Nightly Roundup #1076
by Calpain
I really hope you know what you're doing Fluttershy... Though just to make sure I think I'll hide in my closet for awhile.
News time folks! Get it while it's hot!
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For those who don't follow internet spaceship games, Star Citizen is a massive upcoming game by Chris Roberts of Wing Commander fame that broke several Kickstarter records at the time of its fundraising.
As it turns out, if marshmallow horses can gather the interest and funds for a fan convention, so can crowd-funded games. Citizencon 2014 wrapped up a few days ago, and with it came a few updates from each of the studios working on the project. At the end of the update from the Austin studio we can see, pictured above, everyone's favorite spacemare proudly adorning a lunchbox of the studio's art director.
No word on if there will be pony easter eggs in the final game, but here's hoping.
Nightly Discussion #141
by Calpain
They may be con men but you've got to admire their tenacity! No matter how bad it gets they'll always be cooking up their next scheme.
Time for talk my chatty ponies. Let's have some fun!
Twitter: Calpain -
Hoping to find ammo for your current decks with the release of Celestial Solstice later this month? You got it! Hoping to get motivation for all new decks, like a three-color deck from last week's article, or maybe even a Princess Deck? You got that, too!
Check out below the break for all the alicorn awesomeness you could hope for!
The real BATTLE OF THE BANDS. Or musicians in this case.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Commission - Music Battle
Spotlight time! We have an acoustic track from Woodlore, and a remix that seems to have fell under the radar of Tricks Up My Sleeve from last week! Send that music in! Get them below.
1.) Let The Magic Fill Your Soul - WoodLore (Vocal - Acoustic)
2.) Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks - Tricks Up My Sleeve (SquareHead Remix) (Remix - Electronic)
A Chance Encounter with a Winged Wall Eyed Flying Equine referred by her colleagues as Derpy Hooves
by Sethisto
One would be heavily indulged with the choice of a quest and or adventure exploring the vast and untamed reaches of the normal yet world shattering use of cartoon equines conversing with one another in language that society would unanimously consider to be of the pinnacle.
Travel to the world below for this masterpiece in pony word use and shakespearean level writing.
[Adventure] That right there is a cool cover.
Author: iisaw
Description: Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal Archives. Her investigation leads through layer after layer of deception and misdirection, setting her hooves on a path that seems to be leading to a mysterious secret. Along the way, she learns that some friendships can be very, very strange.
The Celestial Code
The Luna Cypher
The Twilight Enigma
The Skyla Pseudonym
The Cadenza Prophecy(Sequel 5 21-22 (Complete!)
Additional Tags: Twilight explores a lost city.
op 3:24 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: iisaw, Complete, Fanfiction, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
[Slice of Life]
Author: Whammy
Description: It's been several months since the Alicorn Amulet incident, and much has changed for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Her reputation damaged once again, she continues on with her magic act, determined to try and turn over a new leaf. With Twilight Sparkle now an alicorn princess, however, Trixie finds herself plagued with nightmares and a renewed sense of jealousy. Sympathetic to the mare's feelings, which mirror ones she once held long ago, Princess Luna decides to intervene.
In Somepony's Shadow (New Part 18!)
Additional Tags: Trixie becomes Luna's apprentice.op 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Whammy, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Normal, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
The manga style Friendship is Magic comic sure does take a long time to come out with updates, but man are they worth it. Just look how long and detailed it is!
Comics for you guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
It looks like Shapeways finally got a huge update out for Super Fan Art. Pretty much everyone has a model now, with loads of variants in between. Artistwise, they added a bunch of new ones to the mix. Hopefully this means we keep seeing it expand!
Head on down below the break for images of all of them!
Thanks to DeathPwny for the heads up.
Early Morning Discussion #16
by Calpain
I really do wish we'd get a look at Babs' life in Manehatten. Heck, maybe the CMC can make a trip over there and pay a visit!
Anyhow, time for some chat my friends! Let's get to it!
Twitter: Calpain -
The End of Applejack Day
by Calpain
Well everyone, it is 12am on the site so that means the end of AJ Day! Thank you all for participating, we were absolutely overwhelmed by the response and we weren't able to get every single thing included.
AJ Day will be back next year, but in the meantime get ready for more character themed days in the future. Now go have an apple for AJ guys!
Twitter: Calpain -
Applejack Appreciation Day is now officially over, but that doesn't mean you have to stop appreciating her, so be sure to go do that. I swear I will too.
We had a lot of art come in for the occasion, but at 110 images earlier we had to cut some for the sake of people's computers not exploding on that Drawfriend dedicated to her. Below the break is a bunch of stuff, from various artists around the fandom, as well as some beginners. All are welcome! Head on down below the break for it all.
Which pony should we do next? I'm leaning toward Celestia, but she might not need it as much as someone else.
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