Daniel Ingram is over there chugging away at the last song of season five. It's amazing to think of how many songs this guy creates in such short time frames. Pony isn't the only show he is on after all. I wonder what his official yearly count is?
As we all wait around for that big release date announcement, it's interesting to guess when it will be based on status updates like this. Maybe some good news will come around the time it usually releases later in the month? Here's to hoping!
Thanks to Fenrir for the heads up.Share This!104 Comments
Nightly Roundup #1086
by Calpain
Poor Celestia is about to get a big surprise...
Hey gang, news is a little light tonight, but whatcha gonna do? Get what we have for ya after the break!
A Venezuelan website called Preciolandia has dropped a whole set of plushies over on their main page. Some are accessorized, others come stock, all of them clock in at 50 cm. As for where they will go from here, it's still up in the air. They do kind of remind me of anteaters though for some reason. Those noses are a bit too long on some models.
Thanks to James for the heads up! Get images of all of them below.
Nightly Discussion #159
by Calpain
In an alternate world where Chrysalis won and turned all our ponies into changelings! I wonder how that would have played out.
Time for some chatting my friends! Hope you all had a great day.
Twitter: Calpain -
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #54
by Calpain
Remember when people used to look down on OCs quite a bit? Now some of them are popular fandom names (Fluffle Puff, Little Pip, ect). Times sure do change, huh?
Lots of amazing crafts for you guys to check out after the break my friends!
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Shimmering Shield
Dragons, princesses, OC ponies, mane 6, it's crazy art time! Get more art below!
Yay art!
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Commission: No Heroes Book 4: The Crystal Empress
Friend Off Art and Story Compilation
by CalpainIt's been a fun two weeks my friends and you all certainly stepped up to the plate for this event as we received 58 email entries for the Friend Off Revivial! Ranging from simple artwork to detailed creations, short stories to long epics we received all sorts for this event.I'll be dividing this post into two sections, one for stories based on pictures and one for pictures based on stories. Check them all out after the break and thanks again for participating! I'll be sure to do this again in a few months. -
These Adapting to Night comics sure are setting up an interesting history behind Vinyl. They keep me curious as to what will happen next.
More comics guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Now that's a nice comic right there, complete with dyes and acrylics. Is this the western adventure we have been waiting for with Applejack? I guess we will find out soon!
Thanks to Roy for the heads up! -
The AMC show Comic Book Men looks to be journeying into the world of pony on the 9th of November. This is the current synopsis listing, though it was confirmed by TV.com as well. I guess we will find out soon what kind of take they had on it!
Thanks to Skottyboy1 and Francisco for the heads up! -
I think Apple Bloom is really resenting what Scoots said to her in the previous panels. Better watch your back Scootaloo!
Comic time guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Early Morning Discussion #26
by Calpain
So is this your card guys? Come on, Trixie's waiting.
Man, this time change sure does mess me up for a couple days. Already can't wait till things switch back in the spring.
Anyhow, let's get to chatting!
Twitter: Calpain
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