Nightly Roundup #1197
by Calpain
Princesses in leisure wear really works! They've got to just let go and have fun every once and awhile, right?
News time friends! Get it all after the break!
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Yet another lineup of pony figurines is heading to the world of chocolate egg toys that probably wont ever see the light of USA stores. These guys tend to have a plastic egg inside a chocolate shell that includes a figure. They also list this display set to go with it.
Expect it all to arrive some time in August or September.
Nightly Discussion #367
by Calpain
As a biologist it would make sense that Twilight would rank pretty highly on my favorite pony list, but Fluttershy has a special place in my heart as well. Growing up in the country I've always been surrounded by nature and it's beauty. Later I would apply that love for nature by being the animal and plant caretaker at my college while I worked on my degree as well as when I raised an abandoned squirrel for three years.
While cities are nice I feel most at home among the green of the country and the sounds of nature.
Anyhow, evening guys! Hope you all had a lovely weekend! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Despite all the exciting teasers, we didn't have a new episode this week, and that means it's time to catch up on a Writer's Training Grounds that we missed from earlier in the season.
"Castle Sweet Castle" was the third episode this season, and helped Twilight, and us viewers, move on from the beloved library to Twilight's new home. Head below the break to check out the fanfic prompts for this one.
Blast from the Past #19 - Revival Edition
by Calpain
Boy it sure has been a long time hasn't it? Looking back on the last Blast post we had over two years has past! Why the long wait? Mainly because I thought the Pony History of the Day section in the Roundups would be sufficient, but after some inspiration from my girlfriend I decided to give these another shot and see how they do!
For those of you who don't remember or joined the fandom in the past two years, the Blast from the Past posts were designed by me way back in 2012 to highlight some of the amazing stuff the fandom had come up with during 2010 and 2011. Seems odd to start a series on stuff that was barely a year old, but with the fandom exploding at that time there were quite a few that had no idea what they had missed.
Anyhow, down to brass tacks. With the revival of the Blast posts I'll be taking suggestions from people for media to spotlight that is at least one year old! This can be anything from music, comics, influential drawing that sparked trends in the fandom, animations, ect. Just send everything to calpain@equestriadaily.com if you have a suggestion! Also, feel free to share some of your own nostalgia in the comments!
Now, on to some history!
And then Dash was a duck. She looks good as a duck. Have you ever noticed that from the middle of the torso up, all pegasus kinda look like ducks? It's amazing.
Get some art below. Ducks.
Source 1
Earlier today, the awesome Lullaby For a Princess animation finally released. You should go watch that.
Done? Good!
Now check it out in Fakish 60FPS! Obviously this will only effect the transitions and background effects, not the actual foreground animation, but it still looks really slick regardless.
Get it down below!
Hey now OCs, being self aware is Pinkie's thing! If you don't watch it she's going to stick a C&D and you guys!
Comic time guys, click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
We are taking EQD to the island today. Enough of this mainland nonsense. Pina Coladas and white sand beaches for ALL!
At least during the day. Island life at night is anything but relaxing. After checking out the awesome sunset, head to one of the many night clubs for some EDM!
Get both songs below.
1.) Neighsayer - One With Nature (Instrumental - Acoustic/Island)
2.) Ferexes - Malfunction (Instrumental - Electronic)
Even if you're a master at the lasso I guess there are times when it gets a little bit out of hoof. Just keep practicing AJ!Comics guys, click for full!Twitter: Calpain
Lullaby for a Princess Released!
by Calpain
After two and a half years of production, Lullaby for a Princess has finally arrived! With seven minutes of high quality animation and music to expect it's sure to please!
Without further babbling from me, check on after the break to catch the animation! Not only that, we've got some behind the scenes stuff and backgrounds to check out as well!
Thanks to everyone for letting us know that it was released!
Nightly Discussion #366
by Calpain
How about some changelings to change up the night? See what I did there? I did a thing.
Hope you all have had a great Saturday, ready to chat about it?
Twitter: Calpain
Our 99 episode celebration continues as we come down from that MASSIVE HYPEFEST that has started to brew for the big episode 100 celebration in a few weeks!
This time around, we explore some of the awesome destinations littered throughout Equestria! I know I'm not the only one that would spend ALL the money to go tour around ponyland. Fantasy worlds alone are always a blast, but add cartoon equines to the mix with their silly pony ways, and everything about Equestria seems more and more appealing!
Below the break, join us as we explore some of the best Equestrian vacation destinations, from the relaxing villages up in the high peaks of the Foal Mountains, to the creepy underworld where some of the most dangerous criminals are imprisoned! Why would you vacation there? Who knows!
Go check it all out below.
