Poor apples and Rarara. They never stood a chance against the EQUALIZER!
It's roundup time, and that means you get to go below the break and read a bunch of crazy stuff from the fandom. Now go! Read away!
Tonight's Stories
Fools Cake
Attack on Titan Reference in Sombra Comic
Sombra has good taste in anime.
From Alexander.
BABSCon Unofficial Charity Results Spreadsheet
Kinda interesting to see how much stuff went for if you weren't there!
Check it out here!
Discord Gun Sync
Play discord with all instruments!
In Our Town (On Floppy and HDD)
Truly magical!
Flim Flam Cider Song - LATIN TRANSLATION
Tonight's Successful Meetups
NCBronies Meetup
NC Bronies!
Bronies NYC Season 5 Preimere Screening Meetup
New York has all the pony fans!
CR Bronies Season 5 Premier Meetup

Had a great turnout for the premier party. Ponies made lots of new friends, real friends, equal friends. Now that we're all equal, we are all equally looking forward to another equally good season of pony! https://www.facebook.com/CrBronies
Gulf Coast Bronies Season 5 Premiere meet-up
All the coasts!
Philly Brony premiere meetup
The Philly Bronies had a meet-up this past Saturday at Drexel University's Myers Hall to celebrate the brand new season premiere! We all meet up and watched our favorite pony YouTube videos before watching the new episodes which brought us much joy after the nearly year long hiatus. We then played SMASH for a while and watched more pony YouTube videos and had pizza before going our separate ways. All together, a great day with friends to start off the new season.
Season 5 meet up of Knoxville Bronies in Tennessee

I don't think anyone includes blurbs anymore!
ThaiPonyCon 2015 Meetup

Thailand Pony Convention 2015, the first MLP convention in Thailand was a great success! With close to 500 attendees from across 7 countries, we had the honor of having a part of the Canterlot University team from Singapore as well as the Japan PonyCon team visiting our convention
We would like to thank everyone who visited our convention, especially our friends from the Malaysian MLP convention, The Friendship Express like Daniel “St. Pinkie” Anthony for the inspiration, the wonderful people from Equestria Daily (especially Calpain!) for helping us get the message out, the amazing people at Stable-Tec Studios for the special sneak preview of Fallout: Equestria and most importantly, to everyone from near and far who gave their loving support for ThaiPonyCon 2015
South Australia Meetup (S5 Premiere Screening)
On Monday 6 April 2015, about 32 bronies from South Australia met up for lunch and screening of the Season 5 Premiere. Much fun was had and it was good to see many of us over the long break since season 4. The episodes turned out to be pretty good! Thanks to everypony who could make it, we’re pumped to see what is in store for us.
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
EQC Podcast: Episode 62 - Back, and Better Than Ever?
The pony show is back for it’s 5th season, and is it better than ever? The guys over at Equestria Confidential sure think so! Join Owen, Dillon, Sheldon, Corpulent Brony and special guest for the evening Antony C as they discuss this rather creepy helping of dystopian horse fiction.
Get it here!
The Brony Show 177 - Everfree Northwest 2015
Hello everypony. There is nothing better than conventions and the american Northwest has one of the biggest and best. Join us this week as we talk to some of the staff of Everfree Northwest and hear about what's to come this year for this awesome convention. After all with a new Season you also have conventions!
You can watch all the fun here:
News of the week: https://youtu.be/6shaJyeYVXg
Videos of the week: https://youtu.be/cz37yCTGc8A
Be sure to join us at www.thebronyshow.net at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST live this and every Monday. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email [email protected] and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at [email protected] and ask for a spot. They fill up fast so be sure to reach us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun things after the show at www.ponyvillelive.com"
Audio Book: Blueblood's Just Zis Guy, You Know?
Read Blueblood!
Get it here!
Pony 411 Episode 98- Unbalanced Equation

Season 5 is finally here! But first, we have a few news bits for you, including some Equestria Girls videos and a confirmation of season 6! Oh yes. Plus, if you have any doubts about Nemesis being shipping trash, he removes them for you.
Nemesis and Alca7raz then finally get to what we've all been waiting for: the season 5 premiere. Was it worth the wait? What could the rest of the season hold? And how many goofy faces can be stuffed into these episodes? Tune in and remember, exceptionalism is a lie.
Download: http://pony411.libsyn.com/episode-98-unbalanced-equation
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeXxpbfmEOE
Show Notes: http://pony411.libsyn.com/shownotes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pony411
Audio Book: Awoken
A dramatic reading for the fan-fiction Mother Of Invention by Zaponator. I have the first four chapters done.
Get it here!