• EQLA Looking for Volunteers!

    The revival of EQLA is only a couple weeks away, but to make sure the experience is perfect the staff is looking for volunteers! They are looking primarily for badge checkers, line managers, and gophers for con ops while they are also looking for some VIP handlers for the special guests. So if you're interested in helping one of the bigger convention on the west coast check on after the break for the full details.

    Hello everyone!
    We are excitedly counting down the days to EQLA 2015 but if we are going to make it a super fun success we will need your help! EQLA is looking for people to join our Operations Department and VIPR Department need you!
    The Operations Department is looking for the following positions (experience helpful but not required!) ,
    • Line Managers
    • Badge checkers
    • Gophers
    The VIPR Department is looking for the following positions,
    -> Handler assistants (no experience needed but some experience helpful)
    -> Handlers (Experience preferred, or a quality reference.)

    We look forward to hearing from all of you and most importantly seeing you all this Labor Day weekend!

    Staff Application

    Twitter: Calpain