Nightly Roundup #1108
by Calpain
I guess this is what EqD would look like if it was a magazine! A lot of thanks to Daniel for coming up with this awesome cover!
News time guys, get it after the break!
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Day 11, there's no knowing if we'll ever wind up showing any signs that we are slowing down this pace oh hey look it's snowing but out there I see you growing both as artists and as people and as lovers of this whole thing and how far can I stretch this rhyme scheme until it snaps oh look there it's go...ing. Yup, definitely didn't miss my calling here. Let's just ignore my horrible attempts at rhythm and humor and get ourselves helped up about today's total, measuring in at a robust 414 festive little ponies and/or aspiring punsters! We're 2/3 of the way through our event, with a grand total of 5697 images to show for it! 'Tis the season to draw ponies, after all!
Our prize today is a new one, a frankly awesome print from the ever excellent folks at Shapeways! These things are really cool and make super awesome desk decorations, so don't miss this chance to snag one of your own. Plus, you know, getting the chance to draw ponies is pretty darn cool too, right?
Our Day 9 winner clocks in at #138, with a heroic little Applebloom toughing out a blizzard in the middle of a skiing trip. Congratulations to Agreenbrick! We'll be in touch shortly, so keep an eye on your e-mail!
It's funny how both long and short 10 days can feel, especially when you're pushing through an event like this. Some of you are thinking, "Is it really only Day 11? We've been here forever!" and others are doubtlessly thinking, "Wow, what? How is it already Day 11?!" And somehow both of these thoughts are equally valid. Perception is a weird thing. But however you feel about it, our little ponies have been going through a lot. But they, like you, need to dig deeper and keep pushing. You've got it in you, I know it. Tonight, Draw a pony stretching/Draw a pony on thin ice. Maybe those don't seem related, but they are.
Submit all entries here by December 12 at 9 PM Mountain Standard Time, remembering as always that it's fine to be a couple of hours late if that's what life has done to you. But before that, we've got treats for everyone in the form of a wrappariffic gallery! Head on down below the break to see for yourself!
We have a lot of pony art out there, but not a whole lot endorsed by Hasbro. Acid Free, known for their previous forays into the pony world, have released this one up above for the holidays. If you want it, different options can be found over here!
New My Little Pony Game Update Detailed - Everfree Forest, Global Events, Winter Decorations, and More
by Sethisto
The My Little Pony game annonced the release of the Everfree Forest patch yesterday, and now we have the release on iOS plus full patch notes! Along with the addition of the Everfree Forest and Tree of Harmony, a few other neat little things have been added to keep you all throwing balls back and forth for hours at a time!
Get the full release notes below the break.
With the Humble Bundle moving on to other topics and Pony in the past, we have the final tally for how well it did. Altogether we hit 25,628 bundle purches, with a whopping $338,561 earned for charity.
Top contributors and average purchase prices can be found above as well!
Crazy how well it did. Hopefully you all keep reading the comics now! They really are a great way to kill the hiatus. -
Nightly Discussion #197
by Calpain
How about some Celestia love tonight? She did run a country successfully by herself for 1000 years, you've got to give her credit for that.
Evening folks, ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain
Rainbow Dash is too much of a badass for these crazy robot things and their silly free pizza. But how does she handle the power going out? Head on down below the break for another short animation with yet another Five Nights at Freddies Theme. Seriously I'm going to make a blog for that game now. Look at Mando's most recent song for how ridiculously popular it is.
SIRENS. Have we even had sirens in drawfriend yet? Have a header with them instead cause Harwick rocks.
Now go! Get your art!
[1] Source
Equestria, Come and Heed Us
Story: Stardust
by Calpain
Author: Arad
Description: Isolated from her friends and taken prisoner in the middle of a war, Twilight must deal with the very real dangers of being percieved as an enemy as well as the nightmares of her arrival on 'Earth'. Can she overcome her own fears and the fears of her captors? Will the wayward unicorn's assistance be a boon or a curse to the 'humans?' Most importantly, will she ever find her way home?
Additional Tags: XCOM deals with Twilight Sparkleop 4:00 PM
Labels: Author: Arad, Complete, Crossover, Discord, Fanfiction, Human, Luna, Sci-Fi, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
That Lyra, always causing trouble for poor Bonbon. She secretly loves the silliness though, it makes life exciting!
Comics guys, mostly updates. Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
If you happen to be collecting promos, tins, or boxes from both the MLP CCG and normal series, these guys have started appearing over at Walmart. As always, expect the tins to contain:
- Foil Promo Card
- 4 card packs
- A dog tag
- Stickers
- Tattoos
- A poster of the art on the tin.
And for the normal box, you will find
- 3 card packs
- A sticker
- A Poster of the pony on the box.
These images in particular were found at Walmart, but I'm sure multiple big box retailers will have them.
Thanks to Remington for the heads up.
We have more concept images of knockoff pony plushies out of those random factories in China appearing on the internet. At the moment, they haven't migrated over to eBay, but I'm sure they will soon. As always, buy at your own risk if you do run into them! I still haven't gotten the paint on my Zecora tested for lead yet.
Thanks to Pukyguso for the heads up.
A bit of fringe pony news coming out of Discovery Family's recent press release. It looks like A Very Minty Christmas will be making it's TV premiere over on Discovery Family. If you want to take a trip down the oldschool pony lane, or have some memories of these guys during your childhood, you can find it at 7:00 PM ET on December 13th
Now we just need a G4 conversion mod of the entire thing. Minty technically was the original socks pony, and shes cute in modern pony form:
Get the full presser below the break!
Got a huge comic series that just finished at an impressive 136 pages! Click above for the gallery.
Comic updates my friends! Click for full.
Twitter: Calpain -
The My Little Portal animation series has been going on for quite a while now, with five episodes under it's belt. The next installment is going to need a bit of voice acting love from all of you talented vocalists out there. Currently they need:
Maud Pie
Nightmare Rarity
Derpy Hooves
Sweetie Belle
If you can pull those off, or you are just curious in general, get the video below!
We need a better title for these sneak peaks. As awesome as they are, "Single Panel Out of Context Sneak Peek" is a mouthful to say and write.
Anyways, naming issues aside, we have a single panel sneak peek from the ever talented Agnes Garbowska from her upcoming work on the Spike and Luna Friends Forever issue. What possible secrets does the panel reveal about the upcoming detective story featuring our two favorite sleuths?
I have no idea, but I'm sure one of you do!
Of course, for those who want to be spoiled (even just a tiny bit), you can find the panel after the break!
Early Morning Discussion #61
by Calpain
Not too often you see the princesses being hugged by humans! Celestia looks a little confused by it. Just enjoy it Tia!
Morning guys, ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
For all of you out there still truckin away at the MLP Gameloft Game, it looks like your next update is going to be Everfree Forest themed. A new video released by the official Youtube channel reveals what exactly it's going to look like.
Expect it in the next day or two on iOS, and next week on Android.
Head on down below the break for the video!
Thanks to Jason, Almightybooda, Andrew, Chris, and everyone else for the heads up!
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