It has been a while since we had a good ol' shirt dump from We Love Fine. This time everyone from Maud to Tirek get some love. I was wondering where these went during the season. They were releasing episode based shirts the day of up until Flutterbat.
Anyway, head on over to the pony section or down below the break to check them all out.
Author: Golden Vision
Description: The Queen of the Changelings has not always held her position. Chrysalis's past is not a story of love stolen, but of love given freely. Yet all fairy tales must come to an end, leaving only the darkness behind.
Shedding Your Skin (New Part 7!)
Additional Tags: On the Origin of Changelingsop 20:14
Sildid: Author: Golden Vision, Chrysalis, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
For whatever reason, the 90's keep invading the inbox today, or at least that's what I equate this guy to. I bet I'm not the only one out there that grew up when 'N Sync and boy bands in general were the big thing in music.
If you don't fall into that category, then have some Twilight Sparkle below instead.
Anyway, A few days ago, he posted this up for his crazy amount of Instagram followers with the tag #MyLittleBrony. I wonder how many more we can claim before the pony craze ends? If it ever ends.
Thanks to JohnMellen for sending it!
And as promised, Twilight Sparkle for everyone else:
Best pony -
What do you guys think of ditching the 3 song format and just single posting spotlight stuff? At least during this haitus where things slow down. It can be pretty hard to find enough for a spotlight post.
Anyway, have another one on it's own, part of an album this time around. This song in particular as 4everfreebrony puts it:
It was based on the episode "Pinkie Apple Pie". Have you ever wondered if you were related to someone you've known for a long time? My family and I have certainly done a good amount of family history and genealogy research, and the results can be pretty shocking!
If anyone has seen the movie "A Knight's Tale", we found out that we are direct descendants from one of the characters in there. Not the actor, the actual character.
Anyway, get it down below!
Fishing for Derpys on the MOON.
This is what Luna does all day. I have no idea what else to say about that.
Get some art below!
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Lunar 1: Crescent Moon
[Normal] [Sad]
Author: cleverpun
Description: She's the original. She won the paint-watching test, fair and square.
So why do the townsponies keep avoiding her? Why do all her friends keep whispering around her? And why does Twilight keep insisting that she isn't any good at baking or throwing parties?
She's the original. The best Pinkie. She won the test, fair and square. She's not some copy, not anymore...but perhaps being a copy would be easier than being herself.
I Am Not the Actor (New Part 13-16!)
Additional Tags: Identity crises, grief, awkward optimismop 17:31
Sildid: Author: cleverpun, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Sad, Star-Needed, Story -
Something random from the pony figurine world has appeared for those looking for some sitting ponies. Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are in keychain form, or Backpack Dongle in this case. If you just want sitting ponies, most of these unscrew the actual chain, so that's always an option.
These two were found at Target, along with various other objects. Get those below the break! Some are repeats on random merch posts.
Thanks to HollowPegasus for sending it!
(Unconfirmed) Showtimes Being Listed for Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks - September 27th
by Sethisto
We don't have any confirmation on how exact this website's movie listings are, but a theater in Raleigh, NC is listing Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks starting at September 27th at 10:30 AM. They show a few more dates going up until October 4th for the movie.
We have seen September as a tentative release in the past, but this is the first exact date. It seems like it matches up pretty well!
Update: And on another note, Harkins is listing the length of the movie at 80 minutes.
Thanks to Ashley for sending it!
Like tower defense? Like ponies? Good! Canterlot Siege 3 is coming out in three days according to a triailer from Futz01. If you never played the other two, they bring back some seriously Starcraft/Warcraft 3 memories with their styles. I still can't decide on the most optimum build.
This one will be using the villains above as towers, so expect way more complexity!
If you haven't played the other two, you can find them in the links below:
Canterlot Siege 1
Canterlot Siege 2
Thanks to Alex for sending it! -
Steampunk + Derpy. It's perfect.
Cosplay time! Get the usual swarm of them below!
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Cosplay Steampunk Derpy Hooves
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