The Fallout Equestria Radio play is airing tonight at 8pm EST, so you've got about 10 minutes to get all settled in to see tonight's episode guys! It'll last for about half an hour so not too long and not to short!
Check on after the break for details on how to tune in and what to expect from tonight's episode!
The Equestrian Broadcasting Company (EBC) Presents:
"Fallout: Equestria" - The Radio Play (Season 1, Episode 3)
Jessi "Nowacking" Nowack as Littlepip
P1K as Watcher
Adam "Scorch Mechanic" Hastings as the Narrator
Also featuring the voice talents of:
Dylan DeVol (ZombieLeaf)
Dalken Starbyne
Konrad McLeod
"Metal Mary" Hamer
Nolan "Note Worthy" Slover
Kill Joy (Kyle Kohlmetz)
RandomBro (RandomBr0ny / Isabella)
With music by Warbalist and Pashoo
Editing by Tristan, Lyonize, Cho'Angath, and Shane "TicTac" Wesbrook
Art by Acesential and Pashoo
And casting by Justin "Xlerb" Levens, MandaloreDash, Starryflame, Matt "MisterShoebox" Bunch, and Cole Petty
Adapted for radio by RadioHooves and LD
Based on the story "Fallout: Equestria" by Kkat.
Where: Ponyville FM (
When: Sunday May 17th @ 7PM Central/8PM Eastern
Length: ~27min
Twitter: Calpain