Nightly Roundup #1235
by Calpain
Trixie time because I'm going to be gone from the site for awhile as I'll be visiting my girlfriend starting tomorrow! Seth will keep you guys well supplied in Trixie I'm sure.
News time my friends! Get it while it is hot!
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Story: The Legend of the Scorpion Queen
by Calpain
Author: cursedchords
On the eve of the Day of Reaping, the start of the Equestrian Harvest, it is traditional that a legend be told over supper: the legend of how the traditions surrounding the Day of Reaping came to be. It is a story of love, ambition, and vengeance.
Long before Equestria, a grand Unicorn King maintains a splendid garden. On one of his travels he brings a scorpion back to live within it. That scorpion, resentful of being removed from her home, sets out to have her revenge.
The Legend of the Scorpion Queen
Additional Tags: A story of love, ambition, and vengeance -
Nightly Discussion #459
by Calpain
I may not read the comics, but I do agree that Tiberius is cute. He really does fit Luna quite well!
Evening my friends, ready for a little chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
The My Little Pony Instagram Revealed a Bit More Information on Indigo Zap from Friendship Games
by Sethisto
While it usually focuses on toys with potentially non-canon descriptions, we did get a bit of information out of the MLP Instagram earlier about one of the new characters from the upcoming Friendship Games movie.
Head on down below the break for the #hashtag filled description!
A new wall calendar has appeared over at a Calendar website. This one works for both 2015 and 2016 if you choose the specific options on the store page. Can ponies help guide your new years resolution in 2016?
You can get that over here. Thanks to Roy for sending it.
And below the break, RANDOM MERCH! Now go!
Discord really left his mark on you didn't he? I admit, that was definitely one of my favorite season openers. If Discord was Starlight Glimmer I'd like it as #1 though.
Next poll from Perfectly Imperfect:
Do you have an OC pony or a Ponysona?
Hit it up on the sidebar, and get the results of this one below the break!
Did we already header a Drawfriend with Lauren Faust since her announcement for EQLA? Whatever, we do it again.
Get your art storm below! Much more than yesterday.
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Once Upon A Time by Ardail
As many of you picked up back on Thursday, Amazon has started a new service called Underground, where they strip away the freemium features of mobile games, removing in-game micro-transactions and beefing up the way you unlock things. Included in their first wave was the My Little Pony Game.
There are a LOT of easy mistakes to make early on for a newb that cripple your progression later, and after asking over on the MLP Game reddit for tips, along with bothering a bunch of people around me that have played it, I've got a pretty good grasp on how to start off, and maintain your little slice of Ponyville with much better efficiency.
Below the break, get our official EQD guide to the Amazon Underground version of the My Little Pony game!
(And feel free to share your friend codes).
Star Wars is going to be a big deal later this year, so it's not too surprising that we are seeing a boost in ponifications. One of those temporary shirt sites has a sale on a new one. How many of you are going to be badass enough to rock it at the premiere of the movie?
You can get it over here.
Thanks to Erik for sending it!
Comic: Math License / The Changing / Socks / Aftermath / Isolation 76 / Messenger 2 / Ascension 7
by Calpain
You should probably leave the jokes to a master like Pinkie Pie, Twilight. Not that we don't appreciate the effort you put into this!
Comic time, click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Story: Life Among the Living
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Kamikakushi
Description: It's been a struggle for Fleetfoot lately. Everything seems utterly pointless to her and she's having a hard time expressing herself. Work and her social life have suffered. She now finds herself asking what it means to live? Fleetfoot tries to answer this question as she struggles to understand how those around her make it look so easy.
Life Among the Living
Additional Tags: Fleetfoot struggles with depresson -
Early Morning Discussion #281
by Calpain
Hearing about Scorpan not going along with Tirek and his evil schemes really makes me wonder what he ended up doing after he parted ways with the fiend. I wonder if we'll ever see a conclusion to that story?
Morning my friends! You all ready for some chatting?
Twitter: Calpain -
Newbie Artist Training Grounds V: Day 10
by Calpain
Tonight we have all sorts of ponies completely epic quests or at least chasing them in their dreams! I'm so very pleased to see quite a few references to Monty Python in here as well. Good show guys! With day 10 upon us you guys sent in 171 entries today, bringing us up to 1990 entries total. Keep up the good work my friends!
Are you guys ready for today's prompt? Well, don't get too starstruck as we want you to Draw a pony celebrity/Draw a Very Important Pony! So while you might not be able to take pics of pony celebrities it's up to you be artist paparazzi and catch those very important ponies.
