• Story: Firefly - Whole New Verse (Update Sequel Part 5!)


    Author: psychicscubadiver

    They say that Equestria was a paradise. I don’t know if that’s true, but I wanna believe it. There sure ain’t one in this piece of the ‘verse. Maybe we coulda built one if it weren’t for the damned Confederation. Those bastards wanted every planet in the system under their hoof and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The outer planets fought ’em, and we lost.
    It’s tough to get by these days with Confederation lawkeepers looking for an excuse to crack down, bandits and thieves crawling everywhere the Confederation’s not, and the Jesters prowling around the edges of civilized space. Honest work’s hard to come by, and honest folk are twice as rare. Still, a mare has to make a livin’ somehow. So that’s what I do.
    Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying. – Rainbow Dash, Captain of Tranquility
    Firefly: Whole New Verse
    Firefly: The Long Job (New Part 5!)

    Additional Tags: Ponies living in Firefly's 'verse