Stay Brony My Friends is back once again with another great group of guys and another awesome charity to support! This time around he's got AdamTheAmazing64, BeardeDoomGuy, DatBronyStan on the show today, all talented SFM pony animators here to explain SFM to everyone and how they got into it.
As usual, the special guests have picked a charity to donate to, this time being The American Red Cross! Let's help the world a little bit at a time with our donations, right?
Check on after the break for the episode and where you can donate.
And we're back, back again......
Thats right all you true believers, and not Beliebers! Stay Brony My Friends is back after a few weeks off where EQLA came and went as well as a quick trip to Winnyland!! Oat whips were had by all!
This show we had three awesome guys from the Source FilmMaker pony community. AdamTheAmazing64, BeardeDoomGuy and DatBronyStan all joined in to explain the SFM program and how they use it to make some incredible and funny animations.
We cracked 500 bits for Tina Guo's charity on the last show and we are going to do it again!
This time we are backing "The American Red Cross" who will be helping out down in Chile.
Chile has been hit by a series of powerful earthquakes this year, with a mangitude 8.4 quake happening just a few days ago. Fortunately, this time loss of life was very light in spite of the tsunami that was triggered, but the damage to homes and businesses was heavy. There are thousands of people who need a helping hand.
The American Red Cross is responding, and that means that we are responding! Join us in helping the victims of the Chilean earthquakes, and show that there is something more powerful than the earth moving! Your donations, matched 1-for-5 up to 100 in matching funds by Caerdwyn, will accomplish some real good.
It’s right. It’s manly.
We will again have some neat giveaways that you'll have a chance for if you donate anything at all.
And once again thank you for your support!
Dustykatt & Screwball
Charity Link :
Twitter: Calpain