As always, you guys can submit your pictures here.
We've gotten some confusion on how to submit to our submitter. In the space for the picture URL you want to put in the image URL link. To find this, upload your picture somewhere whether it be dA, Derpibooru, Imgur or wherever and right click on the image. In Chrome you want to click the 'Copy Image URL' button or something similar in other browsers. Input that URL and you should be good to go!
We've got a tutorial below too if you're still having trouble!
If a picture you made doesn't end up in the gallery tonight, please try resubmitting it. Sometimes things get eaten.
Check out our newest gallery after the break!
Nightly Discussion #458
by Calpain
What's this? Ponies combined with Monty Python? Yep, that's a header image!
Evening my friends! Sunday is over, ready for the new weekend?
Twitter: Calpain -
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #69
by Calpain
I could totally go for some chocolate right now, but my diet calls. Maybe one day little Pinkie Pie bar...
It's been awhile so we've gotten a ton of crafts for you guys tonight! Check them all out after the break.
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Pinkie Pie's Party Power Bar! by ArtNinja101
Would you watch MLP still if the setting was Saddle Arabia instead of Equestria? Cause this looks pretty cool.
Get the art storm below!
[1] Source
Eastern Princess by Asimos
Rest in peace... I think.
Animation is probably one of the hardest pieces of media to execute in this fandom. Merely putting a project together is an uphill battle, which is why it's understandable to see that the best animations within the fandom were made with small teams. Button's Adventures is a good example. Made with close to 3 people (ShadyVox, JanAnimations, and ElieMonty), Button's Adventures was all the fandom was talking about in 2013, along with the unfortunate drama that ensued.
However we are not here to talk about that. I've noticed a problem with every major animation that has been released or posted to Equestria Daily: none of them are completely perfect. Sure, there are some animations that couldn't live up to their hype. There were some that were very close to being perfect. Finally, there were some that were simply missing the mark or the potential within their story. Let's talk about the major fandom animations after the break.
MECHANICAL Ponies! I'm still busy listening to Prototype. I might need more robots here too!
And after that, get a remix of Find a Way. Both below!
1.) Animating Automatons - By Reverbrony (Instrumental - Industrial)
2.) [Khriox Remix] Daniel Ingram - Find a Way (Remix - Electronic/Dubstep)
op 14:00
Sildid: Dubstep, Electronic, Industrial, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-Fanfiction -
Usually these cheapo plastic things that mass invade store shelves and random merchandise posts here on EQD are just that, cheap. This new Karaoke set is definitely not cheap, at least in price. A new listing has appeared over on Toys R' Us, for the hefty dollar total of $109.99. Here's to hoping its pretty robust at that price! Product description:
Monitor with lyrics display; Soundtrack Display; CD/CD+Graphics Compatible; Play music from your iPad, iPhone, iPod, Tablet Device or CD Player; Displays song on your television screen; Enhanced vocal effects; Separate Volume controls; Dual Microphone inputs for singing duets (One Microphone Included).
If you want it, get it over here.
Thanks to Victor for sending it. -
Story: Sword and Song (Update Part 3!)
by Calpain
[Alternate Universe][Adventure][Dark]
Author: Sharaloth
Description: Songbird and the Blademaster make a perilous journey through the harsh lands of the North. Their goal is an artifact of great power that has been lost to the fallen world for a long time. They will have to use every bit of skill and magic they possess to battle their way to the frozen temple that guards the artifact and escape with their lives. For this is the Madmare's domain, where vicious monsters and killing storms are the least of the dangers.
Sword and Song (New Part 3!)
Set in the same world as The Archer and The Smith
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe Artifact-Hunting Adventureop 12:00
Sildid: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Author: Sharaloth, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Pipsqueak, Story, Sweetie Belle -
These two were revealed at Toy Fair earlier in the year, and again at SDCC where the release date was set to August 6th. Apparently they were a bit delayed though. A Walmart in Canada has both in stock apparently. Chances are this means we are finally going to see them invading all stores. Be sure to call in first though!
I for one am probably going to get me a Coco.
Thanks to Ryan for sending it.
What do you get when you recruit an army of PMV makers and have them all collaborate on a PMV based around stuff from a classic cartoon? 45 minutes of madness. I bet I'm not the only one that literally only knows geography thanks to the famous Nations of the World.
Now go get it below!
Newbie Artist Training Grounds V: Day 9
by Calpain
I can totally see Pinkie doing something like this in the show during a heat wave. It just seems so much like classic Pinkie! But it isn't just Pinkie cooling down tonight, you guys brought us all sorts of chilling ponies for this prompt giving us a total of 170 entries for tonight and bringing our ATG total to 1819 entries.
