• BronyDays 2015 Promotional Video

    BronyDays is coming up soon and the gang over there have created a short little promo video for you all to check out! Set up like an old television ad it certainly has a decent amount of charm in it.

    If you're looking for a nice convention to check out this fall in Europe, then check out the video promo and information after the break!

    The BronyDays are a french convention organised by the Hoofmade Events organization. The first edition, which happened in Paris at the end of october 2013, welcomed Bronies from France and the rest of the world.

    This year for their magnificient comeback the BronyDays invite you to the wonderful city of Nantes (France obviously) on the 31th of october to the 1st of November.

    It is with the pressure of the steam and the creaking of gears that this second edition will offer: Card tournament, music, vendors, Video games, cosplays, a party and a lot of other surprises. 

    But let's not forget the panels from personalities and guests such as Ingrid "Maud pie" Nilson who will have the pleasure to answer all of your questions during her panel !

    By the way friendly artists and writers, Do not forget to participate to the BronyAwards, come and amaze all of us by sharing your creations and get yourself an exclusive figurine and make your name shine in the brony community

    Twitter: Calpain