Nightly Roundup #1181
by Calpain
Aww, aren't those just the cutest little cheeks? You just want to eat him up don't you?
News time guys! More like podcasts and animations tonight actually, so get them all after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #336
by Calpain
Despite her arrogance, Lightning Dust was a pretty cool character. I really wish the ending to Wonderbolts Academy was a little different as a result; completely kicking her out of the academy seemed a bit harsh.
Oh well. Ready to chat my friends?
Twitter: Calpain -
It seems like forever since we last posted up anything about Mane 6 and their currently-in-development fighting game.
For those that haven't been following it over the last few years, Fighting is Magic was taken down by Hasbro's legal department two years ago, which lead to the team over at Mane6 ditching the direct pony and instead hopping in with Lauren Faust herself to create brand new hooved characters for the game.
It has been pretty silent after their last update, but over on Facebook, Mane 6 has revealed that they are very much still in progress, and after one more engine addition, they plan on blasting us with all sorts of screenshots, art, and videos.
I for one can't wait. Ponies or not, anything relating to the awesomeness that was Fighting is Magic will surely be something to follow.
Thanks to Simon for sending it!
Pillow Pet is starting up it's line of Friendship is Magic plushies this June according to a new press release sent out to Kids Today. We saw these guys way back during Toy Fair last month, and even then, only Twilight and Dashie were available. Here's to hoping they keep that set up for those of you looking for other characters.
Thanks to Gamesteven for sending them!
For whatever reason, whenever I think of Sunset Shimmer's name mentally, I always end up switching Shimmer to Shamwow. I don't know why. Maybe it was that bingewatching of infomercials I used to do back when I was bored when the internet was out at 4am.
ART TIME! Now go.
[1] Source
Hey everyone! Cups here to share an article written by Adam from the MLP: CCG development team, giving some great suggestions on how to edit the Nightmare Moon and Fluttershy theme deck from Absolute Discord. Take a look below the break to see what he has in mind to take the Unlikely Duo deck and turn it into something pretty terrifying!
EQLA Announces the Creator of Pony!
by Calpain
EQLA is starting to ramp things up by announcing the attendance of the creator of MLP, Bonnie Zacherle! I'm really happy to see her attending more and more pony conventions; she really is a nice lady.
Check on after the break for the full presser!
[Slice of Life]
Author: Pascoite
Description: Mayor Mare had a life before politics, but she sacrificed it for the greater good. She can't have it both ways, of course… except that Twilight says the exact opposite.
The Poetry of Politics
Additional Tags: A connection from long agoop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Pascoite, Complete, Fanfiction, Mayor Mare, Normal, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Well, as they say, Rainbow Dash dresses in style! Was there any doubt?
Comic time my friends! Click for full.
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Early Morning Discussion #182
by Calpain
A young stallion destined for royalty needs to know proper tea etiquette. No better way to learn than with your little sister who has all this stuff down to a t.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
We have another sale from Comixology, this time covering everything except for FIENDship is Magic. If you need some digital pony comics, head on over here for 50% off.
Thanks to Shaun for the heads up.
Nightly Discussion #335
by Calpain
Gummy might not express it, but he loves being with Pinkie. If anything she keeps life interesting for a gator.
Evening my friends! Ready to chat your stress away?
Twitter: Calpain -
Oh wow, you all proved a bunch of people wrong on this one. Even after an awesome Tank episode, gummy came out on top in the end. We haven't seen a whole lot of him this season. I'm sure he is inevitable though!
Next poll, to go along with our discussion post the other day:
Do you wear pony stuff in public?
Hit it up on the side bar, and get the results of the pet poll below!
Yes, I know this issue came out last week. No, that isn't going to stop me from posting it.
Recently, I had the opportunity to have a quick interview with IDW MLP Writer Heather Nuhfer about Nightmare Moon and the origins of her particular story.
As always, you can find it after the break!
op 6:30 PM
Labels: Comic, Fiendship is Magic, IDW Comic Staff, Interview, News, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic -
More Fashion Size Power Ponies brushables have appeared. Similiar to the Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle before, we still have no idea where they will end up appearing. Considering the smaller versions appear to all be store exclusives, it would probably be a safe bet that these will follow a similar route.
Expect a followup when they are spotted. Until then, get more images below!
