The Stay Brony My Friends gang might have been busy with BABSCon but that doesn't mean some good charity opportunities couldn't be had! With tons of community guests giving them a visit after the convention a fair number of items were donated to help kick off a donation drive for UNICEF!
Curious as to how to help and what prizes you can score? Check on after the break for the episode and donation information!
And here we are post Babscon.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Equestrian, we were all going direct the other way. . . .
We had a season premiere, we had a hoof wrestler be injured, we had the joy of the fans, we had the little things annoy us...Its never perfect is it.
But we made it, Stay Brony My Friends survived a network shutdown, it survived a 300 plus day hiatus of pony, it survived because the fans wanted it, and it survived because we just don't know when to quit!
But seriously, lots of friends dropped by the house after Babscon ended. The Brony Chef, SnowflakeIRL, Miriam (his special some pony and artist in her own right), The Bunny Whisperer, (Artist and vender) and Fabian (Cosplay) and we all chatted about the con and how much fun was had by all. We also finished off a charity drive for Anneli Heed which raised $638.00 for the Family Online Safety Institute to help fight online bullies!
Our efforts including the funds raised at Babscon during the Hoof Wrestling event brings our total for all charity drives to over $60,000 and we thank you all for your continued support!
This new drive is huge, its for UNICEF and their relief efforts in Kenya.
Terrible things happen every day in the world. Most recently, the religion-fuelled massacre in Kenya has once again shown that the struggle to bring peace to the world will never end. And it's always the children who are hit the hardest.
In much of Africa, UNICEF is the leader in helping children orphaned or left homeless by war, disease, crime and famine. They will be on the front lines helping the survivors of the massacre and their families to come through these difficult times and resume the dream of a better, college-educated future.
Maybe we can't cure the savagery that gives rise to these events. But we can be there to support, to help rebuild, and to show that the rest of us do care.
We gathered many giveaways to help with this important charity drive, a signed Ping Pong paddle from Cathy Weseluck, a pair of signed picture disc albums (Daniel Ingram and Stephan Andrews), a Daniel Ingram signed chefs jacket donated by "The Brony Chef", the new Princess Celestia book written by G.M. Borrow donated by SnowflakeIRL, and a prize pack from Japan Ponycon.
Every giveaway will have a different winner so lots of chances to get something neat. Please go to and click on the link to donate!
And once again we thank you for your support!
Dustykatt and Screwball.
Twitter: Calpain