We need more Aloe and Lotus. Why don't you guys fan art these two? And while you are at it, Cloudchaser and Flitter require more love too.
Get some roundup stuff below!
Tonight's Stories
RD Guitar Giveaway Project
Copy Pasta:
This will be a real, playable, professional level 6 string electric guitar that I will give away in a music contest.
I will be the one crafting the guitar, but I want it to be a community proyect, I need to arrange a working team for a better result.
so far I need:
-animator/video editor for the different videos I'll post for the updates & the contest itself (commisioned work of course, I can help with drawings)
-a youtuber for holding and organizing the contest (need to discuss the options on how to hold the contest)
If anyone want to offer himself or suggest someone they know, you can send me an email for contact at [email protected]
Check it here!
Swird Cadance and Shining Armor Video From Hot Topic
Anthropology - Lyra's Song (On floppy and HDD)
Pinkie Pie Millionaire Clock
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
Looking for Brony Clanmembers
I love ponys and i love runescape, thats why i created a new clanchat for bronys! You can either play on the OSRS or RS3 Server, it really doesn't matter.
If you'd like to join, open up the Clanchat input and type "Pony 07" (07 because i play OSRS).
So feel free to join whenever you feel like :)
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
Corpulent Brony on Season 5
In which the Corpulent one predicts the future events to come in Season 5. Of course, spoilers may be contained within, so beware all ye who enter!
Get it here!
Ace Analyst: Friends Forever 14 Review/Analysis
Comic time!
Get it here!
Wonderbronies Radio Show
The Wonderbronies, a new Brony radio show focused on episode and fandom critique as well as special guest interviews and Brony music, will begin with weekly episodes every Sunday 8pm-10pm EDT starting March 29 at http://lovinity.org/radio_wonderbronies .
On March 29, we will be reviewing Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks. And on April 5th we will be reviewing the Season 5 premiere of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Tune in via. the link above when it's close to show time, or via. the TuneIn app (search for Lovinity Community Radio). During the show, you can use our chat room to chat live with us: give opinions, ask questions, and more. You can also view past shows via. our podcast or purchase CDs of the episodes to financially support The Lovinity Community. You can get underwritings on our show to promote yourself or your causes or services. And you can sign up for our newsletter. All of these can be found at the website above in the menu on the left.
We're also looking for an artist to help turn our idea into a logo and banner for the show. Contact [email protected] to negotiate a price we'll pay you and collaborate with us.
Get it here!
Top 25 Brony Songs of 2014
Get the music!
Get it here!
Fanfic Spotlight #29 (Guest Review by Pen Stroke)
Has it really been another week already? You know what that means, it's time for the latest EFNW Fanfic Spotlight! Today's spotlight, #29, features a special guest review by fanfic author Pen Stroke! This week, Curiosity leads to corruption, Lost Cities tell a story like no other, and we hear The Endless Song to the Sun.
Get it here!
The Brony Show 176 - Prepare for Season 5
News of the Week: https://youtu.be/PMnLBYny2Xc
Videos of the week: https://youtu.be/ITfEv8foWfw
Be sure to join us at www.thebronyshow.net at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST live this and every Monday. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email [email protected] and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at [email protected] and ask for a spot. They fill up fast so be sure to reach us quickly. Also be sure to tune in to our affiliate Ponyville live for the show and more fun things after the show at www.ponyvillelive.com"
CinemaQuestria Weekday Events: Viewer-Pick Movie Night - Wed, Mar 25th @ 7p EDT: "Finding Nemo" & "The Land Before Time"

CinemaQuestria's viewers have voted, and the winners for this week's Viewer-Pick Movie Night have been announced!
Join us on Wednesday, March 25th at 7p EDT as we show the Pixar classic "Finding Nemo", and the childhood favorite "The Land Before Time"!
In addition, our system has automatically nominated 7 movies from our viewer submissions for our April 1st event! Voting for these movies is open until Tuesday, March 24th at Noon EDT. You can vote here: http://goo.gl/forms/tjNfHTgwDO
The entire event will be available in HD & SD, and begins at 7p EDT. So, stop on by and enjoy two fantastic movies!
The schedule is as follows, all times EDT:
7p — April 8th movie night nominees announced. Voting opens.
7:15p — Finding Nemo
9:00p — April 1st movie night winners announced!
9:20p — The Land Before Time
If you have any movies that you'd like to see on a future Viewer-Pick Movie Night, you can submit them into our nominee system here: http://j.mp/CQsubmitmovie
You can find us at http://www.CinemaQuestria.com —> Then just click on the “stream” tab up top. Follow us on Twitter @CinemaQuestria to be notified of streams!
Hope to see you Wednesday night!
Podcast: Key Frame queen of LImbo
We talk about MLP FIM, Dr Who, Animation, College, Any's tight pants, Any and Andy watching 50 shades of grey, alone, in the dark, TRY, Mittsies, Pixar, Hotel Transl mania, Key's friend ship with Caddicarus and more
Get it here!