Another week, another bat pony, another community run set of marathons, and the usual madness! We have an episode tomorrow, and you all need to go celebrate that today.
But check out that bat first. Such a nice bat. Bats are the best stream ponies. I have no idea what the correlation is but they are.
Head on down below the break for today's events!
Brony Network
Friday {5/22/15} [BN Lounge 4]:
Star Wars Episode IV: Return of the Jedi {PG-13}:
9pm CT / 10pm ET / 7pm PT
Saturday {5/23/15}
Breakfast With The King [BN7 & BN Ustream]
-Transformers: Robots in Disguise {NEW}
5am CT / 6am ET / 3am PT
-Sonic Boom {New}
5:30am CT / 6:30am ET / 3:30am PT
-Pokemon X/Y {New}
7am CT / 8am ET / 5am PT
-The BN Hour {Playing Whatever}
7:30am CT / 8:30am ET / 5:30am PT
-Brony Network Brony Theater: The Iron Giant {PG}
8:30am CT / 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT
-MLP Season 5 RECAP {Last Weeks Episode}: Make New Friends but Keep Discord
10am CT / 11am ET / 8am PT
-MLP Season 5 Ep.8: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone {New} [BN7 & BN Ustream]
10:30am CT / 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT
-MLP Season 5 REWIND {New Episode Replay}
11:15am CT / 12:15am ET / 9:15am ET
-Transformers: Rescue Bots {New}
12:30pm CT / 1:30pm ET / 10:30am PT
Toonami Pre-Show: [King's Lounge 2]
-DBZ Kai {S1 EP24}:
7pm CT / 8pm ET / 5pm PT
-Sword Art Online {S1 EP9}:
7:30pm CT / 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT
-Welcome to the NHK {S1 EP12}:
7:50pm CT / 8:50pm ET / 5:50pm PT
-Death Note {S2 EP.26}:
8:15pm CT / 9:15pm ET / 6:15pm PT
-Death Note {S2 EP.27}:
8:35pm CT / 9:35pm ET / 6:35pm PT
-Venus Wars {Unrated}:
9pm CT / 10pm ET / 7pm PT
Toonami [King's Lounge 2] {Kill La Kill Memorial Day Marathon}
11pm CT / 12 {Midnight} ET / 9pm PT
[BN Ustream] {Channel 2}
[King's Lounge ]
[BN Lounge 4]
Follow Us on Twitter @TheBronyNetwork / Steam Community Group / BN Deviantart for more News & Updates and BN Dailymotion for New Episodes being uploaded within an hour after airing as well as a replay on BN7 and BN Ustream 10 mins after airing.
World of Equestria
We'll start at 7PM Central time with old episode reruns. At 10:30 AM Central, we will air the new episode, and at 11AM, I will do shameless things!
The stream link is as follows:
Before the small hiatus we will be streaming the new episode of season 5, The Lost Treasures of Grifinstone. What will this new location bring? We do not know, but if you want to discover it with the best stream and chat around then be sure to join us at Bronystate, serving the community since 2011!
Blurb for the art contest for a roundup:
We here at bronystate have been running an art contest and want to share in the joys of creativity.
Our theme is something to do with the premiere but show us whatever you got for it and be in the running for a 20$ gift card to a game store of your choosing and a feature on our newsletter and website!
The rules and the announcement are here:
Happy Drawing!
Otaku Ascended
The Otaku Ascended will be streaming the new My Little Pony episode this Saturday, with the stream starting at a new time, 9 AM EST. Hosts Tsuki and Videomaster will be playing random videos and hanging out with the chat before the episode. Come join in on the fun!
We may not be able to stream new episodes of MLP anymore but the show will be carrying on here at CinemaQuestria! We still have a bunch of content of content for you all! Here is our schedule for this Saturday:
5:00 AM - SonicQuestria - Sonic Adventure
7:00 AM - Sonic Boom - Chez Amy [NEW!]
7:12 AM - 90s Power Block: Keeping Up Appearances - A Picnic for Daddy
7:42 AM - 90s Power Block: The Red Green Show - Bingo Was His Name
8:04 AM - 90s Power Block: Family Feud
8:28 AM - Trigun: Episode 8 - And Between the Wasteland and Sky…
8:53 AM - SpongeBob SquarePants - Sailor Mouth / Artist Unknown / Pizza Delivery
9:27 AM - Kim Possible: Episode 5 - The New Ron
9:50 AM - Danger Mouse - The Invasion of Colonel 'K'
10:15 AM - Megas XLR: Episode 4 - The Fat and the Furious
10:38 AM - Steven Universe: Episodes 15 and 16 - Onion Trade / Steven the Sword Fighter
11:00 AM - Mr. Bean - The Trouble with Mr. Bean
11:30 AM - [LIVE CHAT] Come and chat with us live during the new episode!
12:00 PM - Samurai Jack: Episode 7 - Jack and the Three Blind Archers
12:30 PM - Thunderbirds Are Go!: Episode 9 - Slingshot [NEW!]
1:00 PM - CQ Saturday Movie, Mane Six May: Rainbow Dash - Speed (1994)
3:20 PM - CQ Riffs: Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
Full details along with being able to convert these times to your timezone will be available at
Join us in as we start off our event with movies Terminator 2 and Toy Story 3, suggested and voted by users on MLPForums!
We start the movies at 6PM EST Friday, after the movies feel free to relax in chat as we watch through a mare-a-thon of mlp episodes and random fun pony videos until the episode starts where we will then embed a live stream for your enjoyment in our main event channel
Don't enjoy the crowded chatroom? Then you can go back to's home page, where you can then create your own channel for you and your friends to enjoy! From there you can link whatever stream you want, be it the one the main channel is streaming, or any other you would enjoy. Although, the main channel does have the advantage of having over 200 emotes :D
Bring the popcorn and get ready to spot Derpy in our freshly furbished site of!