midnight} ET / 9pm PT
-Dragon Ball Super {S1 Ep.12} [English Subbed]
2:30am CT / 3:30am ET / 12:30am PT
-Digimon Digital Monsters {1 Hour}
3am CT / 4am ET / 1am PT
-Inuyasha {1 Hour}
4am CT / 5am ET / 2am PT
[BN7] {Channel 1}
[BN Ustream] {Channel 2}
[King's Lounge ] {Channel 1}
[King's Lounge] {Channel 2}
[BN Website] {Links to Episodes & Our Streams in one}
Follow Us on Twitter @TheBronyNetwork / Steam Community Group / BN Deviantart for more News & Updates and BN Dailymotion for New Episodes being uploaded within an hour after airing as well as a replay on BN7 and BN Ustream 10 mins after airing.