Hey! Hey you! Yes, you in the back! Do you want to draw some ponies? Then I've got some great news for you: you can! Here at Equestria Daily we've long subscribed to the belief that anybody, anywhere, can draw and draw well. And all you really have to do to get there is try! That's why every year we set up a little event to let everyone have fun and learn together. For the next 15 days we'll be bundling up for winter (apologies to all you southern hemisphere folks currently melting!) and scribbling out some ponies in all sorts of different shapes and sizes according to some fun little prompts I'll be laying out for you each day.
How's that sound? Because it sounds pretty great to me. We've trimmed the workload a bit this year - a lot of research was indicating we weren't keeping very many people through the entire 30 day grind - but in exchange you'll get to see us twice a year now! Hooray! Now, I see you sitting there, doubting yourself. I know all about the thoughts in your head. "I'm not good enough." "I don't have talent." And so on and so forth. But you know what? Skill isn't something we're born with, it's something we develop for ourselves. So if it's something you want? Go for it! You can do it! I promise, stick this through and you'll start seeing improvements. And from there, the sky is the limit.
So how does this work? Every night, I will give you a prompt, and you'll draw it and submit using our handy dandy EqD submitter. You'll officially have 24 hours, but don't worry if you're a teeny bit late, the doors stay open for a few hours longer to accommodate those of you with crazy schedules. You can draw anything you want so long as it conforms to the prompt in some way shape or form. Digital art, colored, black and white, doesn't matter. Heck, scribble something on a napkin and take a picture, it's all fine!
This year, I'm very proud to say that vendors the world over have come together in the spirit of giving to offer you incentives just for trying! Anybody who submits a drawing will be entered into a raffle to win some awesome prize packages. And all you have to do is try to draw some ponies! It couldn't be easier! Today, our prize comes from our friends at Toywiz, who are offering up a collection of pony flavored boardgames including Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders, and Life! Thanks so much to them for their generosity.
But me oh my! We've talked for so long and I haven't even given you a prompt! Silly me, let's fix that. Tonight, to get you all started on a nice and simple level, I'll have you: Draw a pony standing still/Draw a pony posing! Feel free to get creative with prompt interpretation! Make a pun, do something silly, go the extra mile if that's what makes you smile. Just make sure you submit it here by December 2 - 9 PM, Mountain Standard Time (GMT -6). We'll feature every entry in a gallery tomorrow. Get cracking!
As a final treat, for those of you who are feeling intimidated at the prospect of just jumping in head first without anything to guide them, the people at the ATG Alumni have a truly wonderful collection of guides for everything from shapes to eyes to wings. There's a lot of good stuff in here for people of all skill levels, so feel free to look and learn: Tutorial Page.
(Update: Submitter now open)Share This!193 Comments
Balloon Party: Academy of Power - Mindscapes Officially Releases - 49 Songs From All Over the Fandom!
by Sethisto
When was the last time you bought an album with a whopping 49 songs included? The new Balloon Party has officially released after five months of hard work between an army of musicians. Academy of Power has a tiny price tag of just $2 for well over an hour and a half of music, and a variety of genres for just about everyone.
If you want to sample or buy it, check it out over on Bandcamp! And get the little blurb about it below the break.
Click for full!
This is pretty much my life right now. Trixie, World of Warcraft, Ponies and Pickup groups. Ahh the pickup group. One would think after so many years, that people would be used to grouping with an army of random strangers and completing objectives, but alas, this still is not the case. Tomorrow raids officially release, and I'll be camping that LFG tool looking for normals to die repeatedly in with my fellow guild outcasts. This is going to be fun.
In celebration of that, Join Twilight Sparkle and friends as they summon a Kazzak (I recognize those shadowolts I think?), along with some Trixie. Poor Poor Trixie. I'll be joining you tomorrow!
Nightly Discussion #187
by Calpain
It's the first of December and that means it's time for us folks in the northern hemisphere to bundle up nice and snug for the long winter ahead. As for the southern hemisphere, I hope you all enjoy the sunshine you've been getting!
Hope you're all well, time to chat.
