Last year the HoofWrestling event raised quite a bit of money for charity and as the community is all for good causes it's happening again at this year's BABSCon! Watch as Dustykat faces off against DJTetsuo with Peter New as official ref for the match!
Check on after the break for the full scoop on the event!
Come one! Come all! To the most massive, most masculine, most full of machismo charity event of BABScon 2015!
The Commissioner of the Equestrian Hoofwrestling Federation, Applejack Tunny, has demanded that the champion "The MachoKatt Dusty Savage" defend his title at HoofwrestleMania on April 3rd! Be there as the #1 challenger DJTetsuo "The Ravishing" Robot puts all his circuits on the line when he puts his bionic arm on the table!
Special guest referee will be none other than Peter New! The only person who can keep these two overgrown stallions from spitting their bits!
Announcing duties will be handled by none other than that awesome bundle of fun, Cosplay advocate and just cute as a button, BLOO!
This is not only for the Championship of Equestria, its also for Charity! Stay Brony My Friends co conspirator and all around awesome dude, Caerdwyn, is putting up a 4 figure purse to be split between the combatants charities. 2/3rd to the winner and 1/3rd to the loser.
MachoKatt is pulling for the Wounded Warrior Project :
Dj Tetsuo will be pulling for Childs Play :
And you can get in on the action, those that attend the event will get a chance to donate to the charity drive in the name of their favorite wrestler!
So be there April 3rd at 12:15pm in the Mane Hall for a truly epic slober knocker of a hoof wrestling bout! This will not be an event to miss!
Twitter: Calpain