Nightly Roundup #1112
by Calpain
It's holiday season my friends! Hope you're all excited about getting some time off from work/school. Speaking of the holidays, you can thank Auren-Dawnstar for the wonderful little header we have tonight.
Now get some news!
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It's holiday time, so expect a lot of holiday art. So much holiday art. It's almost like a holiday art tsunami.
Now go! Celebrate below.
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Nightly Discussion #204
by Calpain
Celestia is always watching out for her sis. While there have been rough times in their relationship I like to think they both love each other very much. We need more princess episodes!
Evening guys, ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
Well, with the March solicitations from yesterday, we know that Brenda's last SPOC Sneak Peek was for MLP:FF #15!For those of you who don't remember what that was (or what insane thing it contained) you can find that spoiler filled post here.Now those of us who are old enough to deal with the government—any government—are well away that what Brenda says above is absolutely true.For those of you who want to be spoiled, you can find that sneak peek after the break!
In what can only be described as a stroke of artistic genius, a new knockoff Equestria Girls guitar and mic stand has appeared in the wild. Note the hyper realistic facial expressions and the high quality use of eye spacing to help bring out their inner beauty. A marvel of 21st century, you can almost feel the soul of the commendable photoshopper who created it, via those upside down hearts in the background.
It's pretty rare that my ice cold, email flooded heart feels anything, but at this very moment I am simply in awe.
Thank you Rick for bringing this glorious merchandise to our attention.
Spaghetti manes! RAINBOW POWER! What a combo. We have a new set coming out of Funrise, complete with Lyra, Cheerilee, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie. I'm sure if you are collecting these already, you probably have the mane 6 ponies, but the two on the end might be new for you.
Right now, you can find the box over at the Canadian Amazon. Chances are we will see them invade stores shortly though.
Thanks to IXIBLAT for the heads up.
We've got a brand new completed chapter of Angelic Flutterboom for you all today as well as a bunch of other updates.
Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Another awesome 3D Model coming out of Temporal333 on Deviant Art. I think I'm liking these more than the SFM Versions. They seem a lot more well rounded.
Would you get yourself a figurine based on this model? -
It's cosplay time. Twilight Sparkle isn't the only one. Get them all below!
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My little pony | Twilight Sparkle
The personality types in Friendship is Magic have always been one of the major selling points for a lot of people. Among the mane cast, each pony sticks out in the extreme side of whatever they are supposed to represent.
We have had best pony wars to death, but your favorite character might not be the one that most closely resembles you. Are you cripplingly shy like Fluttershy? Or are you one of those people that is married to your job like Applejack?
Hit up the comments! And feel free to use ponies outside of the mane 6.
Early Morning Discussion #67
by Calpain
Twilight looks pretty good in Japanese dress! Something about her design and coloration just works really well I think.
Morning everyone! Ready for a chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
A Brony Tale has made it's rounds around the world and continues its digital release schedule as it hits iTunes over in New Zealand and Australia!
Not only that, but you can purchase the film on sale here on VHX for the low price of $2.99 this Christmas season!
Get it while you can my friends!
Twitter: Calpain
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