• Goodbye Season 4

    We are coming up on a week since the season finale. It's sad to see it go. While season two was probably my favorite "down to earth" set of episodes, I loved everything about how over the top this one was.  Have a video below to celebrate it, from the same guy that did the last few years.

  • Music of the Day #310

    If you had to choose one or the other, would you hook Celestia up with Discord or Comic style and good-Sombra?   Thee is no choice in the matter! Your sun waifu is TAKEN. 

    And while you decide, get some music. 

  • Story: Relinquish the Sun


    Author: Error732

    Description: The two great dragon clans have united and summoned Celestia to their lair, demanding that Celestia give up her hold on the Sun and Moon. Celestia and her advisors must now decide between surrendering Celestia's greatest gift to Equestria and a war with some of the most powerful and ancient beings in existence.
    Meanwhile, the changeling queen confronts Celestia in Canterlot Castle, pleading for the enfranchisement of her kin. Can Celestia trust the changelings, or is there too much to lose with an existential threat on the horizon?

    Relinquish the Sun

    Additional Tags: Dragons demand Sun; changelings appear!
  • Comic: Epic Quest / Twilight's Kingdom Deleted Scene Part 2 / Masterful Diamond / Just an Apple

    Comic time! Princess summits, more ponymotes, Dimaond Tiara, and something simple for a simple pony.  Click for full!

  • The Brony Fandom: Standing Together

    There are a lot of fandoms out there, touching everything from Harry Potter to oldschool X-files.  With the rise of the internet they have only gotten stronger as people find ways to communicate that just weren't available years ago.  Pony started up during the prime of this movement, with multiple forms of Social sites fueling this new surge of people getting togeather and just celebrating something fun. The very nature of this show fosters online relationships like nothing else could. 

    Because of this, we are probably one of the largest fandoms out there that still maintains it's a "small community" feel.  If you spend any time at all getting to know a few other pony fans, chances are you will have some connection with just about everyone active within a month or two.

    And so, we have a video by one of the more recent people who benefitted from the army of supporters as his videos were axed from Youtube randomly. Go check it out below! 

  • Funko Applejack and Big Mac Toys Already Arriving in Stores

    A few of you have reported on this one, so it's looking like it might be a relatively common trend.  It looks like the Applejack and Big Mac Funko figures that were set to arrive on the 29th of this month are already trickling into stores.  Obviously each store is different, so if you do play to head on over to one and pick them up, be sure to call first to make sure they even have them available.

    Thanks to FullmetalHoal for the image!
  • Hasbro's 3D Printing Push Adds Trademark

    (Note: Image only used as an example, not the actual design)

    Hasbro has filed a Trademark application focusing specifically on their new 3D Printing lineup hinted at a while back. One thing to note is that the actual name is going with "ALLSPARK",  which is usually reserved for Transformers.  It wouldn't be too far fetched to see them move toward pony though, considering how massive of a push it seems to have in their investing summits. 

    Computer software for creating, designing, modifying, customizing, sharing and saving computer generated representations capable of being printed by a three dimensional printer to create physical objects, namely, jewelry, ornaments, arts objects, artifacts, household goods, toys, games, hobby models, accessories, office products, and various other consumer products

    You can find it over here!

    Thanks to @Cheezedoodle96 for the heads up.

    (inb4 more Equestria Girls merch =[ )
  • Story Updates - May 15th

    Story updates! Destroy all Scootaloos, or whatever.  Get them below!

  • Drawfriend Stuff #1166

    It's haitus time, so let's celebrate with one of those ponies that got a bunch of us through the first one.  I miss the days when we had that one big ass fic to follow each week.  You guys flooded the market is the problem!

    Anyway, get some art!

    [1] Source
    Velvet Remedy

  • BronyCon Announces Sabrina “Sibsy” Alberghetti

    It looks like Sibsy will be joining the ever-growing group of staffers at BronyCon this year.  You know how these posts work, head on down below the break for the details!

  • Spotlight Music: Counting Sheep / Let The Rainbow Remind You (Chaos Sprite Remix) / Propaganda

    Another remix, a bit of softer acoustic stuff, and some rock with a country vibe to it.  Get them all below!

