I have no idea why Applejack is sushi, and I don't think I want to know. Sometimes this fandom does things that even I am confused by.
Have your usual daily dose of nightly fandom news below the break!
Tonight's Stories
Animatic: Everything you lost

Sibsy Birthday Animation

From over here! http://zztfox.deviantart.com/art/Wildfire-s-Surprise-Gift-535176114
Random Pony Billboard
From Ultronquake
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
100th episode Southern Sweden meet-up
We are three bronies in southeast Sweden who spent the S5 premiere together but because the more usually means the merrier would we like to meet more bronies to watch the 100th episode of MLP:FIM the 13th of June. If you live around the southeast part of Sweden or have a way to get close to Kalmar would we like you to contact either Oscar Hult, Linnéa Tora Lind or Dan Skymningssol on Facebook. We all three also are a part of the Svenska Bronies group on Facebook if you’re looking to find us there. We all look forward to spend some time together and have fun
Looking for Trouble Shoes Voicer
Copy Paste:
Im looking for a trouble shoes (voice actor) for a cover of a songif you would like to want to help out please send me a email to [email protected]
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
Let's Talk Pony: Earth Ponies
Audio Book: Neither Rain nor Sleet nor Gloom of Night
Description: Parcel Post, the long-missing mailpony who delivered Discord's ticket to the Gala, staggers into work to explain where he's been. Spoilers for "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", but not serious ones.
Get more information here!
CinemaQuestria Weekday Events: Viewer-Pick Movie Night - Wed, May 27th @ 7p EDT: "Fantasia 2000" & "Wreck-It Ralph"

The show must go on, and CinemaQuestria's streams are still going strong. And you don't wanna miss this week's movies!
CinemaQuestria's viewers have voted, and the winners for this week's Viewer-Pick Movie Night have been announced.
Join us on Wednesday, May 27th at 7p EDT as we show "Fantasia 2000" and "Wreck-It Ralph"!
In addition, our system has automatically nominated 7 movies from our viewer submissions for our June 3rd event! Voting for these movies is open until Tuesday, May 26th at Noon EDT. You can vote here: http://goo.gl/forms/a4qjUXxCDM
The entire event will be available in HD & SD, and begins at 7p EDT. So, stop on by and enjoy two fantastic movies!
The schedule is as follows, all times EDT:
7p — June 10th movie night nominees announced. Voting opens.
7:15p — Fantasia 2000
8:30p — June 3rd movie night winners announced!
8:50p — Wreck-It Ralph
If you have any movies that you'd like to see on a future Viewer-Pick Movie Night, you can submit them into our nominee system here: http://j.mp/CQsubmitmovie
You can find us at http://www.CinemaQuestria.com —> Then just click on the “stream” tab up top. Follow us on Twitter @CinemaQuestria to be notified of streams!
Hope to see you Wednesday night!
Hoof Hearted Water Cooler Podcast Ep. 5: Criticism is Far Out, Man
Get more information here!
Reuel Life: Episode 1 - Q&A Time!
Basically, Reuel Life is a weekly series I plan to do where I talk about pony related stuff, answer peoples' questions about my music and other things, and maybe in the future do reviews, parodies, and other such things. It also includes some really cool SFM animations and art by my friend TheBronybuscus.
Get more information here!
Make New Friends but Keep Discord (ft The Marefriend) - A Corpulent Analysis
Description: Corpulent Brony and The Marefriend take an in-depth look at last week's Smoozey episode filled with silver and gold, Make New Friends but Keep Discord.
Get more information here!
Audio Book: End of Ponies Act 3
After over two years of work, Act I-III of The End of Ponies have now been read into audiobook form. Nearly 24 hours of audio, over 260,000 words read, and there's still one more act to go.
Get more information here!
Pony 411 Episode 104- What a Piece of Junk!

Hello there! Welcome to episode 104! This week in the news, we have more Hasbro legal action, a remix album, episode titles and synopses, plus more!
"The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone" is what Nemesis and Alca7raz are talking about! And they actually have quite a bit, including the world-building and Gilda's return. They also have issue #30 of the official comic to review, plus a couple of fanfics to share! Tune in! No refunds.
Download: http://pony411.libsyn.com/episode-104-what-a-piece-of-junk
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBx2aqoiqDs
Show Notes: http://pony411.libsyn.com/shownotes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pony411