Tumblr Spotlight: Ask Student Luna / Ask Pandora / Princess Horny Luna / Ask The Duskbat's Crew
by Calpain
Hello again guys! We've got four tumblrs to share with you all today, most of which were sent in recently thanks to you guys! Keep them coming! Check on after the break for some Luna and some crazy OC fun.
At any rate, got a lovely mix of tumblrs for you guys today! Check them all out after the break.
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com or my Twitter for review and filing. Mature themed ones (PG-13) are welcome as well!
Update: If you have been featured before and were in hiatus and are coming back you can inform me at calpain@equestriadaily.com! I am starting a section at the end of spotlights that will point out tumblrs coming out of hiatus so people can check them out.
I bet even Rarity's mane wouldn't be as flowy with that much water in it. This show portrays unrealistic expectations for ponies! I demand a revolution!
Get some art while I go set that up.
[1] Source
If Seth is to be believed, a disturbing amount of you guys have been hammering the inbox with… this. For those who don’t know, this is… Pony World 3, a clearly FiM inspired game that’s… I don’t know, trying to hit it off with the brony crowd? Or maybe just provide a gaming experience for younger people that want a My Little Pony game but want something more involved than the Gameloft one?
Whatever it is, I’m Alexstrazsa, taking a quick break from Desu Daily and entering the depths of Pony World 3 for your… enjoyment.
Hit that “Read More” button and let’s begin our journey.
Every day here on EQD, the typo bug pokes its nasty little head up on even the most trivial of words. Blame it on making 10-20 posts a day, or blame it on keyboards, but no matter what it somehow keeps happening.
Imagine being the dude that designed these socks though. Spending all that time making rainbow text and completely forgetting a letter. Of course, it could just be a joke, or designed for people with bony legs.
Thanks to PigzPony for the heads up!
Bleh, bleh Everypony! Isn't vis a pleasant surprise.
Ve do not have ze issue number for vis cover yet, but I have ze feeling that ve shall fine out shortly!
Of course, no parody cover vould be complete vithout a breakdown for ze Mane Six:
Fluttershy: Barnabas Collins
Pinkie Pie: Nosferatu
Applejack: Dracula (Specifically Bela Lugosi's)
Rainbow Dash: David (The Lost Boys)
Twilight Sparkle: Lestat
Rarity: Vampirella
So… do zese Vampire Bats give you a fright, now that they're eating apples all day and night?
Special Thanks to Andy Price for the character breakdown (and correction), and for everyone who sent it in!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
MLP: FIENDship is Magic #5 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, and Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q"Well, quite a glittering assemblage King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and ... oh, how quaint—even the rabble."—Maleficent, Sleeping BeautyLies, cunning, and deception are the tools of the changeling. Be wary of their silver tongues, for nothing that comes out of there is what is seems.
At least that's what the competent changelings would be like. Of course Celestia wasn't exactly competent when she just let Chrysalis monologue right in front of her for a good two minutes.
Eh, she's a good singer at any rate. Find the usual below for this tale of dreadful woe!
Digital Download
Variant Covers
Regular Cover by Amy Mebberson
Subscription Cover by Sara Richard
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Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Early Morning Discussion #181
by Calpain
Scootaloo is here to save the day, Rainbow! Even if she can't be a tortoise, you can at least hang out and do awesome things with Scoots all winter.
Morning everyone! Chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Roundup #1180
by Calpain
It's the quiet ones you've got to watch out for they say. Fluttershy's quiet and shy character is just all part of her ninja training. Watch the shadows my friends.
News time! Get it after the break.
A little harsh there Sweetie Belle, you probably should have let him down a little easier, huh?
Yet more comics! Click for full guys.
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Nightly Discussion #334
by Calpain
Pony ducks/swans will never get old, they're just so cute! Though that does apply to a lot of situations. Why you so cute ponies?!
Evening everyone! Another night, another chat.
Twitter: Calpain -
I've pretty much lived on electronic music for the past decade. Ever since those old Newgrounds music makers were pumping out remixes and originals, it has been my thing. Techno started it all there for me. Now days we have so many variants I haven't really seen anything that follows that oldschool sound in forever. The new stuff has me addicted elsewhere.
Anyway, get that in the first slot, then some EDM/House in the second! Now go!
1.) Kadenza - Quell (Ponies at Dawn) (Instrumental - Techno)
2.) EnsionD - Colours (ft. Vaceslav) (Vocal - EDM/House)
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Techno
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