My current pony of the week can't be used on EQD, but she is a random OC pony, so have an OC pony to represent her as the header image for this here Nightly Discussion post I'm commandeering with Calpain driving a million miles across the USA to Everfree Northwest.
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Comic: Moody Mark Crusaders Pt 8 / Squishy and Squashy Pt 16 / Coffee Break / See The Changeling
by Calpain
I guess in a destroyed world like this that Sweetie's enthusiasm would get a little annoying after awhile. Oh well, keep up the happiness, Sweetie!
Comics guys! The Squishy and Squashy comics has finished so once you follow the link below, look for links in the description to finish it up.
Twitter: Calpain -
Author: Cerulean Voice
Description: Twilight Sparkle has obtained the combined power of all four princesses of Equestria. Wielding this power, she confronts Lord Tirek, but the result of their fight is a tie. When he holds her friends hostage, she is forced to make a difficult choice.
All is not lost, however: one force remains in Equestria that could give her the edge she needs to defeat her foe, save her friends, and restore the world. She need only retrieve it from Zecora and place it around her neck...
The Ultimate Alicorn
The Ultimate Rebellion (New Sequel Part 7!)
Additional Tags: Decisions made, consequences suffered
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Author: Cerulean Voice, Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Mane 6, Spike, Story, Tirek, Twilight Sparkle, Zecora -
Custom Compilation #121
by Calpain
Now that is one impressive Tirek! I heard this one went into the Traveling Pony Museum and for good reason: it's amazing!
But that isn't the only amazing thing we have for you today. Check after the break for the rest!
[1] Source
We don't have a lot of CMC Headers around here. Since they keep popping up in the merch lines lately, lets role with that.
And below the break, loads of art! Go check it out.
[1] Source
The Trail That They Blaze
iTunes has updated their page for the 21st issue of the My Little Pony comic with a three page preview, filled to the brim with Trixie! Do you like Trixie? Just look at that grin. What an ambitious and starpowered pony she is.
Anyway, head on down below the break for it! It looks like the book preview isn't working yet on iOS, so we only have small images until they do. Expect this one on the 21st!
Thanks to Masem for sending it.
Memorial Book Drive Results
by Calpain
Books! Books everywhere! It's been just over a month and the number of donations we have seen to public libraries, schools, and more have been steadily coming in. In the end we were able to donate 378 books of all different genre's for all different age groups. You guys rock!
Thank you all for participating! Maybe we'll do something like this for Toys For Tots in the winter. What do you guys think? Anyhow, check after the break for pictures of all the books donated.
Inb4 the World Cup is as big as the super bowl here in the states in 4 years. It needs to happen!
Thanks to Red Card for sending it. -
For those collecting the Equestria Girls doll line, we have a three pack arriving at Target's main website as part of the Wild Rainbow set. Right now their expected release date is the 12th of August. If you want them, pre-order over here! -
'A Brony Tale' AMA Q&A Compilation
by Calpain
There was a wonderful turnout at the AMA yesterday night with many questions asked that Brent and Ashleigh were happy to answer! Thanks to their friend Ian we have a compilation of questions that were answered last night.
Get them all after the break!
It has been a while since I did a toy review. Blame the lack of good Trixie merchandise. Skip a season and a pony becomes a ghost. I see something Trixie related and immediately need to have her. Some would say I'm biased. I give up on refuting that.
As many of you have probably run into by now if you browse EQD at all, We Love Fine has been pumping out these new molded figurines for all of us to devour. Apparently you guys liked them, because that seems to be the pony focus for WLF as we move into the haitus. Trixie and Twilight quickly joined the roster, with Nightmare Moon following afterward.
So, how did they do? Do these two match up to the earlier Derpy release? Find out below the break!
It looks like Zecora is now available over on the USA Version of the Build a Bear website. This one is supposed to be staying web exclusive unless enough sell for them to shift into stores, though there is always a possibility that a few of them will grab her as a test market. Pick her up over here!
And in other news, Trixie, Apple Bloom, and Applejack are now available on the European BAB Site. Have some links:
Apple Bloom
Thanks to Logan, Alzatia, and everyone else for sending it! -
OnlyFactory Doctor Whoof, Spitfire, Daring Do, Fluttershy, Luna, Coco Pommel, and Lotus Revealed
by Sethisto
Onlyfactory has apparently ramped up production on these guys once again. The 12 INCHES line (is that what we should call it?) has a whole bunch of characters on their potential backer list. Since these are somewhat unofficially crowd funded, they will only see the light of day if they hit their goals (300 1 dollar backings from the look of it per plush), so we probably wont see them flood ebay unless that happens. As always, use caution if you do plan to back these, as there is no guarantee that this site won't explode in a week.
Head on down below the break for the rest of them!
World of Diving has popped up in the Nightly Roundup a few times these last few months, and quite a bit of progress has been made on the fan designed ship ideas. The pony side is even starting to pop up on gaming media.
For those that haven't been following it, World of Diving is a Massive Multiplayer online simulation game set deep beneath the waves. With a big focus on support for Occulus Rift, it's taking the idea of simulation to a whole nother level.
What better way to celebrate this than with ponies? Quite a bit of ponies in fact. Head on down below the break for a video, as well as a bunch of concept images for pony related things.
Get a bunch of images, and a video below!
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