    1.) Let The Rainbow Remind You (Chaos Sprite Remix) (Remix)
    2.) Counting Sheep (Ft. Megaphoric, ISMBOF, and 4EverfreeBrony) (Vocal - Acoustic)
    3.) Propaganda - Luna Jax (Vocal - Rock)

  • Cartoon Show Episode Comparison Chart Updated

    Our friend who made the first version of this chart heard your feedback and worked hard to get make a more representative chart of how MLP: FiM compares to other shows in episode count. Remember! This is based on episode count, not popularity. It's just kind of cool to see where FiM lies in episode count compared to other shows.

    Yes, the entries are arbitrary, it's just to give an example of where FiM stands against a bunch of shows.

    Blogger compresses the heck out of it so check the graphic out here to see the full thing and download it. Thanks for the update Silva!

    Twitter: Calpain
  • Story: Her Own Pony

    [Sad][Slice of Life]

    Author: Jorofrarie

    "You probably shouldn't even exist."
    "You're only a clone, you don't HAVE any feelings!"
    Who was she to believe? She was barely a day old, and already she'd seen the disappearance of her mirror images, all but her. Was she just a clone? A disposable unfeeling analog?
    What would happen if she became her own pony? If she became real? Is it possible for one of the Pinkie's, the only copy left behind, to develop? To become an entirely different pony to the one that she was modelled after?

    Her Own Pony

    Additional Tags: Pinkie clone gains a personality
  • Discussion: What Do You Want to See Explored in Season 5?

    Now that Season 4 is behind us, and a few of the topics brought up in our season 4 version of this post were, in fact, explored, it's time to repeat it for season 5!

    So, citizens of pony everywhere, what do you want to see explored in the 5th season of My Little Pony? Which parts of the world need some lore lovin, and which characters or races need more air time?

    One of the big ones last time around was the history between Luna and Celestia, and I think we got a staggering amount of that already.  Discord on the other hand remains a mystery. 

    Anyway, I'll quit my blabberin and let you get to it! Head on down to the comments and drop your wishes for season 5! Who knows, maybe someone from DHX will swing by and see an idea they!

  • Project GLACEON

    Every year conventions come up with new events and ideas and GalaCon is no exception. This year they are pleased to announce Project GLACEON, an ambitious effort to highlight artists in the pony community.

    Interested? Check after the break for all the details on Project GLACEON and how you can participate!

  • Comic: Tirek Victim / For My Big Sis / Cadance Gets a Makeover Pt 9

    Aww, that was a pretty touching comic and a nice tribute to the end of season 4. The hiatus is off to a good start I've got to say! Let's keep it up!

    Yay comics! Click for full!

    Twitter: Calpain
  • Story: Deception (Update Part 12!)

    Description: Twilight Sparkle has learned a new spell called "Dreamscape," which allows her and her friends to enter dream worlds within the margin of their subconscious. But these dreams are as malleable as they are dangerous, and each trip they take threatens to cause them serious harm and skew Twilight's perception of reality.

    Meanwhile, Spike is beginning to struggle with an old demon of his again. Only this time, his greed is more tempting, more malicious, and sentient: scheming to consume his every thought like a virus until there is nothing left of him but avarice.

    To keep their friend from becoming their new nemesis, the Mane Six must travel deep into Spike's subconscious and plant a thought in his mind that will forever make him contradict his dragon heart's innate inclination for greed. However, their mission will be difficult, dangerous, and the ends may not justify the means.

    But sometimes, to save your friends, you must change them.

    DECEPTION (New Part 12!)

    Additional Tags: Spiritual crossover of MLP:FiM with Inception

  • Comic: Have You Tried Switching / The Collector's Mindset / Twilight's Kingdom

    Twilight Sparkle derpin, Twilight Sparkle, Dashin, and Twilight Sparkle being an anime character after a year in the hyperbolic time chamber.  Click for full!

  • #SaveBoneless

    Sacrificed for the sake of opening a box.  R.I.P. Boneless.  Eulogy below.