You guys have been doing fantastically and we've got another prompt for you artists to dive into: Draw a pony on a quest/Draw a pony chasing dreams. So get out those travel packs, flops down for a good sleep, or come up with the craziest things your imaginations can come up with my friends!
As always you can submit your drawings to our submitter here.
We've gotten some confusion on how to submit to our submitter. In the space for the picture URL you want to put in the image URL link. To find this, upload your picture somewhere whether it be dA, Derpibooru, Imgur or wherever and right click on the image. In Chrome you want to click the 'Copy Image URL' button or something similar in other browsers. Input that URL and you should be good to go!
We've got a tutorial below too if you're still having trouble!
If a picture you made doesn't end up in the gallery tonight, please try resubmitting it. Sometimes things get eaten.
Check out our newest gallery after the break!
Nightly Discussion #457
by Calpain
Poor Spike, he goes through so much for these ponies. They should really give him a day off or something, you know? Maybe a party.
Evening guys! Have a good Saturday?
Twitter: Calpain -
A new project is under way, similiar to some of those other major radio plays in the fandom. Shadows of Equestria follows an alternate dimension version of Equestria, with the usual cast you've come to know and love. Expect some really well done vocal interpretations, a bit of animation, and a whole bunch of custom art.
Get it below!
Story: In From the Cold
by Calpain
Author: Baal Bunny
Description: A lot can happen to a pony between the moment she rappels out the town hall window and the moment she bursts in the front door with news of the bugbear's defeat.
In From the Cold
Additional Tags: Her past, present, and futureop 21:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Baal Bunny, Bonbon, Bugbear, Complete, Fanfiction, Lyra, Mane 6, Story -
Pony Analyzers dive into TF2, complete with a ton of custom art and vectors. I for one need to do art on that scale here on EQD! We'd actually have new banners maybe!
Join this huge cast, involving Dusty Katt, Josh Scorcher, Silver Quill, ILoveKimPossibleAlot, Ink Rose, and many more throughout the Reviewing/Analysis community.
Anyway, get some of that below the break!
Pegasus seriously got it made. Houses in the sky, beds made of clouds, flight. I'm usually all for unicorn if that "pick a pony race to be" thing ever appeared, but I wouldn't be disappointed if I had to choose pegasus.
Earth ponies though...
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Cloudchaser Wallpaper by BananaSplitzel
If there is one thing the Brony fandom as a whole loves to do, it's game together. Unleash the FRIENDSHIP by unleashing a hail of virtual bullets into your fellow pony fan! The perfect plan!
Over the years, we have seen a multitude of communities pop up around this aspect. Many of them unfortunately slow down over time. Because of this, we constantly need new things! Lets do it again.
We are teaming up with the guys at Ponyville Live to launch a new gaming community and spark that side of the fandom back up. The server operator, We Are Borg, is known for running loads of pony community servers over the years (Including our old EQD ones), and going along with that side, we now have a pony gaming forum to help supplement them and anything else you'd like to do with your fellow brony in the world of games.
Over on the side bar with all of our other new buttons, you will find a link to Friendship is Gaming. Join in, recruit people for various games, or just come play some TF2 on our initial three pony servers. You can find those over on our Equestria Daily Steam Page.
Tonight we will be battling it out on Team Fortress. Come join me and the team at PVL for some good ol' fashioned hats:
The Barnyard IP: play.friendshipisgaming.com
Tartarus IP:play2.friendshipisgaming.com
Tree Library IP: play3.friendshipisgaming.com
Not a good idea to mess with Bulk I've got to say. If you're going to mess with someone that strong you'd better be able to back it up!
Comic time guys, updates down below! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
Author: Somber
Description: Forced into the life of a security mare, Blackjack is far more
Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons (New Chapter 77-Epilogue!)
interested in eking out what fun she can in the dim halls of Stable
99. All that changes as she becomes enveloped in a plot that not only
endangers her stable but the remaining world as well.
Additional Tags: Blackjack, P-21, Rampage, Lacunae, Fallen Incomplete Fo:E spinoff, Post-apocalyptic, Long, OC ponies, adventure
Comment Thread #3 Here!
Original story that started it all here!
Fan Art below!
op 14:57
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Somber, Crossover, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-6, Story -
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Not too much longer till we have ponies again my friends! In a couple of weeks I'm sure we'll have an explosion of content. For now, check out what our talented streamers have in store for us after the break.
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain
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