• Epic Ink Episode Includes an Apocalypse Pony Tattoo

    A show on the channel A&E ran an episode back on the 24th of this month, and one of the tattoos just happened to be pony inspired.  While they didn't go exact g4 style with it, it's still pretty close! Luckily, we have a completely official stream for it this time, so no fumbling around youtube links that get shut down in a day.

    Head on over here to check it out!

    Thanks to Storm Wind for the heads up.
  • Comic: Gumzilla! / Strawberries and Peanuts / They Said I Could Be Anything / Journey to the Lunar Kingdom / Designated Drinker

    Only Pinkie wouldn't see a problem with this situation. She'd probably think up some way to incorporate it into a party I bet.

    More comics! They're everywhere! Click for full.

    Twitter: Calpain
  • Nightly Discussion #121

    The artist of this pic brings up a good point, Spike must have been so excited to get his own ticket for the gala. Too bad the night didn't go as planned in the end, but at least everyone was happy when they met up at the donut shop.

    Time for some discussion my friends! Get to it!

    Twitter: Calpain
    Vote and visit our comic
  • Artist Spotlight: SherwoodWhisper / SingYourSong13 / Rainbow Hooves / Pirill-Poveniy

    Heya gang! I hope you're all up for a little artwork today because we're back once again with the Artist Spotlight to help illuminate from really awesome artists. Make sure to check them all out after the break.

    As usual, these posts are in similar style to the Tumblr Spotlights, a group of 3-5 artists will be spotlit each entry along with a small short description along with a small selection of their artwork! In order to make this feature work though we need people to suggest artists to us so make sure to send artists you think need some exposure to calpain@equestriadaily.com. Please also include a short biography I can work with as well as what medium you work in most.

    What sort of artists count? Suggestions should follow these criteria:

    • No clop or extensive gore galleries as those typically violate our content guidelines. If the artist has a safe for work gallery separate from their not safe for work stuff they or their fans can submit the safe for work gallery. If there is a mix of SFW/NSFW on a gallery the decision whether or not to include them will be judged on a gallery to gallery basis.
    • Don't be afraid to spotlight yourself as well as others!
    • Artists of all types accepted -vector, OC, traditional, digital. As long as it is pony and of quality it has a chance of being spotlit. 

    Now on to the artists!
    Twitter: Calpain

  • Convention Panel Q&A Etiquitte from Heather Breckel

    Conventions are here to stay.  Even when the online presence for pony hibernates between seasons and episodes, yearly giant meetups are going to be huge long into the future.

    One thing that tends to go down at these is the inevitable panel Q&A. Every fandom out there has their share of awkward questions and things that just straight up can't be answered.  Some are moderated, but quite a few aren't.  Fortunately, the good questions tend to outweigh the bad. 

    MLP comic artist Heather Breckel has released a set of guidelines to follow if you plan on attending one of these panels.  Dave Polsky's recent panel is a good indication that some in the fandom could probably use a quick read through it!

    Head on over here to check it out.

    Thansk to Present Perfect for the heads up!
  • Drawfriend Stuff #1299



    [1] Source
    MLP SketchVector Drinking Contest: AJ and RD

  • Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #52

    I remember when Past Sins first came out and it was impossible to avoid the fan art. I can't believe it has been three years since it came out! Craziness!

    Check on after the break for some awesome stuff.

    [1] Source
    Twilight and Nyx Final

  • Comic: Of Kings and Changelings 2 / Funny Faces / Celebrating Chaos 3 / My Little Sterelis 2:28 / Hoodoo Voodoo 2

    I just adore Gray's comic book style! It just works fantastically with his projects, don't you think?

    Comic time! Click for full!

    Twitter: Calpain
  • Nightmare Nights Dallas Announces Natasha Levinger

    Nightmare Nights is about a month away, but that doesn't mean the announcements can't keep coming! Nightmare Night is pleased to announce the attendance of Natasha Levinger who brought us the Breezies!

    Check on after the break for all the info you need.

  • Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Meetup Compilation

    Rainbow Rocks is just around the corner on the 27th, and a few days ago we asked you all to send in some meetup groups for it.  For those that are going, but  haven't yet picked a theater, it might be a good idea to get your tickets now

    I completely forgot to ask for Facebook/Meetup.com event links, and most of these didn't include them, so I'm going to toss a little disclaimer in here telling you to use caution, since it's going to be hard to tally how many will be at each of these without the pages to RSVP on.  And as always, be cautious in general when meeting with strangers. 

    Anyway, head on down below the break for the list!

  • Dash Looks Good in Holiday Stuff - New Cups at Dollar General

    We are three months away from the Christmas/Hanukkah/ect month, which means retailers have already started pumping out merchandise for it. Turns out a lot of people would forget if we weren't constantly reminded at least a quarter of a year early.

    These two popped up over at Dollar General. I'm sure we will see boatloads more as the holidays draw closer.

    Thanks to Ashley for the images.
  • Series 3 MLP Trading Cards Pop Up for Pre-order With December Release

    Toywiz has once again revealed a release date.  The Series 3 trading cards are now available over there.  Exact description:

    Fans have been waiting and wanting and we are delivering in a new and big way! My Little Pony Series 3 Trading Card Fun Packs are packed full of fun in this new configuration. New 8-card packs contain 1 foil card, 1 tattoo, either a sticker or standee and more! Lenticular cards will replace the gold foil cards in this set and will appear in approx. 1:24 packs.

    They sent us a coupon code for those of you that like to buy these things in bulk too. The booster boxes (24 packs) drop in price by 20 bucks if you toss EQDSAVE in at checkout. 

    Good luck getting the right cards! And someone send me a shiny version of whatever Trixie is in this set.  There better be a Trixie.

  • The Hub Officially Becoming Discovery Family on October 13 - Programming Detailed

    Quite a bit of buzz popped up a few days ago when Discovery announced that The Hub would be axed, replaced with Discovery Family.  We now have a full press release detailing the transition, happening as soon as October 13th!

    We have confirmation that Friendship is Magic will be joining the rest of Hasbro Studios big hits during the daytime, with Discovery taking over with their family focused content during the primetime. 

    Now we just need that season 5 release announcement and all will be right in the world.

    Full press release below the break!

    Thanks to Jason and Tim for the heads up! 

  • Early Morning Discussion #5

    Since it is early morning here might as well have a pic dedicated to our favorite sun princess. Wish I felt sunny right now, but it feels like it's raining inside me. God I hate depression.

    Get to chatting.

    Twitter: Calpain
    Vote for our comic