Nightly Roundup #1098
by Calpain
I wonder what sort of game the girls would play with one another during their down time? By the way, I totally love that AJ is playing on a computer with a CRT monitor.
Hey everyone! Time for some news. Get it all after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #178
by Calpain
Even for a sketch this is probably one of the best pics I've seen as of late! Twilight is not going to be too happy once she finds out though.
Time to chat guys! Let's get to it!
Twitter: Calpain
Chrysalis 'Change is Good' Tee on TeeGlobe
by Calpain
A new pony t-shirt is available on TeeGlobe for the next 24 hours, this time a Chrysalis 'Change is Good' tee by Zedrin! Head on over and get yours today.
Change is Good Link
Twitter: Calpain -
Dang, Fleur can kick some major butt! Guess Fancy Pants is right to have her as a companion.
Comics gang! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
With Christmas just around the corner it's time to get into the festive spirit and what better way to get into the mood than with some Christmas music? Michelle Creber and BlackGryph0n are going on tour across North America and will be preforming with the likes of Baasik, ACRaceBest, Andrea Libman, and Saberspark this holiday season!
Check on after the break for times, locations, and where you can buy tickets. Also, if you can make the Muskegon concert I'll hope to see you there!
The last two or so years have been marked with a huge increase in analysis videos. These things make even the music community look small in how popular they are. Who would have thought you all would love to hear people complain about ponies and overanalyze things so much? We even had Digibrony here on EQD for a while as a sort of analysis representative.
But is this actually damaging the fandom in the long run? Are people that were once blinded by cute ponies doing cute things suddenly looking too deeply into each and every little thing that DHX pumps out?
Head on down below the break for a bit of analysis on it!
Pony Reference in Sonic Boom Cartoon?
by Calpain
A lot of you appear to be Sonic fans because this has been hitting our inbox all day. In Sonic Boom, the new Sonic cartoon, there is a brief scene that maybe referencing ponies, especially considering the color schemes of the ponies involved.
Check it out after the break and tell us what you guys think; you can find the scene at the 5:38 mark in the video. Thanks to all of you that sent it in!
We get a lot of Apple Family in the show, but very little of the other ponies. A brief glimpse of Rarity's parents were seen way back during season two. I wonder what they do? How does the family dynamic work between them?
Anyway, get some art!
[1] Source
A new lineup of those Squishy Pop figurines from a year ago has appeared, covering a wide array of new characters, along with the mane 6. This big significant point here is the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It's looking like they have assigned each of them cutie marks.
Is it a sign of things to come? Or simply a need to make something up for the sake of those keychain attatchments? I guess we will have to wait until season 5!
Thanks to James, Quallzin, PinkiePie97 and everyone else for sending them!
Update: Marks appear to be from this cookbook that popped up two years ago. Thanks to Nostalgia Schmaltz for digging up the info! -Cal -
As mentioned weeks ago, the convention heads of various American conventions are getting together tonight for an awesome charity event. Check out the details below!
Want to hear from the people who brought you BronyCon? How about BABSCon? Equestria LA? Everfree Northwest? DrawnCon? Nightmare Nights?Want to bid on a once-in-a-lifetime art piece featuring the writing of G. M. Berrow and the art of Leekfish?
As previously covered on EqD, the gala return of charity-based panel podcast The Old Grey Mare is coming up TONIGHT— Saturday, November 22, 2014. The charity event is a live, on-the-air charity auction (bidding will be conducted via deviantArt comments, as in previous events). And the prize? Half a page of genuine G. M. Berrow writing, coupled with an illustration by Leekfish, on the subject of the winner's choice— all beautifully framed, and autographed by Ms. Berrow and Ms. Leekfish!
(Just as a disclaimer, the prompt provided by the winner must be G-rated, and any writing produced for the auction prize will not be considered canon.)
For all the details and a link to the show, check out the schedule page here and the charity auction page here.
The show begins at 11pm Eastern, 8pm Pacific— so don't miss the fun! Showtime is expected to be approximately 2 hours.Twitter: Calpain -
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Last weekend before Thanksgiving weekend my friends! I bet next week will be a bit quieter, but if there is one thing that ponies has done for me is surprise me at every turn.
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
SFM: Luna's Banishment
by Calpain
Remember this amazing piece of weirdness from earlier this year by IMMATOONLINK? Well the weirdness has been taken up a notch thanks to Argodaemon who has just released his own version based on that crazy animation.
Who said Saturdays had to be normal? Check on after the break for a dose of insanity! Thanks to Alexander and Andrew for sending it in!
The last four seasons have brought in a whole bunch of ponies that have rivaled even the mane 6 in popularity, at least in short bursts. Personalities in ponyland tend to run with extremes, which makes for some very interesting characters. A few days ago we ran a discussion post asking you all which ponies you'd like to see in season 5, and after digging through all of that, we've used the feedback to formulate 5 ponies we'd like to see when we finally get some pony episodes going.
Head on down below the break for all of it!
Story: Friendly Correspondence
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Pascoite
Description: Twilight Sparkle always wrote to Princess Celestia about her lessons in friendship. Sometimes, Celestia wrote back. Even if Twilight didn't know it.
Friendly Correspondence
Additional Tags: words that we couldn't say -
Anti-Bullying Week Happened, And a Whole Boatload of People Celebrated with an Anti Bullying Fanfic Reading
by Sethisto
November has a whole bunch of anti-bullying love going on, and an army of people from around the fandom got together and did a live reading of an anti-bullying fanfic, radioplay style. If you want to join in on it, head on down below to listen!
So yeah, this is a thing that happened. They must be having just as much trouble as we are finding things to post, and they don't even have a pony hiatus!
People Magazine added Celestia to a "A Disney Princess, My Little Pony and More Share Their Takes on Kim Kardashian's Barely There Paper Cover" article. Honestly I always thought Twilight had the bigger butt. Imagine that.
Thanks to SleepySteve and Victorsaurus for the heads up. -
Early Morning Discussion #44
by Calpain
Some great star gazing can be done during the winter. Too bad it's so cold though.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain
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