Hey guys! Do you like podcasts about tiny horses? Do you like comics about tiny horses?! Well then you're going to have to check under the break, because you might get the chance to have your pony drawn by an IDW artist! Plus, an auction, and a special guest announcement from Babscon!!
The IDW MLP:FiM comics have taken the comics world (not to mention the brony world!) by storm.
• Writer KATIE COOK!
And special guest co-host:
• IDW Limited pony artist JENN BLAKE!
And even if you can't tune in, be sure to check out the amazing Charity Auctions page TONIGHT:
Several of these items go off the auction block by the end of the show
TONIGHT! This page lists what's available, plus which charities each
item's sale will benefit. But you can't bid if you don't go there!
See you tonight on the show! Be sure to tune in!
~~ The Old Grey Mare