Awoken is probably one of my favorite pony songs of all time, so imagine my surprise when this popped up in the submit box! Wooden Toaster has released a somewhat-related followup of it! Needless to say, it's awesome.
Head on down below to check it out!
Author: Snake Staff
Description: General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Separatist Droid Army, conqueror of star systems, and slayer of Jedi. And... stranded on Equestria? This can't end well.
Friendship is Grievous
Empire and Rebellion (New Part 42!)
Additional Tags: General Grievous in Equestria.op 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: Snake Staff, Celestia, Crossover, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Luna, Sci-Fi, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
I get crap for posting Luna lately, but I can't not post Luna sometimes, so have a Luna as a header. Just look at that Luna. SO NOBLE. METEORITE STEEL BLADE FOLDED 500 TIMES
Go get some art.
Source 1
Comic: Everfree 9 / Boss / Blueweed 2 / Friendship is Magic 7 / TBOI 72 / The King and I 2
by Calpain
Looks like the girls are in for some trouble if they go into the Everfree. I wonder what is so special about today that makes Derpy a bit off-put from a delivery?
Comic updates guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Heh, an interesting idea to have Chrysalis being a roommate to the Royal Couple and leeching off their love. After all they did sort of drive off the changelings from their main food source. Maybe Equestria needs a changeling adoption program?
More comics guys! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Now that I am back it's time to get into the swing of things again! With all the episode 100 content popping up I wonder how many of our artists today will be drawing stuff for it ahead of time tonight? Check on after the break to find out! We've got a lot of newcomers today so make sure to drop in and say hi!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
With Andrea Libman coming to the official My Little Pony Fair for the first time, the convention has presented as option for a meet and greet with our favorite yellow and pink pony actress!
If you're in the Chicago area later in June check out the information after the break for info on how to attend!
INCOMING FANDOM HAPPY - Season 5 Episode 100 Teaser Trailer #2! - 2 Minutes of Glorious Background Ponies!
by Sethisto
This post cannot contain the amount of WOAH in this teaser.
This is apparently the only other teaser released. Expect more later though. I have a feeling Discovery and Hasbro are going to push the hell out of this episode!
Head on down below the break for mind blown!
Discovery Family absolutely flooded their commercial time with episode 100 stuff. Tons of screenshots have arrived, revealing TONS of awesome happenings. If this breif few minutes worth of teasing is any indication, things are going to get absolutely nuts in 2 weeks.
Head on down below for all of them!
Someone decided to bust out that always trusty smart phone and get us a recording of the new teaser trailer for episode 100! This is going to be an absolutely insane episode!
I'll shut up, go watch it below. Be amazed at the fan characters.
op 10:27 AM
Labels: Episode Clip, My Little Pony Episode 100, News, Not-Fanfiction, Season 5, Trailer -
100th Episode Trailer Plays, Screenshots Appearing! MAJOR Previously C&D'd Character Returns!
by Sethisto
Episode 100 of Friendship is Magic is just two weeks away, and already a trailer has appeared on Discovery Family. Unfortunately, we don't yet have a recording of it, there are screenshots though!
Head on down below the break to check them out. Some MAJOR characters are appearing here, including one I think a lot of us have wondered on this last year and a half. Go get it below!
As many of you have made us aware over the past day or two, analysis community member Keyframe has a whole bunch of people collaborating and making videos to rescue her from her current household. Her mother is allegedly an alcoholic who physically and mentally torments her, with a passive father who is unwilling to help.
At 18 years old, she no longer qualifies for CPS, and a campaign has started up to get her moved to California where she has applied for the University of California. This one started off with a Paypal donation system in place, which raised 9k, but has now moved to the much more secure GoFundMe platform.
She has since released a personal response.
Head on over here if you want to read the full story and decide if you want to donate to it!
(And on another note, since we tend to get flooded with these after posting them for other things, we typically can't run all of them. EQD gets 1-5 requests for money a day from various people around the fandom. The best possible thing you can do to help someone is use your talents for commissions in their name. Obviously we can't post and vet all of them with all the other duties EQD requires.)
Explore and relax in the forest with TREE HUGGER.
Or celebrate the moon with some complextro!
1.) Wind Wolf | Fënjeleni Alma (Song of the Forest) (Instrumental - Light Rock)
2.) Eclipse (DJT Remix) (Instrumental - Complextro)
op 7:00 AM
Labels: Acoustic, Complextro, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-Fanfiction, Rock -
Early Morning Discussion #208
by Calpain
I absolutely love Metroid. I was first introduced to the series with Super Metroid back when I was a kid and I've followed the series since. Once you piece together the backstory for the games it's actually quite a dark world and is the sort of world building I'd expect from Nintendo.
Morning everyone! No episode today so let's have a morning discussion instead!
Twitter: Calpain
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