Nightly Roundup #976
by Calpain
Spitfire does have an amazing looking design. Thanks for the header DaringDashie, it looks great!
I'm heading my way back to Michigan tomorrow. It's been really nice out here in Connecticut and I had a bunch of fun! Hope you all are having a great weekend so far and that you have a pleasant Sunday.
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It looks like the Brony Tale train is just starting as a the documentary pulls off a successful premiere in Vancouver! With a packed theater the film continues its run of successful showings and is primed to premiere in Seattle very soon so check on after the break to not only get information on that event, but to check out pictures from the premiere at Vancouver.
Thanks again to Ian for all the information in this report!
Short n' Silly Animation: Road Runner Pinkie / Luna Touches her Nose / A Fair Trade / Luna's Dream
by Sethisto
Short and silly, or short and sleepy in one case at least. I wonder if some of you have even seen the old roadrunner/Wiley coyote cartoons? Click the images to go check them out.
Story: Loop
by Calpain
Author: AquamanDescription: Doctor Sparks has never believed in ghosts, and the stories about Canterlot General Hospital being notorious for them didn't dissuade him at all from taking on a prestigious position there as assistant chief of surgery. When he awakens one night to an empty building stuffed with inexplicable and horrifying creatures, though, the doctor is forced to reconsider everything he thought he knew about the hospital, his beliefs, and his own mind. Because at Canterlot General, the past has a way of creeping up on you. Because at Canterlot General, sometimes the present and future do too. Because at Canterlot General, there are things that haunt you, things that hunt you, things you can never truly escape from. Because at Canterlot General, everything loops.
Additional Tags: Like Déjà Vu, Except Scarier -
We sure have gotten a lot of mileage out of Twilight's library. Makes me wonder what sort of comics we're going to come up with during the hiatus.
Yay for comics! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
This reminds me of something from Herculese. That was a fun movie. I bought Age of Mythology back in the day because of it.
We have art! Get it below.
[1] Source
You have something that belongs to me.
While they didn't have a huge impact on the show in season 4, it looks like Hasbro still plans on going ahead with a breezie line of toys. I'm guessing that's Scoota Pie or or something up there. This one was spotted over at Taobao, so expect to see them some time in the near future when they actually officially release!
Thanks to Ayu for the heads up. -
Bronystudy Releases "How the Fandom Changed My Life" Survey Results, Post Season 4 Survey Begins
by Sethisto
The science guys over at Brony Study have some pretty big updates for you all this time around. The first of which includes a release of the results of their "How the Fandom Changed My Life" survey they ran a while back.
And with season ending, a new study has begun! If you want to help them study our weird little fandom here, head on over to their test page to take it.
They also have a bit of news about the two panels they are running at BronyCon. Hit the full press release up below the break!
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Our first weekend without ponies doesn't mean the art can't go on! Looks like a lot of our usual artists are taking breaks after drawing all season, but I expect them back next week. In the meantime, come support who is here today!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain
Twilight Sparkle has been the unofficial main character of this show since season one, commanding the most powerful magic, and evolving more than anyone else in terms of not only personality but physical traits.
With four seasons under out belt, and a kick-ass finale to show just what she is really capable of, it's time to CELEBRATE THE STARBUTT.
Head on down below the break to check it out!
Comic time! Derpy, Twilight's bees with Derpy (WATCH FOR CONTEXT), Twilight being Derpy, and Applederpy. Click for full!
With the flood of electronic music in the last half a decade or so seemingly taking over just about everything, it's super refreshing to get some good old epic rock, and this right here is a whopping nine minutes of it. This better pop up on the top 10's at the end of the month.
Join Reverbrony and Razor Tongue for something awesome down below!
We have seen an increasing level of quality for the folks busting these out in China mass production style, and I'm thinking this is the best one yet. However they are pulling it off, color me impressed. Maybe they aren't knockoffs afterall, but a future line from some company out there?
No Ebay store dropping boatloads of her yet. I'm sure we will see one eventually though.
(Update: On Ebay over here, but only as a single auction, not a storefront selling multiples. I'd wait for that)
Thanks to Bethany for sending it.
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