• Brony Thank You Fund: Make a Donation at BABScon, Save Some Bits

    Brony Thank You Fund is doing a huge push for charity this year, starting with BABScon and their awesome swag they have available. If you happen to be there, hit up the infos after the break to help out!

    To celebrate the release of the 2016 Brony Thank You Fund Calendar at BABScon, we’re offering a sweet deal to donors. For a donation of $5 or more at the convention, we’ll give you a sweet “I Helped Buck Cancer” button. Then, as you go through the vendor hall, look for our logo at their tables, and you can score some awesome discounts, ranging from 5% off to free postcards or buttons with a purchase. We’re already at 17 vendors and counting!

    So what can your $5 donation score you? How about a raffle ticket for one of 3 remaining Rainbow Dashfire action figures. The first one we auctioned off on eBay went for over $500, and we’re only going to sell 250 tickets in total, so your odds aren’t bad. You can also get one of our remaining 2015 calendars, or combine the 2015 and 2016 calendars for $15!

    Look for the Fund table outside the dealer’s hall, you won’t be able to miss it with our new banners!