With EFNW just weeks away, the last push has begun! As such, EFNW has released a neat little promo for you guys to check out along with last chance information on how to pre-register for the event.
Check on after the break for all the juicy details!
Everfree NW Pre-Reg Ends Friday (5/22)
Pre-Registration for Everfree Northwest 2015 ends next Friday, May 22nd! Once our Pre-Reg period ends, badges may only be bought at the door. A full weekend badge at the door will cost $70, a day badge for Friday or Saturday will cost $35, and a Sunday badge will cost $30. Visit our Registration page and buy your pre-reg discount badge now for $60!
If you want to get one of our higher tier badges, we are currently sold out of our Patron badges and there are only 2 Sponsor badges left!
A Sponsor badge gives you the following perks:
- All the benefits of the weekend pass.
- Front-of-line privileges for badge pickup, entry into panels, and entry into Ponystock.
- Three free autograph vouchers.
- A swag bag of official Everfree Northwest merchandise, including the Patron swag bag contents, a 2015 EFNW T-shirt, and an EFNW mug!
If you wish to upgrade from a Weekend or Patron badge to a Sponsor badge, email registration@everfreenw.com with the subject “Sponsor Badge”. Be sure to include your badge details.
While at our Registration Page, don’t forget about our Special Events ! Get up close and personal with the Special Guests of Everfree Northwest. Have dinner with John de Lancie, breakfast with Nicole Oliver, take a voice acting class with Lee Tockar, take part in a mock pitch meeting with Directors Jim Miller and Jayson Thiessen, or see theSherclop Pones Variety Show featuring John de Lancie! Visit everfreenw.com/event-registration/special-event-tickets and get your Special Event tickets while they’re still available!
Rooms At The Seattle Airport Marriott Now Available At Special Con Rate!
Hello everypony! While the Hilton may currently be sold out of our room block, we now have a new room block set up that you can take advantage of at the Seattle Airport Marriott ! The Marriott is conveniently located just across the street from the convention's venue, so you're never too far from the action!
To book your room at the Marriott at our discounted convention rate, call the hotel at (206)-241-2000 and ask for the Everfree Northwest room block! It will be $144 a night for room with two double beds, $139 a night for a room with a single king bed. Rooms for this block are available from 5-27-15 until 6-1-15. The last day to book at this special rate is 5-26-15.
Convention guests in our block at the Marriott will also receive discounted internet ($3/night) and discounted self-parking ($8/night)!
Everfree NW Still Accepting Volunteer Staff Applications
We are still accepting volunteer staff applications for this year's Everfree Northwest! Do you want to be a part of our convention family and help make Everfree NW 2015 the best convention it can be? Then we want to hear from you! Fill out our Volunteer Application on our website at everfreenw.com/volunteer
What perks do you get joining our volunteer team?
You'll get a compensated staff badge (if you've already bought one refunds are available), access to the Staff Lounge (including snacks, drinks, games and resting area), a free staff shirt, invitations to Staff parties hosted throughout the year, participation in events at the EFNW Workspace during the year, and Staff Award prizes at the end of the year! Plus you get to hang out with a bunch of really cool people!
There are still openings that you can fill in such areas as Hospitality and our Royal Guard. Check out our Open Positions at everfreenw.com/volunteer/open-positions .
If you have any questions please visit our Volunteer FAQ at everfreenw.com/volunteer/faq .
The convention is less than two weeks away, so apply soon!
MLP:CCG Events at Everfree NW 2015
We here a full schedule of My Little Pony Collectible Card Game (MLP:CCG) events this year at Everfree Northwest, hosted by the convention and sponsored by Jabber Cards! Come by our area this weekend for all kinds of events – standard Harmony and draft tournaments, plus a chaotic sealed charity tournament, learn to play demos, and more!
May 29th – 31st at Everfree Northwest at the SeaTac Hilton
We have a space dedicated to MLP:CCG for all three days of the con, located on the north end of the conference center. Events will be running between 9 AM and 10 PM, and the space will be open for casual play the rest of the time!
Learn to Play
Want to see who can solve problems the best? Everypony is welcome to come and learn the basics of playing the official My Little Pony Collectible Card Game. No prior gaming experience needed! Demos are free and at the end you’ll get a pack (while supplies last) for stopping by!
- Friday: 10 AM – 11 AM, 11 PM – Midnight
- Saturday: 10 AM – Noon, 1 PM – 3 PM, 8 PM – 9 PM
- Sunday: 10 AM – 12 AM
After the night sessions, stick around for casual play!
Alternate Format Casual Play
Ever wanted to try the monthly Chaos format, a three player match or Sisterhooves Social (a fan-created 2v2 format)? Play with others interested in trying them as well!
- Saturday: 1 PM – 3 PM
Continuous Chaos Charity Sealed Tournament
Looking for some silliness in your cards? In this totally not serious event, players will receive 8 packs of cards to build a deck from, then play in a charity tournament with crazy rule changes, off the wall prizes and a big heap of Chaos!
- Friday 5 PM – 9 PM. Registration opens at 10 AM Friday in the Foyer
- Random pairings, 3 rounds of an hour each
- Packs: 5 AD, 1 CG, 1 CN, 1 PR
- Entry fee is $20 – all proceeds will go to Toys for Tots
- 52 players max
- Expect chaos!
Everypony is welcome to put their deck building skills to the test in this 4-pack draft tournament – you'll use the cards you pick to create a deck during the event!
- Saturday 9 AM – Noon. Registration is at the Jabber Cards booth
- 4 rounds of Swiss, 30 minutes each. Pods of 5-9 people
- Packs: 2 AD, 1 CG, 1 CN
- Entry fee is $10
- Random prizes given out during the event!
- Each win gets you a pack!
- 40 players max
- Prior play experience recommended
Mane Tournament
Come one, come all and show off your amazing problem solving skills! Bring your best deck and compete to solve problems, get prizes and have fun! The top four players from each flight will go on to the Finals on Sunday.
- Flight 1: Friday Noon – 4 PM. Registration opens at 10 AM Friday in the Foyer
- Flight 2: Saturday 4 PM – 8 PM. Registration opens at 5 PM Friday in the Foyer
- Harmony format, 5 rounds of Swiss, 30 minutes each
- Constructed (bring your own deck)
- Flights are free to enter! You still need to give us a deck list though :)
- Random prizes given out during the event!
- Prize packs awarded for placement!
- A pack and promotional card just for entering!
- 52 players max
- Finals: Sunday 9 AM – 3:30 PM. Invitation only, but spectators welcome
- 3 rounds of Best of 3 single elimination, 120 minutes each
- Even more prize packs!
This will be run as a tier 2 event; decklists in the official EnterPLAY format will be required for registration. We will have blank ones available, but you can also use PonyHead’s “Enterplay Decklist” export option at the bottom of the page to make filling it out a breeze!
Go to everfreenw.com/news/mlpccg-events-at-everfree-nw-2015 for additional details regarding Game and Player Policy.
Twitter: Calpain