Stay Brony My Friends is back with another episode based around a member of the community and a new charity opportunity as well. Join Dusty as he interviews one of the community's more hyper analysts ILoveKimPossibleAlot in the episode after the break!
Not only that, join us in supporting the Georgia SPCA as Kim's charity for episode 111! Check on after the break to learn how to participate.
Stay Brony My Friends welcomed ILoveKimPossibleALot to the show this week to talk all things Pony and Possible. How she got into the fandom and her undying love of one Mr. John De Lancie!
We nailed down another charity goal as Rena Anakwe's charity for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children hit our goal with 520 dollars raised. Sweet swag is on its way to the giveaway winner including a mix tape from Rena herself!
KP would love it if you could help the Georgia SPCA this time.
There is little in the world worse than a betrayal of trust. When humanity turns its back on animals that we have assumed responsibility for, or chooses to deliberately inflict pain just for the sake of doing so, this is betrayal in its worst form.And need we even discuss the barbaric practice of dogfighting and cockfighting?
Care and protection. That's what it's all about. And it doesn't get manlier than that.
More swag has been set aside for this charity giveaway including comics and shipfic folder cards as well as a metallic hair Rainbow Dash Funko. But the real prize is a cameo spot in one of KP's future videos for your OC! We need to hit 500 bits for this to happen so if you ever wanted to be a Brony Analyst now is your chance!
And once again we thank you for your support!
Dustykatt & Screwball
Twitter: Calpain