Nightly Roundup #1085
by Calpain
You heard the motivational poster! Go out there and be alicorn you can be!
News time my little friends. Get it while it's hot!
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Poll Results: If the New Movie is Adventure Based, What Direction From Ponyville Should it Explore? - East Wins!
by Sethisto
Griffons, Dragons, Hollowshades, oh my! It looks like the eastern end of Equestria won it out on this poll by a large margin, followed with a near tie between West and North. I wonder if we will ever get to see these locales in season 5? Heres to hoping. Griffons especially sound interesting.
Get the results of this one below the break!
Next poll:
The MLP Jingle has been a thing for over 30 years now, but has a bit of baggage associated with it. I've run into quite a few that immediately jump ship when it begins without giving our very different pony cartoon a shot. Would you be up for a new theme song? Hit it on the side bar! Thanks to Tervicz on Twitter for the idea!
Nightly Discussion #158
by Calpain
Wouldn't be one heck of a redemption arc to have Sunset Shimmer learn and grow in the EqG world and return one day to take her place among the greats? She sure does seem to have the potential and I can see why she was once a student of Celestia.
Time to chat my friends. Let's have some fun!
Twitter: Calpain -
UPDATE: Now with better cover image!
While we still don't have an image for it (hence the example Game of Thrones version made by the same company), it looks like the Amazon listing for the Castles of Equestria Pop-Up book has been given an overhaul in terms of description:
A must-have gift for pony fans of all ages! Five pop-up figures inside!
The beautiful castles of Equestria pop to life inside this magical interactive book. Showcasing more wizardry than Star Swirl the Bearded, pop-up master Matthew Reinhart takes My Little Pony fans on a magical time-traveling tour through each palace. See the majestic castle in Canterlot, the shining spire of the Crystal Empire, and the reconstructed ancient Castle of the Two Sisters--where Princesses Celestia and Luna began their rule. Plus, see Twilight Sparkle's home, the newest castle in Equestria!
Use the five pop-up figures included to explore doorways, gardens, and throne rooms. Spot all your favorite characters from the hit television series throughout this magnificently illustrated feat of pop-up engineering--you never know where somepony might appear!
The release date has also appeared, slotting in at June 2nd of next year. If all of this sounds interesting to you, and I'm leaning toward it will, you can find the listing over Here!
Thanks to Scott for the heads up!
(Example Game of Thrones book below from the same company) -
Or it would be if I could find some new gamer Luna. Where my JJ at? Her power is slowly draining away without it!
Get your art tornado below!
[1] Source
EDM Princess
For those that miss the announcement on these things, they do actually exist. Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have been Piggyfied. While they popped up on a random site a while back, they look to be oinking their way into stores, or more specifically a Target in Minnesota.
Would you watch My Little Piggy EQD people?
Thanks to Cody for the heads up!
Author: Scott 'Inquisitor' Mence
Description: Cadance, Discord, and Fluttershy walk into a blizzard, but it's no laughing matter: there's something out there, buried beneath centuries of ice. But it's going to take teamwork to find it, and it's not the Princess of Love nor the Lord of Chaos that are holding all the cards. What's more, somepony predicted everything that is about to happen, and it turns out that history has an unexpected cadence.
Three Solos, One Cadence
Additional Tags: Friend-shipping, world-building, and fate-weaving.op 15:02
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Scott 'Inquisitor' Mence, Cadance, Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Star-Needed, Story -
The Underworld's Cello has been in development for a while now, and with the spooky holidays going on, the second demo has been released. Time for OCTAVIA!
Get the trailer down below.
Russian, German, if you toss a cute vocalist in there, it's always awesome. Get that to begin, and a new one from FritzyBeat and Soundspark with it!
1.) Equestria EP - 03 If Only You'd Known (Feat. FritzyBeat) (Vocal - Electronic)
2.) The Living Tombstone - Smile Remix [RUS] (Sayonara&GalaVoices Remix) (Remix - Russian)
Comic: Dash Academy Ch 6 Part 17 / Touch my Scepter / Express Mail / Sing Your Last Song / Seeds of Darkness 64/65
by Sethisto
Lesbian ponies are cute. Dash Academy updated. If you aren't reading it, you probably should.
And following that, more comics! Click for full!
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