Nightly Roundup #1150
by Calpain
I couldn't think of a picture for the Roundup so have a happy AJ!
News time guys, get it after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #276
by Calpain
For a one shot character, Cherry sure did have a unique style about her! It's unlikely, but it would be nice to see her again in some way, shape, or form.
Evening everyone! Chat time commence!
Twitter: Calpain -
Cartoon Princess Horse receives, advice, motivation, and life lessons from taller princesses horses representing orbiting solar bodies controlled with unicorn magic, along with cousin princess horse and babysitter of smaller princess horse who represents ponies hookin' up against their will via complex piano music none of you will ever be able to play, and if you could play would be making mad princess horse dollars entertaining the 1% at their dinner parties on weekends but receiving bad tips because wealthy people don't like giving money out for free.
(Translation: WeimTime returns with more piano stuff note display, get it below!)
I'll be honest here. The Staff on EQD either don't know who many of these analyzers are, or are too busy watching House of Cards season 3 to really dig into it. This leads us to an issue when these videos are reaching the 20 minute mark! Time to roll those dice. Time to crowdfund the pony fandom sorting things for us.
If you aren't watching House of Cards season 3 and happen to follow the shenanigans of the analysis community, check out some random meta videos they keep releasing below!
Blame the hiatus. That's the only explanation right?
1.) AMWDW One Year Anniversary/30k Subscriber Special
2.) "ILoveKimPossibleAlot IS HACKING US—" | BRONIES 2: More Unexpected Fans of OMG SEND HELP
3.) KP, I Have John de Lancie
Comic: Isolation 50 / Rogue Diamond 5:4 / White Box 4 / Perfect Storm 9 / Quest for Apple Bloom 2
by Calpain
It's kind of nice that we have all these long running series in the pony fandom. When there are no new episodes or official comics it's cool that we can still indulge in some well written fan series!
Comics again, all updates this time! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Remember the episode where Twilight Sparkle accidently revealed that her balloon was just product placement all along? And that she was going to grow wings in the future and not to hate her? Good times.
Get some art below!
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Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
February is pretty much dead and gone! Let's hope that March starts warming things up, eh? In the meantime, get some cocoa, grab a blanket and snuggle up for some streams!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
Journey was pretty huge a few years ago when it dropped as one of those "diamond in the rough" indie games that made waves. And Luna joins it as one of those "dark and mysterious moon based creatures" that everyone always flocks to. Combine the two and you have something interesting. While not a full animation or anything like we usually see in this media section, it does have some really great art depicting moon and her Journey buddy.
Get it down below!
SPIKE AND MOON! Have I ever told you all how much I absolutely love comic Luna? Have I stressed that enough? Has it been embedded into your skulls yet? If not I haven't done it enough.
So, celebrate MOON with me. Get a preview of Spike and Luna below the break as they adventure into the wonderful world of Friends Forever #14.
I think it really was three years ago when these guys last hopped into the pony fandom, with uncensored clop on live TV no less. This one is much more tame, if a bit tongue in cheek. Kinda hard to stand up to a miliary guy.
Anyway, The Soup did a short segment on that Nightline report from a few days ago. You can find it down below on their Youtube channel.
Update: More soup!
Early Morning Discussion #129
by Calpain
Phew, Pinkie has been out partying all night so while we may just be getting up to start our day Pinkie is ready to hit the hay!
Morning everyone! I hope this Saturday finds you well!
Twitter: Calpain
Nightly Discussion #275
by Calpain
What sort of horrors have you seen AJ? Pony war can't be pretty and it's even more disturbing watching such innocent and cute creatures fight.
Give AJ a hug and get to chatting my friends! The weekend is here!
Twitter: Calpain -
Be prepared for some spoilers below!
Attention to details are part of why she… sails?
Inking for feels is partly why she'll
Be queen of the ponies, an artist, a BRONY!
And known for the talent she is!
Yes, her pen and her pencils are set!
Be prepared!
Yes, her pen and her pencils are set!
Be prepared!
Story: Brothers and Sisters
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Alphacat
When Princess Luna goes missing, Private Lucky Break knows there's more at work than a simple breach of court protocol.
