We are currently under one week away from the FANDOM EXPLOSION! What better way to explode than in a group! As always, a bunch of people are hosting meetups across the world to screen the episode with your fellow pony fan.
Now go! Discover a group nearby below the break! Late meetups will go to the Nightly Roundup posts, so keep an eye on those for any more!
Note: EQD has not vetted these events. Do your due diligence before heading out to one. We are simply compiling the ones sent to us. As mentioned in the main post, events lacking a meetup.com or facebook link have been removed.
New York, New York
Bronies NYC is going to host a great big party in celebration of the one hundredth episode!
The show creators decided to make an episode just for the fans so we feel we should give it a proper event to go with it. This will be an all-day event which will include our new 12 foot wide projector screen which will be showing fan made content throughout the day along with artwork and PMV’s and of course, the episode itself.
We have live draws from local artists on a secondary projector and a video game area on our third projector which will primarily be playing Super Smash Brothers. On top of all that there will be a tabletop game corner with all kinds of board games and card games, vendors will be in attendance selling all kinds of fan made and licensed merch, drinks will be on sale throughout the day and we’ll be having a pizza party later into the evening. To end off the party we’ll be having a great big dance party with DJ YOURENIGMA, DJ Kezz and DJ Keith. Expect lots of lasers and glowsticks!
Everything starts at 1PM and goes all the way to 11PM so feel free to show up anytime you like! Keep in mind though that the new episode will be playing at 3:30 so make sure to be there to watch it on the big screen.\\\
Full details here: http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-NYC/events/222921615/
New York, NY
Upper West Side Party Space
123 W 71st St New York, NY 10023
Saturday, June 13th 1:00 - 11:00 pm
Durham, Maine
Personal House
(address given to those attending)
June 13, 9am to 4pm
Maine Bronies
Let's get together to watch this EPIC episode together. Then we can hang out and discuss random stuff. I will be making muffins with help from Derpy.
Hermosillo, México
Bayonne #24 Residencial Banús, Segunda Cerrada
June 13th. / 18:00
It´s been so long without a good ol´ brony meetup here in hermosillo, join us so we can enjoy ep 100
Ha sido tiempo sin tener una buena reunion brony aqui en Hermosillo, unetenos para mirar juntos el ep.100
Fullerton, California
Holiday Inn & Suites Fullerton
2932 E. Nutwood Ave. Fullerton, CA
June 13th, 2015 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM
SoCal Bronies
This event will make Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich proud! The Royal Ballroom can seat 170 bronies. We will have door prizes for the first 50 attending! Cosplaying is encouraged, especially background ponies. We will screen select episodes as well as fan animations, all leading up to the screening of the epic 100th episode! There will be music and dancing later in the evening to celebrate this momentous day.
Southwest Sweden
Southeast Sweden in Smedby outside of Kalmar. (Address will be given later in the event)
13th of June. 15.00
We are three bronies who are looking for more friends to spend the time with during the viewing of episode 100. The more the merrier as they say!
Arlington, Virginia
Arlington Central Library—Main Auditorium
1015 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA
Saturday, June 13 1000 (AM)
DC Area Bronies
Meetup link: http://www.meetup.com/Bronies-DC/events/222720851/
100 episodes, man does time fly? What a ride it has been and there are many more adventures to go! More places to be witnessed and more moments that will dazzle! But now the show we all love hits the century mark in episodes and it plans to be a special one!
So join us for food, fun and not just ponies....but BACKGROUND ponies for an episode to remember! And unlike other library meetups, we will watch this LIVE! Not to worry, we all know there are many streams that will be available so we can choose which one is best and go from there!
As far as announcements and activities for the meetup, those will be TBA. More info will come as the time gets closer. And don't fret about the end time, that is only the time we have for the library. There are good places to eat and shop afterwards so the fun won't stop there!
Elizabeth Town, Pennsylvania
231 Prospect Rd, Elizabethtown, Pa 17022
Saturday June 13th at 2:30pm
Bronies of Southern Pennsylvania
Group Page Link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/102532166532141/
Come join us for an awesome 100th episode event with a viewing of the 100th episode, cook-out, pool, rock band, and other fun pony related shenanigans.
Christchurch, New Zealand
Address TBD when more people sign up
13th June 3pm onwards
"Group meetup for the Christchurch Bronies! Excited to see everybody there! :D"
Poland, Gdańsk
St. Wojciech's Education Center / Centrum Edukacji im. św. Wojciecha
Piecewska 9 street, 80-288 Gdansk
June 13, 2015; 12.00-19.00
Tribrony - Bronies Tricity
Expected schedule:
1) The Second General Meeting of The Tribrony Association
2) Birthday party for a couple of bronies (cakes and drinks included)
3) Video game development course with Fluttershy (lecture, discussion, practice)
4) My Little Karaoke contest
5) Trivia quiz
6) MLP:FiM 100th Episode Premiere
Arkansas City, Kansas
My Apartment
217 East Jefferson Ave. Apartment 4
Saturday June 13th, 3:00 PM
If this turns out to be promising, we will have monthly meet ups here to watch the new episodes, discuss the show, and just have fun.
Virginia Beach, Virginia
313 Reflections DR
APT. 302
June 13, 2015 at 1100
Could this episode be the death of the fandom?
How much horse dramaz shall come from this?
Will your ship sail or sink?
Are we even ready for this?
Greensboro, North Carolina
[Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema]
[2134 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro, NC 27408]
[June 13 / 11:00 a.m.]
