Nightly Roundup #1078
by Calpain
Luna is silently judging you! Now why is that? Did you guys get in trouble again? Just don't make Luna disappointed you guys or she'll get you in your dreams.
News time! Get it all after the break!
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Machinima Gets in on the Pony Movie Craze
by CalpainNews of the pony movie sure has spread fast with Machinima, one of the largest channels on Youtube, dedicating an episode to it! Looks like we're not the only people stirred up to frothing excitement over the news.
Check on after the break for the clip!
Thanks to Lane, Paul, Jorid, and Jake for sending it in!
Nightly Discussion #145
by Calpain
Flutterbat seems to be the new representative of Halloween as of late. Watch out Luna, you've got some competition!
Time to talk my friends! Yay!
Twitter: Calpain
Friends Forever #10 is out on the 22nd of this month, and we now have an extended preview to go with it! If you are curious about the return of Iron Will, head on down below the break to check it out.
Thanks to Masem for the heads up.
Also over at ISSUU,
We've known M.A. Larson as the dashing rogue writer for Friendship is Magic who cannot be stopped from putting wings on anything without regard for the consequences. But it seems that forging princesses in the fiery crucible of Friendship is an addictive business, because he's back at it again with his debut novel: Pennyroyal Academy. We're here today to talk a little bit about that book and help you figure out if you should, as he has so often asked over the past few weeks, "Buy [his] book."
Pennyroyal Academy is very much a story cut from the same cloth as Friendship is Magic - it's charming and intelligent storytelling set in a fairy tale world. It's empowering and it's honest, and it's also written to be read by children without excluding adults. If you enjoy Larson's work on My Little Pony, then the short version endorsement is yes, you should absolutely run out and buy a copy as fast as your little legs can carry you. For a brief synopsis and a more in depth review, check below the break. This review will, as much as possible, strive to be spoiler-free. So fret not, and follow along!
Your daily dose of Flutterbat. Will this be what the movie revolves around?! Will we get a dracula Flutterbat crossover?!
Hopefully not. I still love Flutterbat though.
Get some art below.
[1] Source
Posted about an hour away on the TBS Facebook Page was this image of Chris Griffin from Family Guy sharing in his excitement for the recent announcement of the My Little Pony animated film. -
(It's just fan art, No idea why they used it for their main image)
AMC decided to hop on the new My Little Pony movie storm, talking primarily about the brony audience and how they will react to it once it releases. There isn't a whole lot of new in here, but it's cool to see it already making the rounds!
Get it down below!
Below, you can find some tweets by BronyCon Chair, Josh Dean, moments before the official BronyCon Twitter account announced this news.
TWILIGHT SPARKLE. This wallpaper doesn't try to be subtle at all. You are getting a full on Twilight bomb right to the face with it.
Time for WALLPAPERS! Be sure to click the source links for the full size versions!
[1] Source
Twilight - Rainbow - 1st time 4K wallpaper!
I know cross-country between the EU and USA works for Amazon orders, but I have no idea if it does for Japan. The MLP Manga is available over there right now. And if you missed yesterday's post, we got a whole bunch of previews for it. Check that out here!
Thanks to The Illustrious Q for the heads up. -
It looks like MIMOBOT isn't the only brand releasing pony flash drives. If their egg shaped ones weren't your style, we have full on pony ones popping up at Walmart. Would you trust Pinkie Pie with your potentially embarrassing data though? How risky.
Thanks to Maggie for the heads up. -
During their Q3 Investor Call, Hasbro announced that they are working with AllSpark Pictures to create a feature length My Little Pony movie that's slated for release in 2017.Joe Ballarini (Ice Age: Continental Drift) is on scriptwriting duty for this movie, while Meghan McCarthy (Party of One, Lesson Zero, Canterlot Wedding, Twilight's Kingdom) has taken on the role of co-producer.You can read up on the full announcement here.UPDATE: A tweet by Meghan seems to imply this is indeed a gen 4 movie with the Mane 6.
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