For most, Hearth's Warming is an occasion to celebrate family and friends, a time for reflection and goodwill to all of Equestria's residents. But for two ponies, their relationship with the holiday is much more complicated.
Lucky, batpony soldier of the Night Guard, is assigned to escort Princess Luna to the grand reopening of her Night Court mere months after her return to Equestria. Everything goes well at first, until a visitor inadvertently offends the princess. Incensed, she cancels court and sends everypony away. However, when Lucky goes to offer comfort to a distraught Luna, she storms out.
Spurred on by an old wound buried deep in his heart, Lucky strives to mend a bond between sisters that feels all too familiar, and find the missing diarch before her grief consumes her.
Brothers and Sisters
Additional Tags: Luna, Batponies, and Hearth's Warming
Looking to get your art out there in front of thousands of people? You might just get that chance with the Everfree Northwest Con Book Cover Contest! With the months dwindling down till the convention, the staff are calling out to the community at large to help design their con book cover.
Curious? Check on after the break for all the details you need to enter!
If there is one thing this fandom has done a lot of over the years, it's crossovers. No genre, setting, or universe is safe when ponies are involved. One in particular spawned a whole host of offshoots, via fanfiction, art, comics, music, and radio plays. Doctor Whoof appeared early on in the series, and has been a fandom icon ever since.
As many of you who watch the series probably know, The Doctor tends to have a companion. As a fandom, Twilight and Derpy were some of the big ones early on, with Ms. Hooves seemingly taking over the concept. In the actual show, Roseluck was seen in the background rocking his trademark 3D glasses with him.
So, good people of the pony fandom, I bring you the ultimate question. Who would you want to see his canon companion be? Which pony would have the best chemistry for exploring the universe and all of the glorious adventure that goes along with it? Hit the comments up!
Could we have gotten a better cast of six ponies to cover this show? All of them bring so much to the table. Thankfully it's not based on Game of Thrones.
Get some art below! Charrrrge!
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My Little Pony Wallpaper
And new banner from Drawponies for DERPY DAY/Weekend!
Katie Cook will be attending Special Edition: NYC on June 6th–7th.
If you happen to be one of the 8.406 Million people living in the city—or are visiting from out of town—consider stopping by. It's a good show, and you might meet some other comic creators you never knew existed.
Also, don't forget to check out the updated IDW Staff Convention Circuit 2015 Mega Post for more information about where you can meet your MLP IDW Comic Creators.!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
I bet we have some Pewdiepie fans here. Time to ditch that. It's FLUTTERSHY TIME. How well does the cutest mane 6 pony handle playing a Sonic the Hedgehog game? Will she master the controls? Will she collect the rings? Expect sides of Fluttershy you never expected. Get it below!
(On another note, this version of sonic looks like it would drive anyone nuts)
I guess even young alicorns aren't immune to teenage whims, eh? Just don't run up the phone bill, Cadence!
Comics! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
I hope everyone is ready for someLunaNightmare Moon!
Tony Fleecs has tossed up a couple of Sneak Peeks of the upcoming FIENDship is Magic Nightmare Moon issue. And let's just say that Tony shows everyone why… you wouldn't like Nightmare Moon when she's angry.
For those of you can stomach spoilers, you can find them after the break!
Brony Study Announces New Website Feature
by Calpain
I was running a little low on science pictures so have a wiggling Calpony! He wiggles for science you know! Ahem, what this post is really about though is a little announcement from the Brony Study folks! They've added a new feature to their site and they want to give you all a reminder that the pre-season 5 survey is still up and that they'd love your answers.
The Bronystudy is happy to announce several developments:
bronymeetupadmingroup .
2) Any Brony fans who have NOT completed the Pre-season 5 survey please visit our website and help our efforts. The survey will be removed prior to the season5 premier. Find the survey at our website: http://www.bronystudy.com/Twitter: Calpain -
Punk rock remixing some Jeff Burgess, followed by a concept I don't think we have posted in years. Barbershop Quartet isn't exactly a common theme! Get it all below!
1.) Jeff Burgess - Magic Show [Vaceslav Cover] (Vocal - Punk Rock)
2.) 4EverfreeBrony - I Thought They Were Nuts (Vocal - Barbershop Quartet)
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