What better way to end the year than with some warm cider and a visit by Sunset Shimmer herself to the convention you're attending? Ponyville Ciderfest brings the best as they well Rebecca Shoichet to this year's convention!
Check on after the break for the full presser!
Like Evil doers turned good? Love all the singing in MLP? Ponyville Ciderfest does, and so should you! If so, then please join us in welcoming Rebecca Shoichet to Ponyville Ciderfest November 20-22!!
Check all of our guests out and read their bios on our website below!
Dont' forget to Visit our Registration page (www.ponyvilleciderfest.com/ register) to learn about the ticket information and prices, along the epic things you get for signing up for one of our Sponsor level tickets! Limited Sponsor tickets available so book your trip (and your hotel www.ponyvilleciderfest. com/location ! =D) to Ponyville Ciderfest now!
in the behind the scenes of an MLP con? Wanted to ever work for a con
for a free badge? Then come on down and join us at Ponyville Ciderfest
as we are looking for volunteers! Click on the link below to see what we
are hiring for and join us today!
be apart of the amazing programming that is Ponyville Ciderfest! How do
you do that ya say? By submitting for panel at Ponyville Ciderfest!
Click the link below to sign up and apply to be a panelist!
to just head on over for the fun and watch these panels and enjoy the
convention? FANTASTIC! Why not kick off summer by signing up and doing
so, we will take off 10% of your badge by using promo code SUMMER! Valid
June 20th through June 21st 11:59pm CST
Dont' forget to Visit our Registration page (www.ponyvilleciderfest.com/ register-2)
to learn about the ticket information and prices, along the epic things
you get for signing up for one of our Sponsor level tickets! Limited
Sponsor tickets available so book your trip (and your hotel www.ponyvilleciderfest. com/location ! =D) to Ponyville Ciderfest now!
Like us on facebook, www.facebook.com/ PonyvilleCiderfest and follow us on Twitter @PonyCiderfest

Twitter: Calpain