Twitter: Calpain
A small little teaser from the Voice Actress behind Maud Pie, Ingrid Nilson, has appeared over on the wonderful world of Twitter feeds. So good citizens of the ponynet that love looking deeply into everything, what do you think of this one? I guess it really depends on what you thought the conclusion of Pinkie Apple Pie was. Did we confirm that the Pie family and the Apples are related? Does this mean we are going to look even deeper into that in season 5?
Why is it so far away...
And you should totally go follow Ingrid on twitter over here. Apparently I wasn't for whatever reason.
Thanks to Toongeek, Terry, Caryn and everyone else for sending it!
Leave it to DISCORD to to improve the new and improved Lightsaber claymore. Or whatever people are calling it. It's awesome regardless.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Discord Of The Sith
Ponies are dominating over in the toy world according to Google Trends. At the moment we are right up there next toAmerican Girl and Paw Patrol. I have no idea what a lot of those other ones are, but it's the thought that matters right?!
Now go get your ponified Ouija boards. I hear they let you talk to ponies instead of spirits.
Thanks to Knighty for the heads up! -
The image above is from someone's Netflix instant queue. It appears that, at least in the queue section, that Friendship is Magic is being removed on the first of January. Quite a few people have brought this up, so we decided to bug their customer service area and find out from the source. Our response was pretty straight forward:
"...I checked with my team and there are no updates that the show license will expire or be removed soon, so no worries, keeep enjoying that show!!"
So I guess we can all rest easy! It sounds like the instant queue image is simply filled with either a placeholder date, or bugged out. Considering the 4th season was just recently added, it seemed a little bit odd that the entire series would be scrapped so soon afterward.
Thanks to Sleepysteve, Jamiella, and everyone else that brought it to our attention! -
Pinkie Pie Season 5 Teaser Trailer
by Calpain
Little later than the past two weeks, guess everyone at Hasbro was still full on Turkey. This week we have Pinkie's Teaser Trailer for season 5. Get it after the break!
Thanks to Gavin for the first!
If that sale the other day from Shapeways didn't appeal to you, an (in my opinion) much better one is going on for Cyber Monday. 20% off on literally anything, pony figures included. If you want to browse what they have available there, you can find the ponies here! Just drop a Cyber20 at checkout.
And on the tee shirt side of the spectrum, We Love Fine is running a 25% off sale on all tees, with a select few going down as much as 40%. The entire pony section can be grabbed over here. Toss CYBERMONDAY25 in at checkout.
Thanks to Reece and Schaefft for the heads up!
Aaaannnddd Done! Alright folks, NaNoWriMo is officially finished! Hope it was awesome and exciting and you all wrote like mad and smashed your goals to pieces.Even if you didn't make your goals, remember that you wrote and that's what counts. Even if you only wrote a handful of sentences, that's still more than you had before.Now go rest and applaud yourselves for doing so much.
How Many LED's Does it Take to Make Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark Worthy of Her Best Ponyness?
by Sethisto
A glorious project has seen it's conclusion over on Deviant Art from Element0fKindness. Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark has been hoisted to thee air on a 20 feet tall, 13 feet wide frame with a whopping 1,425 LEDs woven throughout. That's 70 lbs altogether. It now hangs hoisted 75 feet off the ground for all the world to see, or at least the nearby highway.
I better see a lot of Christmas light ponies this year.
You can check out his Deviant Art page over here.
Been wishing to hit up PonyCon, but found the admission price a little too out of reach for the full three days? Well, for one day only PonyCon is holding a huge sale where you can get a full weekend pass for 75% off. If you're in the New York area this February I'd grab this deal while you can!
Ponycon NYC announces CYBER PONEDAY SALE. 75% off weekend passes!December 1st is Cyber Poneday!Purchase a 3 day pass to Ponycon NYC and save 75% off your weekend ticket.Hurry because this Ponycon cyber savings is ONE DAY ONLYTwitter: Calpain -
Early Morning Discussion #51
by Calpain
Celestia is the best morning pony in all the pictures I see of her. She's got this down to a science man!
Morning everyone, ready for another bright and shining day?
Twitter: Calpain
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