Nightly Discussion #9
by Calpain
Leave it to AssasinMonkey to make some simply awesome humanized artwork! His stuff consistently blows me away.
Time to unwind with another Nightly Discussion!Share This!560 Comments
You like COCO POMMEL right? Get a song dedicated to her first from finally returning Feather, and after that a collab between Orchestral music superstar Carbon Maestro and a vocalist named Haylizbeth! Expect Crystal empire CELEBRATION!
Music below! Gogo
1.) City Slicker (Original) by Feather (Vocal - Jazzy!)
2.) Carbon Maestro - Golden Age (feat. Haylizbeth) (Vocal - Epic Orchestral)
Comic: Friendship's Witnesses / The Break of Dawn / Puff Problems / Pinkie Pie and the Magic Apple
by Calpain
Now that Twilight is an official princess with a castle and everything maybe she should get someone to run PR for her.
More comics, click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Members of the My Little Pony CCG development team have a slightly different perspective than most people when it comes to the cards in the game. We see them from the very beginning, when they are just a concept in a spreadsheet, then on a piece of paper we printed out and sleeved to playtest. It's really exciting to see cards evolve from just an idea to a player's new favorite card, especially when it was YOUR idea in the first place!
So, the dev team took some time to talk about our own favorite cards from Canterlot Nights and share our thoughts with you all. Check it out after the break!
Heya gang, I can't believe it has been about a month since the last Artist Spotlight! I apologize for that, with the finale and going on vacation for two weeks it sort of went by the wayside. Now hopefully I can get these back on a somewhat regular schedule!
As usual, these posts are in similar style to the Tumblr Spotlights, a group of 3-5 artists will be spotlit each entry along with a small short description along with a small selection of their artwork! In order to make this feature work though we need people to suggest artists to us so make sure to send artists you think need some exposure to calpain@equestriadaily.com. Please also include a short biography I can work with as well as what medium you work in most.
What sort of artists count? Suggestions should follow these criteria:
- No clop or extensive gore galleries as those typically violate our content guidelines. If the artist has a safe for work gallery separate from their not safe for work stuff they or their fans can submit the safe for work gallery. If there is a mix of SFW/NSFW on a gallery the decision whether or not to include them will be judged on a gallery to gallery basis.
- Don't be afraid to spotlight yourself as well as others!
- Artists of all types accepted -vector, OC, traditional, digital. As long as it is pony and of quality it has a chance of being spotlit.
Twitter: Calpain -
I don't know if Dashie could handle all that coding. It would be hard enough with hooves.
Another ponies in the media segment, this time from xbox! Find it over here.
Thanks to Travis and everyone else for sending it! -
So that's where Trixie was during the finale. Hiding in the back streets of Canterlot. It all makes sense now! She's not dead!
Get some art below in celebration. Yay Trixie!
[1] Source
The Bad Part of Canterlot
This one popped up late last night on Reddit, and quite a few of you have been submitting it throughout the day. According to the screenshot, Watchdogs has a pony reference.
We aren't too sure how legit it is though. There have been quite a few little memes and internet culture shoutouts being posted in the last week or so as people got their early copies, along with all sorts of internet references. If this is legit, it took people a long time to post it online. Right now this is the only screenshot, and as someone who has already put a few hours in I haven't run into it. Either "Writes MLP fan fiction" is extremely rare, or someone photoshopped it.
If any of you run into it, feel free to let us know! Until then, have a "maybe?". -
For the swarms of you out there apparently pluggin away at this one, it looks like the Gameloft My Little Pony game is about to get an update dedicated specifically to that. As part of their "like for reveals" drive over on Facebook, this was revealed.
Exact Quote:
After a lot of brainstorming, we've decided to bring the most comprehensive experience of the MLP universe to mobile devices! This means means that you'll see more and more of your favorite iconic places into My Little Pony Game !
Our next update will bring you Sweet Apple Acres - the third location available in the game.
Thank you for your support everypony!
Thanks Carlo, Nick, and everyone else to everyone that sent it over! -
With just a week and a half to go before the premiere of Bronies: The Musical the crew behind the production have a cool idea to get people from the community involved! There is a segment about a brony being bullied named Tyler and the crew would like to incorporate pictures of actual bronies showing support for the character much like we showed support for Michael Morones!
Interested in being a part of the musical? Check after the break for details!
Story: What Bound Them
by Calpain
Author: Headless
It's been more than a thousand years since the Mane Six's adventures in Ponyville, and things look very different. Equestria is gone, devoured by chaos. Nightmare creatures roam the lands, changelings prey on the few remaining pony settlements, and all trace of the peace and harmony during Princess Celestia's reign has vanished.
Until, that is, a small group of ponies set out to map the Tangle, and find a slumbering dragon inside. Now Spike, a millenium out of his time and with only his memories to comfort him, is ponykind's only hope. Together, he and his new friends set out to find the one pony who can set things right: Twilight Sparkle.
What Bound Them
Additional Tags: Things are very different, now.op 2:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Headless, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Sad, Spike, Story -
Evil Celestia and Luna? Crazy dimensional mirrors? Ponies getting into all sorts of trouble? This arc rocks. You should totally read it. Go grab the first two if you haven't already.
And for those in the cool kid crowd, have some links for today's #19 release!
Cover A
Cover B
Retail Incentive
Hot Topic
Wizardworld (Convention Exclusive)
Zombieleader (Convention, and Store Exclusive only if some remain after)
Thanks to The Illustrious Q for digging these up!
Soothing voices, Equestrian history, and ponies doing silly things in humanland. We have two radio plays today! Get both of them below if you need something to listen to! Expect some moving images too.
1.) Historical Equestria, episode 5
2.) Anthropology: The Audio Drama - Chapter 15 - So Much To Learn
Something a bit minor but still neat coming out of Japan this time. Akira Himekawa is the team working on the My Little Pony Manga for the Japanese audience. Apparently horses in general aren't too big in Japan, but these two really love the designs anyway. Head on over here to check it all out! Pony section at the bottom.
Thanks to Ultramanseven for the heads up. -
Who's a silly pony? You're a silly pony Applejack!
Morning comics heading your way. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
If you haven't gotten your hands on a copy of Pony Tales now is your chance as Comixology is offering the first volume for free for a limited time only! Head on over to Comixology now and grab your copy while you can. Oh, and remember, Comixology is digital so it is a digital download!
Thanks for the heads up RandomCPV!
My Little Pony: Pony Tales Vol. 1
Twitter: Calpain -
Another one of those 12 inch plushies has appeared, this time with Lyra at the head. Apparently the Chinese company making these bases the models off screenshots from the show now after being caught using screenshots of actual fan made plushies. I wonder how long that will last? I've been considering snagging a Chrysalis, but I don't know how legit the site for them is.
Anyway, if you don't want to roll the dice, Lyra will probably pop up on Ebay eventually.
Thanks to Micheal, Beth, and everyone else for sending it! -
Nightly Roundup #985
by Calpain
The others saw how awesome Rainbow looked last night and decided to dress up as well. They look pretty badass now, don't they?
Time for the Nightly Roundup guys! Now that the Nightly Discussion is for chatting please try to keep on topic in the Roundup. On to the news!
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