For those outside of the UK looking to pick one of these Sunset Shimmer's up, she appears to be popping up in two more locations for the US/Canada residence. Amazon has her listed at 16.99
with 18 up as of the creation of this post.
Along with that, if you prefer the more physical retailers, people have mentioned that she has been spotted at both Target and Walmart. We don't have images of those though.
Thanks to Izerae, Meltonk, and everyone else for sending them! -
Nightly Discussion #215
by Calpain
It's really cool how popular Sonata has become! Even though she isn't the lead siren she sure does seem to be the most liked of the bunch. I wonder if we'll see what became of them all in the next movie?
Evening everyone! Hope your start to the week has gone well so far! Ready for some chatting?
Twitter: Calpain -
PINKA Pie watches fireworks with you. How awesome is that?!
Get some art below! For Pinkie Pie!
[1] Source
Happy New Year
Fluttershy HATH ARRIVED; Or at least 24 hours from now. An announcement over on their Twitter Page has confirmed that she will be available for pre-order tomorrow. I know I'm not the only one that has been waiting forever for this! Unleash the shy!
Expect a followup when they pop up tomorrow.
Custom Compilation #128
by Calpain
Now those are some pretty awesome looking customs! If the real EqG dolls looked like this I wouldn't mind picking them up I think.
Customs my friends! Get a batch of them after the break.
[1] Source
Custom Equestria girls Aria Blaze
I can't recall the last time a Jumanji joke was made with Fluttershy involved. Good show artist!
More comics guys, click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Brenda Hickey MLP:FF #15 SPOC Sneak Peek 3
by Calpain
Yet another sneak peek has landed in our hooves courtesy of Brenda Hickey! I never would have thought we'd get interaction between the Mayor and AJ like this, but the comics have been quite surprising haven't they?
Check on after the break for the teaser image my friends!
Author: Cold in Gardez
Description: The last time the Cutie Mark Crusaders worked on the school newspaper, they used gossip, rumors and innuendo to drive circulation through the roof. Their brief rise and rapid fall taught them a valuable lesson about truth and honesty in reporting. Apologies were made, hugs were exchanged, and everypony lived happily ever after.
What We Wanted to Do
For about three weeks, anyway. Now the Crusaders are back in the newspaper business, and it won't be lies that set the town on fire.
A short story about the triumph of enthusiasm over ability.
Additional Tags: The Wrong Lesson was Learned
op 14:00
Sildid: Author: Cold in Gardez, comedy, Complete, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Story -
The Fallout Equestria game is coming along quite nicely! Having shown you some gameplay, mechanics, and models the team is ready to give you guys a look at the music. Apparently their music is adaptive to the situation at hand and in order to explain how this works they have put together a lovely little video you can check out after the break as well as a blog post containing more information as well as some sample music.
Can't wait to see what is next!
In-Game Adaptive Music Blog Post and Music
We saw them together in the movie, and now they join each other as new listings over at Amazon. Lyra and Bonbon (AKA Sweetie Drops) have been spotted for order in the UK. Have some listings:
Lyra Heartstrings Rainbow Rocks Doll
Sweetie Drops Rainbow Rocks Doll
Now go collect some dolls UK people! Solidify their friendship!
Thanks to Rhubarpie for the heads up!
You know, now that Korra and Asami are an item, Lyra and Bon Bon wouldn't be too far fetched...
Man, tea really does a number on Celestia doesn't it? At least it will be over soon, Tia!
More comic updates guys! They seem to be everywhere.
Twitter: Calpain
I usually complain about these brushables with their mane that requires maintenence and lack of glorious molded show accuracy, but this right here may be the exception to the rule. Check out that Sunset Shimmer. She's ready to kick some flank in that getup. She even got herself a pair of techie looking goggles to top it off. I'm in. Sunset Shimmer Best pony 2015. I demand an episode about this.
Found over on the UK Amazon by Rhubarpie. Unfortunately she isn't currently in stock.
op 06:00
Sildid: Glorious Sun, Merchandise, News, Not-Fanfiction, Saves the World, SUPER SUNSET SHIMMER -
Early Morning Discussion #77
by Calpain
While I might not like the cold of winter, the night sky is absolutely amazing! Everything just seems clearer and more crisp during the winter and I somehow think the cold makes us appreciate what we're seeing even more.
Anyhow, I might just be crazy, so let's get to chatting!
Twitter: Calpain
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