Hope your ears are prepared for a ton of stuff to listen too, because three more completed audio books are coming your way. These guys are all big time fandom classics, and focus primarily on adventure.
If you want to submit your own audio book, check out this post for the requirements. They are pretty steep at the moment, but we may open it in the future. Keep an eye on these posts.
Anyway, go get some books!
1.) Upheaval: Breaking Point [Dark] [Adventure]
2.) The Celestial Code [Adventure]
3.) On A Cross And Arrow [Shipping][Adventure]

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.
Upheaval: Breaking Point
[Adventure] That right there is a cool cover.
Author: iisaw
Description: Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal Archives. Her investigation leads through layer after layer of deception and misdirection, setting her hooves on a path that seems to be leading to a mysterious secret. Along the way, she learns that some friendships can be very, very strange.The Celestial Code
Reader Blurb:
Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal Archives. Her investigation leads through layer after layer of deception and misdirection, setting her hooves on a path that seems to be leading to a mysterious secret. Along the way, she learns that some friendships can be very, very strange.
Author: Conner Cogwork
Description: Twilight and her five friends are transported during a botched spell, across dimensions to... Ponyville, Equestria? But not the same one that they knew. Sitting on a bench is Harpsy and Babar. The Doctoress avoids apples from an aspiring Applebuck. And in a library across town, six stallions join their forces as they try to decipher the appearance of filly look-alikes of themselves around Ponyville!
On A Cross And Arrow