Nightly Roundup #1089
by Calpain
This entry for the Friend Off came in a bit late but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be shared! This piece is by DarkKodKod and is based on the story Of Mare and Magic. So happy that so many people participated!
News time my friends! Let's get to it!
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Nightly Discussion #163
by Calpain
I can totally see AJ as the Lone Ranger or something. What do you guys think?
Musings aside, time for some chatting my friends! We've got a new weekend ahead of us so let's get this party started!
Twitter: Calpain -
We have yet another one for all you Fallout Equestria fans out there, this time in Animatic form. If you are curious, head on down below for it!
And if you have no idea what any of this fallouty nonsense is, have a Trixie.
Story: Long Live Sonata Dusk
by Calpain
Author: Horse Voice
Description: As an immortal, Sonata never thought she might someday run out of time. But a supernatural encounter on a quiet back road will show her just how precious a mortal's life is.
Long Live Sonata Dusk
Additional Tags: Sonata Dusk meets Mr. Deathop 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: Horse Voice, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Human, Sonata Dusk, Story -
Funko Celestia And Luna, Along with Everything Else 25% Off at Hot Topic With 25 Cent Shipping
by Sethisto
Moonbutt and Sunbutt are joining in on a 25% off sale over at Hot Topic going on right now. Shipping has also been reduced to 25 cents on orders over 25 bucks, which these barely peak over togeather in one order. That's a lot of 25.
The full sale covers the entire site, but since these two are probably the main interest points at the moment, have them!
Thanks to Jen for sending it! -
The daily lives of changelings. It's not all evil plotting and wold domination. Clearly they have a sense of humor even.
Of I could be completely wrong and they totally just want to swarm the planet.
Anyway, get some art!
[1] Source
Charity has become a second nature thing to the fandom ever since the early days when Faust herself auctioned off concept art to help tsunami victims in Japan. The tradition continues in a new event coming up later this month that brings together many of the convention organizers from across the US into one livestream chat to talk about how conventions are organized!
Of course while this is all going on an equally epic charity auction will be busily taking bids as well. What's at stake? A chance to have your very own idea written by G.M. Berrow, author of the Daring Do books, and then illustrated by the amazing artist Leekfish!
Interested? Check on after the break for all the info you need to participate as well as a list of guests.
Ruffled Feathers has been around for awhile now and while I want to put it in a tumblr spotlight I thought that the structure of the tumblr worked well enough for comic posts! Check out the opening video here and click above for the first official page. They usually have a little animation!
Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
PewDiePie Plays the Luna Games
by Calpain
A lot of you are PewDiePie fans apparently because our inbox is getting flooded a bit with news that he sat down and played the Luna Games recently. For those of you not in the know, the Luna Game series were a series of creepy pasta games starring Luna and some freaky effects. While being relatively simple, they were effective and developed quite a reputation over time.
Anyhow, check after the break for the vid! Thanks to the billion people who sent it in.
Story: Unicorn Horns Are Made Of Candy
by Calpain
Quote: This is pure silly fun, just like crazy candy flavours. - Pre-Reader With a Cotton Candy Beard
Author: ocalhoun
Description: A secret unknown to any hornless pony, unicorn horns are made of candy. Pinkie Pie found out, and now she wants to try every flavor!
Unicorn Horns Are Made Of Candy
Additional Tags: Try to taste every flavor!op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: ocalhoun, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Random, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
It's that time of year once again! While the old ones from last time have been popping up in the random merch posts, it looks like a couple of new ones are making their way to store shelves for 2014. This Luna and Rainbow Dash combo set was spotted for 10 bucks at F.Y.E. If you want one, it might be a good idea to give them a call!
Thanks to Ashley for sending the image. -
You know the drill at this point. Another one of those temporary shirt sites has yet another pony shirt. If the Pinkie Pie above looks appealing to you, get it for 14 bucks over here!
Thanks to Chris for sending it. -
It looks like we ended up losing in the end on the Toy Hall of Fame choices. While we seemed to have dominated the poll, a few of the lower rated ones were eventually chosen as the top 3.
Rubiks Cube, Green Army Men, and Bubbles in general have come out on top. Maybe next year!
You can find their full listing over here.
Thanks to SleepySteve, PinkiePie97, and everyone else for sending it! -
Early Morning Discussion #30
by Calpain
You think raising the sun is hard? No, these are the real struggles of a princess. You can do it Celly!
Chat time my friends! Let's get to it!
Twitter: Calpain
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