Yes there are other covers for this comic. However two of them feature the Power Ponies, are each done by Jenn Blake and Sara Richard (respectively), and Age of Ultron just Broke $1 Billion at the box office, so I'll be featuring them today!
So, the extended five page preview for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #30 popped up on IDW's facebook page today! Which got the ball rolling on the posting of the other 5 covers that popped up on twitter (Thank You Tony Fleecs and Christina Rice!), but anyways the last preview left us guessing as to who is going to cause the Ponyville Civil war.
The fact that most of those guesses were for the same evil little filly are irrelevant. We were still guessing!
So, for those of you who want to see if you were right, or if this is the first time you've come across the previews for this comic, you can find them below!
Special Thanks to Chevistian, Masem, Raul and everyone else who sent it in!

Twitter: The Illustrious Q