[North Carolina Bronies - http://bit.ly/NCBrony]
[Episode 100 Meetup - http://on.fb.me/1zXy30J - private event - need to join NCB to view]
[Live in or around Greensboro, NC? Want to watch episode 100 in a comfy 45 seat theater on a ginormous 10-foot screen? Then join North Carolina Bronies http://bit.ly/NCBrony (1,100+ members!) and go to the event page for further details!]
Commack, New York
-Premier Diner
-690 Commack Road, Commack, NY
-Sunday, June 14th @ 10 AM
-Long Island Bronies
-Let's all gather around to celebrate an enormous milestone for the show we all love. 100 Episodes. Come discuss the newest 3 Episodes:
Make New Friends But Keep Discord
The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone
And Slice of Life. The shows 100th EPISODE
Who knows if the show would have lasted this long without all you wonderful bronies along with the others around the globe.
So come and share some laughs, and engage in some 'bridle' gossip on the next 100 upcoming episodes. Also, those who missed our last 2 brunches will receive 2 special Enterplay promo cards for the CCG:
Twilight Sparkle - Break Dancer
Maud Pie - Let's Play "Camouflage"
Hope to see you there!
Anchorage, Alaska
4705 Kenai Ave Anchorage AK 99508
Saturday, June 13 7:00PM
Alaskan Bronies
or My Little Pony Episode 100
Details: I'd like for everyone to arrive by 7:00. We can watch the 100th episode once everybody gets here. PLEASE tell me if you cannot make it if something comes up.
Richmond, Va
Location: John Rolfe Martins Supermarket community room
2250 John Rolfe Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23233
Start Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Group: RVA Bronies Group (to Join and RSVP)
Page: RVA Bronies (community page, info for party without having to join group)
RVA Bronies Group is throwing our next big pony party. 100th Episode Extravaganza! Sunday 14th at 3:30pm.
Can you believe we are 100 episodes into ponies. AMAZING and the Bronies fandom still growing with each smile.
Come together and lets have some pony fun and watch the 100th Episode.
Meet and talk starts at 3:30pm
Episode starts at 4:00pm
Might have some prizes to raffle afterwards.
See Ya soon Everypony
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Shoreline room
John Braithwaite Community Centre
145 1st St W
North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Doors open 3PM, screening at 3:30PM
BC Bronies
BC Bronies presents: MLP Episode 100!
The 100th episode is sure to be a treat, come watch with friends! We'll be showing the new episode, along with other fan favorites.
Doors open at 3PM. Admission is $5 (cash only) to cover the cost of the room.
We're located right outside the Lonsdale Quay seabus terminal. Don't worry, it's really easy to get to, just take Skytriain to Waterfront, take the Seabus across, then walk to the venue. It's all covered under a 1 zone fare.
San Francisco, California
San Francisco, CA
The Variety Screening Room
582 Market Street (at Montgomery), San Francisco, CA.
June 13th, 1:00-3:00 PMThe Variety Screening Room
582 Market Street (at Montgomery), San Francisco, CA.
Bronies of Northern California
After 5 years, over 36 hours of Equestrian adventure, 2 movies, and a whole crazy fandom wrapped around it all we have finally reached 100 episodes of My Little Pony! So let's celebrate this massive milestone together!
Free entry! We are requesting an optional $15-20 donation per person to pay for space, snack, and other secrets to be handled at the event. Any profit made will go for a charity or future events.
Please be sure to watch the Meetup page for more details to come the closer we get to the date of the event.
Anti-cafe Kopernik
Moscow, Mytnaya str., 52
June 13th/17:30(5:30PM) UTC+4
SweetPony Events
An event in Moscow :) Meeting at metro station Shabolovskaya at 17.30(5.30 PM)
Claremont, California
Pitzer College
576 E 9th Street, Claremont, CA
06/13/15 (Sat) 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM
SoCal Bronies
I’m hosting a 100th episode repeat viewing and opening up the gallery on Saturday June 13th, 2015 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM.
(This is a drop in and drop out event, so come by anytime and leave anytime you want during the event.)
The 100th Episode will be re-streamed at 2:00 PM and at the top of every hour (3:00 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, and 6:00PM).
Come by and re-watch the 100th episode (and possibly more?), and check out the gallery exhibition. The exhibition includes a station for My Little Karaoke, and Fighting is Magic: Tribute Edition 2.0. Please note the gallery exhibition is 18+ only as there is a clop (mature content) station. If you are under 18, you can still come by for the repeat viewing you just won’t be able to enter the gallery.
Feel free to bring some food and drinks if you want, they have to be kept out of the gallery. I will provide some snacks and sodas. Please RSVP so I can get a rough headcount.
Everything takes place in WEST HALL, which is located on #27 on this map:
FREE PARKING is available in the East Mesa Parking Lot (#15), which is the approximate location in the meetup details.
San Francisco Bay, California
The Variety Screening Room - http://www.varietync.org/screening-room - 582 Market St #910, San Francisco, CA 94104
1PM - 3PM PT
Bronies of Northern California
After 5 years, over 36 hours of Equestrian adventure, 2 movies, and a whole crazy fandom wrapped around it all we have finally reached 100 episodes of My Little Pony! So let's celebrate this massive milestone together!
Free entry! We are requesting a $15-20 donation per person to pay for space, snack, and other secrets to be handled at the event. Any profit made will go for a charity or future events.
The Variety Screening Room
Awaiting confirmation but currently reserved for 1-3 PM on Saturday the 13th